Welcome to the Hinesburg Community School!
This handbook has been created to assist you in becoming familiar with our wonderful school community, programs, procedures, and policies. Please read through the entire document as it may provide pertinent information for you and your family. In addition, all information can be found on our website. For information about policies and procedures that are common across CVSD we have included a link to the CVSD CVSD Family and Student Handbook and CVSD policies.
We are very proud of our school, the programs we provide, and the faculty and staff who work with our children on a daily basis. With a strong partnership between home and school, all students will succeed. We look forward to working with you throughout the year.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions (482-2106).
Suzan Locke, Pk-4 Principal
Tim Trevithick, 5-8 Principal
Alicia Kurth, Director of Special Education
Superintendent’s Office:
Adam Bunting - Interim Superintendent
CVSD School Board:
Lindsay Colf - Director lcolf@cvsdvt.org
Dave Connery - Vice Chair dconnery@cvsdvt.org
Erin Henderson - Directorehenderson@cvsdvt.org
Erika Lea - Clerkelea@cvsdvt.org
Brendan McMahon - Director bmcmahon@cvsdvt.org
Meghan Metzler - Chair mmetzler@cvsdvt.org
Keith Roberts - Director keroberts@cvsdvt.org
Sarah Showalter-Feuillette - Director sshowalterfeuillette@cvsdvt.org
Meghan Siket - Director msiket@cvsdvt.org
Cassandra Townshend - Director ctownshend@cvsdvt.org
Kate Webb - Asst Clerk kwebb@cvsdvt.org
Nisha Hickok - Student Rep nishahickok@cvsdvt.org
Abby Bunting - Student Rep abernathybunting@cvsdvt.org
Zoe Epstein - Student Rep zoeepstein@cvsdvt.org
Co-Chairs: Kristin Niebur and Jenny Wilkinson
Treasurer: Aubrey Gardner
Secretary: Jessica Mason
Alicia Kurth, Director of Special Education
Administrative Office Staff
Libby Koch, Administrative Assistant
Deb Lavalette, Administrative Assistant
Margaret Spivack, Special Education Admininstrative Assistant
Athletics Directors
Denise Farmer and Kerri Wallis
Behavioral Para Interventionists
Preschool Teachers
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth/Sixth Grade Team Teachers
Seventh/Eigth Grade Team Teachers
Food Services
Scott Wagner - Director of Food Services
Instructional Coaches
Mentor Coordinator
Para Specialists
Physical Education/Health
Physical/Occupational Therapist
Professional Interventionists
School Clinician
School Counselor
School Psychologist
Special Educators
Speech and Language
Student Assistance Counselor
Technology Integration Specialist
Title 1
World Language
After school dismissal, it is important for athletes to quickly change for practice or games and help the team with the equipment. Please meet your coach in the designated area for practice. Siblings and friends may not stay after school and hang out or interact with the team during practice or games. Hinesburg Community School is not responsible for students on the property after school if they are not registered in sports or after school programs.
This is a reminder that we have students (and adults) at school that are allergic to several different foods or food groups – peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, wheat, dairy, soy, avocado, seafood, etc. Reactions can range from mild to life-threatening. Strict avoidance is the best way to prevent an allergic reaction. Please do not allow students to share food with their friends, in the classroom or cafeteria. The cafeteria has designated peanut/nut free tables for students. Parents are asked to check with their teacher before sending food treats to the classroom. For information on how to read labels for various allergens, please go to the health office page on the school website.
To report all attendance updates for your child, we kindly ask that you do one of the following, before 8:00 am:
● email us at hcsattendance@cvsdvt.org or...
● call 802-482-2106 and select option 1
It is not necessary to let the teacher know that your child will be late, absent or leaving early.
It IS necessary to let the office know. Please let us know the first and last name of your child, their grade or homeroom teacher and the reason they will be late/absent.
If there is a change of plans for end of day transportation, please let us know (using one of the two options above) by 1:00 so that we have time to process bus notes, contact the classroom teacher and ensure the student has a change of transportation form to give to the bus driver.
If you would like to pick your child up during the school day, please call 802-482-2106, option 3, FIVE MINUTES BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL AT HCS. This will allow us enough time to locate your child, have them pack up their items and meet you in the HCS office, where they can be signed out.
As required by the state and our Attendance/Truancy Policy, if a pattern of absenteeism develops, you will receive a communication from the school for every 5 days of absence. At 20 days of absence, outside agencies may be notified.
