OLIS CE Programs October 2017
Upcoming Programs
Computer Coding Demystified
Speaker(s): Nicolette Baffoni, OLIS; Don Gregory, Technology Instructor, Providence Public Library
You can code, and so can your patrons! From ALA & Google's Libraries Ready to Code initiative to Governor Raimondo's CS4RI to current trends in workforce development, you have probably heard a lot about computer coding but might be hesitant about trying it at your library. Join us for an interactive workshop to demystify computer coding. Learn about coding for any age in libraries, connect with resources to build your coding skills, and get a chance to try out coding activities to see first hand what it is all about. No experience with coding is necessary, though experience with coding is welcome!
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Any library staff
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017, 01:30 PM
Cumberland Public Library
LORI Resource Sharing Procedure Review
Speaker(s): William J. Doughty, Bryant University Manager of Borrower Services; Chaichin Chen, OLIS Resource Sharing Coordinator
This program will be repeated on October 27, 2017.
Come to meet your colleagues from around the state and to learn about the resource sharing procedures. We will review the procedures from start to finish. Whether you are from an academic, public, school, or other type of library, this is the session for you.
The session will cover:
- tips on discovering RI academic library resources
- available options to request items from RI public libraries
- interstate delivery
- the overall process and best practices of resource sharing among LORI and MA libraries through the interstate delivery system
Registration required.
Intended Audience: LORI Library Staff.
Monday, Oct 16, 2017, 02:00 PM
Warwick Public Library
Rhode Island Libraries Report Back from the Research Institute for Public Libraries
Speaker(s): Ryan Brennan, Deputy Director, North Kingstown Library; Ann Grealish-Rust, Director, Tiverton Library; Amy E. Neilson, Director, Exeter Library; Karisa Tashjian, Director of Education, Providence Public Library
August 2017, OLIS provided scholarships to four RI public library directors and staff members to attend the Research Institute for Public Libraries (RIPL) held in Maine. At this event, 50 New England public library leaders learned about: designing outcome-based evaluation of programs and services; assessing community needs; techniques for tracking public library data and using data and stories to document the impact of libraries.
Come hear from the four RI attendees about what they learned at RIPL and how they have been applying that learning at their library. Discover practical tips and tools you can try out yourself and that fit into RI public libraries’ context. Have some assessment or planning questions? Come ask our panel, as they are certain to have learned about some techniques and resources they can pass along.
Registration required.
Intended Audience: Staff from All Types of Libraries
Wednesday, Oct 18, 2017, 01:00 PM
Barrington Public Library
Multi-type Reference Program Planning
Speaker(s): Group Discussion / Roundtable
The Multi-type Reference Group is looking for new members from all types of libraries to share their ideas about the future of reference services and collaborate in planning professional development programs. This dynamic group hosts 3 programs per year and has covered topics such as fake news, growing as a manager, social media skills and policies, and much more. We want to know what topics interest you, how this group can best help you connect to other library staff and serve as a resource hub for your professional growth in reference services. Inquiries about the group and this meeting may be forwarded to Alicia Waters or Melissa Chiavaroli. We look forward to hearing your ideas!
Registration required.
Intended Audience: reference staff from all types of libraries
Thursday, Oct 19, 2017, 03:00 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central
Seasonal Programming for Children's Services
Speaker(s): Tomaquag Museum Staff, Group Discussion
How does seasonal programming fit in to your services for children and families? Do seasonal and holiday celebrations help guide your programming plan or do you prefer using non-seasonal themes? How do you decide which seasonal and holiday celebrations to incorporate in to your programming? We’ll discuss these questions and more at this month’s Children’s Service Round Table meeting. Please come prepared to share an example of a successful program and your preferred method for planning, implementing, and evaluating seasonal programming.
This very special meeting will take place at the Tomaquag Musuem in Exeter. We’ll be treated to an hour long tour of this award winning museum dedicated to Indigenous history, culture, and arts. Our discussion of seasonal programming will take place in the museum following the tour. Please note that food and drink is not allowed in the museum.
Registration for this meeting is limited to 20 participants. Registration is required and participants must register before September 14th. Registration after September 14th will not be accepted.
Registration required. Limited to 20 participants.
Intended Audience: Children's Librarians and Library Staff
Tuesday, Oct 24, 2017, 01:00 PM
Tomaquag Museum, Exeter
LORI Resource Sharing Procedure Review
Speaker(s): William J. Doughty, Bryant University Manager of Borrower Services; Chaichin Chen, OLIS Resource Sharing Coordinator
This program is a repeat from October 16, 2017.
Come to meet your colleagues from around the state and to learn about the resource sharing procedures. We will review the procedures from start to finish. Whether you are from an academic, public, school, or other type of library, this is the session for you.
The session will cover:
- tips on discovering RI academic library resources
- available options to request items from RI public libraries
- interstate delivery
- the overall process and best practices of resource sharing among LORI and MA libraries through the interstate delivery system
Registration required.
Intended Audience: LORI Library Staff.
Friday, Oct 27, 2017, 09:30 AM
Warwick Public Library
Neshmayda Calderon
Email: Neshmayda.Calderon@olis.ri.gov
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/services/ce/index.php
Location: One Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9313
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olisri
Twitter: @olisri