Essential Components of MTSS
A Focus on Instructional Implications
Essential Components of MTSS Agenda
Welcome and Introduction of Presenter
Preview Agenda Items
Overview of Response to Intervention (RTI)
What is MTSS?
MTSS as a Tiered Model
- Tier I
- Tier II
- Tier III
Identifying Students in Need of Support
How do we SYSTEMATICALLY intervene?
- Overview of MTSS Process in the PCSD
- Your Role in MTSS
Tier 1
Quality Classroom Instruction
Tier 2
Supplemental Instruction
Tier 3
Intensive Interventions
General Resources
Resources for Interventions, Early Childhood & Literacy
Resources for Literacy & Behavior
Multi-Tiered System of Support Documentation Packet from MDE
Parent & Family Guide to Understanding Response to Intervention
Presenter: Mr. Rob French
Assistant Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Phone: 228-255-6200