Planned 10 Day or Longer Absence: Due to the impact of extended absences on student learning, we strongly encourage vacations aligned with scheduled school vacations. While absences from school can be disruptive to the educational process, we are aware that, on occasion, students need to be absent from school for extended periods of time. If a planned absence will extend 10 or more consecutive days, the Planned 10+ Day Absence Form must be filled out and signed by the principal, student, and parent/caregiver, in order for the student to remain enrolled in school and eligible to earn credit/grades. The family is responsible for proposing a learning plan, which the student will complete as a result of the planned absence, and submitting it to the principal for approval. Absences through this plan will be noted as planned absences, and truancy action will not be pursued based upon these days of absence if the approved learning plan is completed. However, letters indicating the number of absences a student has will continue to be sent to the parent/caregiver. Please note that the school is not responsible for fully “catching up” a child during a voluntary planned absence nor are they responsible for replicating any experiences the student misses during the planned absence.
The Planned 10+ Day Absence Form (Attachment A) is not to be used when a student will enroll at another school or educational program for a period of time within the school year and return. In that case, the parent must withdraw the student. When the student returns, they can be re-enrolled.
Regular Weekly Absence for Attendance at a Part-time Program: If a student attends another program outside of school on a part-time basis, a parent/caregiver is expected to complete the Form for Regular Weekly Absence, and return it to the HCS main office.
Be a STAR Program: HCS is truly more than a place - we are a community of learners dedicated to academic success and safety through Belonging, Sharing, Trust, Accepting Responsibility and Respect. We use the acronym Be a STAR to remind ourselves daily that focusing on these values will build a stronger community and lead to significant individual success. We, the faculty and staff of HCS, sincerely believe that when it comes to behavior we will get what we pay attention to--and, consequently, we strive daily to make positive expectations clear to all of our students and to celebrate the progress we are all making together.
Discipline When adults recognize behaviors that may limit any child’s ability to be successful, they will work with the relevant student to help identify not only the reason(s) behind behaviors but also more effective ways of getting needs met.
Common adult interventions include but are not limited to:
● Friendly Reminders
● Brief Check-ins
● Take-a-Break
● Parent Contact
● Social Conferencing
● Behavior Plans
● Buddy rooms
If the behavior impeding student success continues despite staff intervention, the matter may be referred to an administrator.
Certain behaviors resulting in a dangerous situation will be referred to the administration regardless of whether earlier interventions have taken place. Such behaviors include:
● Bullying or harassment
● Destruction or theft of property
● Leaving school grounds
● Threats, fights and other forms of assault
● Weapon violations
Behaviors not permitted at school: Among those behaviors which are not conducive to a safe and successful school environment—and which are therefore not permitted—are:
● Alcohol or Other Drug Possession, Use, or Sale
● Bullying/Harassment/Hazing
● Cutting Class
● Disrespect to Staff or Peers
● Fighting or Assault
● Harassment
● Leaving School without Permission
● Profanity
● Significant Class Disruption
● Theft
● Threat/Intimidation
● Unsafe Acts on Bus
● Unsafe Acts at School
● Vandalism
● Weapons Possession or Use
School Response Options: Responses may vary based on need, past history, and severity of behavior. The school administration is committed to assigning consequences that are (1) in proportion to the offense and (2) aimed more at long-term student growth than short-term punishment. Therefore, consequences are determined by administrators with the well-being and needs of both the school community and the individual student in mind.
As administrators determine the most appropriate course of action in each case, they consider a variety of options and strategies including: conferencing with behavior interventionist, co-principals, or other administrator; referring to SAP or guidance counseling service; planning for repair/restitution; providing logical consequences; removing from regular school or after school activities; detention; and suspension from school.
When appropriate, the Hinesburg Community Police will also be notified. In the case of weapons violations, a school board hearing considering expulsion of the student must be held.
Due Process:
Parents/guardians have the right to due process to ensure that their children are being treated fairly under the school discipline procedure. Any parent/guardian wishing to exercise his/her due process rights should contact Mrs. Locke or Mr. Trevithick.
Please click HERE for the 2024-2025 bus routes. For any questions or concerns regarding bus transportation/pick up and drop off times, please contact the bus garage at 802-482-7120.
Please click HERE to view the approved 2024-2025 school year calendar.
