Elementary Summer Reading
Iowa City Community School District Teacher Librarians
The Iowa City Community School District Teacher Librarians have put together a variety of resources to help students of all ages spend some time reading and exploring throughout the summer.
We encourage students and parents to click on the Bib Project image to check out all the resources carefully curated by your public school librarians.
Best of the best books carefully curated by the ICCSD Teacher Librarians
Grade K-2 Book Recs
- Titles taken from the ICCSD TL Bibliography Project
- Click image to enlarge
Grades 3-4 Book Recs
- Titles taken from the ICCSD TL Bibliography Project
- Click image to enlarge
Grade 5-6 Book Recs
- Titles taken from the ICCSD TL Bibliography Project
- Click image to enlarge
Iowa Award Winners
Summer Reading Programs at ICPL, CPL, and NLPL!
Coralville Public Library Summer Reading Program
North Liberty Public Library Summer Reading Program
How-To Use Your AIM Card : Audiobooks and ebooks!
Webinar for ICCSD students: Using your student AIM card to download ebooks
GWAEA Online Resources : accessed using ClassLink
You can reach GWAEA online resources by first going to your student's ClassLink page. Login to ClassLink with your regular username and password used at school. You will then have access to all of the online resources (usually a green folder) within ClassLink without needing to login again!
Devin Redmond
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