We have noticed that cell phone use during school hours continues to be a significant distraction. Students often find it difficult to resist checking their phones, leading to missed instructional time, and in some cases, contributing to negative, unkind behaviors such as cyberbullying. To address these concerns and foster a more focused and positive learning environment, we believe that reducing cell phone access during the school day is necessary.
Here’s how the system will work if students choose to bring a cell phone to school:
Arrival: Upon entering their homeroom each morning, students can choose to either give their cell phones to their teacher, who will place them in the designated locked storage unit, or powered off in their bags for the day.
If a student takes out their phone without permission, school personnel will confiscate it for the day, and it will be returned at the end of the day. The second time a student violates this, then a caregiver will need to pick up the cell phone at the end of the day. If by chance a student is still struggling with cell phone use being out without permission, then there will be a school / family conference.
Secure Storage: The storage units will be securely locked during the school day, ensuring that students do not have access to their phones, unless authorized by the teacher.
End of Day: Teachers will unlock storage units and give cell phones to students at the end of the school day.
We understand that cell phones are an important tool for communication. We also know that some students may need access to their phones due to medical conditions. If this is the case, we will assume the student and family will have a care plan set up with our school nurses. If you need to reach your child during school hours, please email your child or call our main office at (802) 482-6200
Champlain Valley School District (CVSD) acknowledges that partnerships with our families and caregivers are an essential component of our educational process. CVSD invites this vital collaboration. In order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure educational environment for the students and staff of CVSD, it is essential that all adults are aware of their responsibilities and adhere to the expected code of conduct as outlined. Because the health and welfare of all members of our school community is important, this code of conduct applies to all adults including parents, caregivers, step-parents, grandparents, extended family, advocates and any others involved in activities or communications related to CVSD Schools.
We expect parents/caregivers, visitors, and volunteers to have a fundamental understanding and commitment to the following general propositions:
Recognize that the education of children is a joint responsibility of the parents/caregivers and the school community.
All family members and visitors, as well as all members of the school community, deserve to be treated with respect, and school employees are entitled to a safe work environment.
Provide a good example for students in their conduct, language and behavior while on campus or at school sponsored activities.
All communication with staff, teachers and administrators should be collaborative, open-minded, assume best intentions and based on trust and respect.
Family members have the right to raise issues and concerns related to the education of their child or school matters. Concerns and complaints should be resolved first with those most directly involved within the structure of the district. Individuals are encouraged to first bring the concern to the attention of the individual employee. If the concern or complaint is not satisfactorily resolved with the individual employee, it should be brought to the attention of the employee's immediate supervisor. If there is no resolution then the family should speak with the building principal directly before bringing the concern to a central office administrator.
In times of conflict, please schedule a time to discuss your concerns to ensure all parties are heard and for solutions to be reached. When concerns about school arise in non-emergency situations, we encourage families to take some time before contacting the school. Do not confront school employees in the moment, as these interactions can be emotional for all parties involved and do not promote resolution.
Be aware that your actions on social media may have serious consequences. Adults should consider the impact of social media comments on the greater community and the model being set for children prior to posting on social media. Social Media postings and commentary should remain professional and follow the guidelines set forth in the district's Responsible Computer, Network, and Internet Use policy.
Understand that the priority for school staff is the welfare and education of all students in the school. Responses to family emails or telephone calls may not happen instantaneously. Responses are not required outside normal working hours or during school holidays.
In order to provide a peaceful, safe, and welcoming school environment, the District prohibits the following behaviors by parents/caregivers and visitors. Employees who are concerned about an adult's behavior shall report it to a building-level administrator.
Using profane, insulting, harassing, aggressive or otherwise offensive language or displaying temper.
Disruptive behavior that interferes or threatens to interfere with District operations, including the effective operation of a classroom, an employee’s office or duty station, a campus lobby, or school grounds, including sporting events, parking lots and car-pickup areas.
The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on school grounds. Being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while on school grounds and when attending school sponsored events.
Threatening to do bodily harm to a District employee, visitor, fellow parent/caregivers or student.
Threatening to damage the property of a District employee, visitor, fellow parent/caregivers or student.
Intimidating, harassing or discriminating against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Approaching someone else’s child to discuss issues, conflicts, behaviors or to chastise them. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).
Adults who have communicated (verbal or written) in a threatening or harassing manner with a school employee may have their access to school employees restricted and asked to communicate with an assigned point person only.
Adults who are not able to meet our expectations for conduct will be asked to leave the premises immediately, and to schedule a time to meet with school administration when they are able to conduct themselves in a safe and professional manner.
The school administration, and/or the Superintendent reserves the right to deny future access to the school and school activities if the Code of Conduct is violated.
We trust that all adults within our communities will help our school in implementing the code of conduct, and we thank you for your support of our school and work environment.
Students should always be appropriately and comfortably prepared for school with regard to dress and attire. School personnel/administration may require students to change if their clothing violates any of the following expectations:
■ Items of clothing should not display messages that depict, or symbolize sexual references, drugs/alcohol/tobacco, weapons, harassing references (targeting based on race, color, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, sexual orientation, or disability).
■ Hats and hoods may be worn in school as long as they are not impacting learning.
■ All clothing should cover the belly or midriff, rear, and chest, and should not be transparent (see-through). Undergarments (not including straps) should also not be exposed or revealed.
■ The administration also may make decisions that attire is inappropriate for a situation, season, or when community impact may be significant.
Protocol for Dress Code:
If a staff member has a concern about a student’s clothing, the staff member will reach out to the building administrator. The administrator will evaluate the clothing and make a determination around next steps including whether or not the family needs to be contacted.
During the winter and spring there are times when the hills or certain secondary roads are not accessible for our buses. When these conditions occur during the morning hours we will contact you via School Messenger. During these times, you will need to make arrangements for getting your child to school.
If we have to cancel a bus route in the afternoon, we will also notify you via School Messenger. When this occurs, we will dismiss students as we normally do and the students who normally ride the bus home will be expected to do so unless the front office receives prior notification from a parent. The drivers are instructed to let the students off the bus at the bottom of the hills they cannot access. We ask that parents be present at the drop off point or let us know if they have designated someone else to be responsible to pick their children up
Please leave a message on our attendance line by calling 802-482-2106, option 1. This is our attendance line and will immediately notify the office that you have left us a message, if we aren’t able to answer the phone.
K-4 schedule for the 2024-2025 school year is as follows:
- Semester One: 8/28 - 1/17 (report cards go home on 1/24)
- Semester Two: 1/20 - 6/13 (report cards go home on 6/16)
The 5-8 schedule for the 2024-2025 school year ends on the following dates:
- Trimester One: 8/28-11/15 (report cards go home on 11/22)
- Trimester Two: 11/18 - 3/7 (report cards go home on 3/14)
- Trimester Three: 3/10-6/13 (report cards go home on 6/16)
(Snow dates might change the last day.)
The Hinesburg Community School, its staff and parents, believe in strong partnership. The inclusive vision of Partnership in Education (PiE) connects parents and staff to promote the constructive and active participation that enables the many facets of education. Visit The Viking, HCS Website, or HCS PiE Facebook page for PiE sponsored informational programs, events, and for ways to connect and participate in the school, your children's education and the community. Welcome to HCS PiE. We are Partners in Education --- We are PiE.
Electronics, Phones and Headphones/Earbuds: Students are strongly discouraged from bringing valuable personal property to school. HCS is not responsible for lost/stolen/damaged electronics that are brought from home. Students are not allowed to use iPods, cell phones, and other personal electronic devices at school without permission from an adult. . If these types of devices are displayed or used at school without permission school staff members may turn them over to the administration and these items may be given to the students at the end of the day. For repeat violations, the administration can ask parents to pick up the electronic devices from school. Please also read the section titled "Cell Phones In School" in this handbook.
Lost and Found: All articles found at school are placed in the “Lost and Found Area,” located near the main entrance. This is where students and parents may claim their possessions. Whenever possible, all clothing, books, and other personal property should be clearly labeled with the student’s name to ensure prompt return to their rightful owners. Any items not claimed after 2 months will be donated to a local charity.
The Champlain Valley School District welcomes you to view our policies.
Team Regulations and Behavior Expectations: The following is a list of the athletic department’s team regulations and behavior expectations of players.
Please visit the HCS Athletic's website for more information or email our new Athletic Directors, Denise Farmer and Kerri Wallis. Registration information can be found here.
1. All students participating in interscholastic teams at Hinesburg Community School are expected to display good sportsmanship and to act responsibly as representatives of the school and community. Students who fail to meet an acceptable standard may be suspended from participation.
2. It is our belief that each student’s academic performance is extremely important. It is recommended that those students who are having difficulties with their academic subjects participate in a parent/student/teacher conference to develop an academic plan for improved performance. It is expected that students will stay after school if requested by their teacher. The athletic department will support decisions of parents/guardians to restrict their child’s participation during this period.
3. Uniforms which are issued to students must be well cared for and returned in good condition at the close of the season. Failure to return a uniform will result in billing charges.
Side doors open for drop-offs and students who walk/ride to school.
(Note: K-5 Students go to the Cafeteria and 5-8 Students go to the Gym until 7:50)
Breakfast is available.
Buses release students & students head directly to classrooms. Students who were dropped off or walked/rode to school should head to their classrooms to settle in and get ready for classroom instruction.
Classroom Instruction begins - students are marked as tardy after 8:00 and need a late pass from the office.
Dismissal Times (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
2:40: K-2
2:43: 3-4 and 5-8
2:45: Buses Scheduled to Leave HCS
**Wednesday Dismissal is one hour earlier.
Unless your student is riding the bus, our side parking lot is the designated drop off and pick up location for students before and after school. Please bring your student to HCS no earlier than 7:30. Students who arrive after 8:00 will be marked as tardy. Students who ride the bus in the morning will be dropped off at the front door and will directly go to their classroom.
End of the Day:
At the end of the school day, if a student is not riding the bus they must meet their party in the side parking lot. Parents must stay with their vehicle and are asked to leave promptly after picking up your student. Parents are not to congregate in front of or inside the school at any time.
Dismissal Times:
Dismissal begins at 2:40 each day and is staggered by grade. Students not taking the bus will be dismissed at the following times (Early Release Days - Wednesdays - will be an hour earlier):
Volunteer and Chaperone Procedures
To be completed and approved before volunteering and/or chaperoning. It typically takes 5-7 business days to process this paperwork.
Consent for Release of Registry Information Form C
Supervised volunteers and chaperones will complete the Consent for Release of Registry Information and provide a copy of a photo ID. This allows the supervisory district to perform a search on the Agency of Human Services Abuse Registry and the Vermont Internet Sex Offender Registry (VISOR).
We ask volunteers to read and abide by the statement regarding confidentiality and ethics for the CVSD Schools.
It is the policy of the Champlain Valley School District, hereinafter referenced as “the Board” or “the District”) to ensure that volunteers will be appropriately screened prior to entering into service in the school district and that only volunteers who have been screened as outlined in the policy and approved by the Superintendent have extended unsupervised contact with students.
General Information
The Board recognizes the valuable contributions made to the schools by volunteers. It further recognizes that appropriate supervision of volunteers will enhance their contributions as well as fulfill the responsibility that the school district has for the education and safety of its students.
For the purposes of this policy and procedures developed pursuant to this policy:
1. Volunteer: A volunteer is an individual not employed by the school district who works on an occasional or regular basis in the school setting to assist the staff. A volunteer works without compensation or economic benefits.
a. Unsupervised: A volunteer in a position or assignment which involves unsupervised contact with students in the building or offsite as a part of a school program such as, but not limited to, mentors, overnight field trips, or the transportation of students in personal vehicles for field trips.
b. Supervised: A volunteer who works directly with students who will be under the immediate supervision of a school district employee and will not have unsupervised contact with students.
1. Screening: The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative rules and procedures to ensure compliance with this policy and state and federal law.
2. Recruitment: The principal(s) or designee is authorized to recruit and approve volunteers. It is the principal(s) responsibility to be reasonably sure that the volunteer is a person of good character with the ability to make significant contributions to the school. The principal(s) will require volunteers to complete the screening requirements of this policy. A person who fails to provide full and accurate background information in response to the principal(s) request will not be permitted to work with students. If the position for which a volunteer is being recruited involves regular unsupervised contact with students, the principal(s) will carry out a criminal records and other required background checks on the final candidate in accordance with the district employment policy (Code D1). District School Boards’ will determine if they will pay for the fee(s) associated with criminal records checks.
3. Placement: Placement and replacement of volunteers will be made by the principal(s) or the principal(s) designee.
4. Conditions of Work: Volunteers will be informed by the principal(s) or designee of the extent to which school district insurance policies protect them from personal liability resulting from claims against them based on negligence or other injurious conduct while acting in a volunteer capacity.
5. Policies and Procedures: The principal(s) or designee will assure that all volunteers are familiar with the school districts policies and procedures.
Responsibilities of Volunteers
1. Volunteers are responsible for complying with school policies, rules, and procedures.
2. Volunteers will be considered staff members for purposes of compliance with the state and federal harassment statutes.