Grant Line Buzz
November 8 - November 15, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Satkoski......
Veteran's Day is Monday, November 11. We are so very thankful for their service to our country.
We will honor our Veterans with a program starring our fourth graders at 1:00 pm (grades 1 - 3 attending the program). If you would like to attend, please enter and exit through doors 6/7 (gym doors). If you want to take your student with you after the program, please let your student's teacher know and they will have them ready to go. You must sign them out prior to leaving doors 6/7. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
November 11 - Veteran's Day Program - 1:00 pm - Please enter and exit through doors 6/7 (gym); WEAR RED, WHITE, AND BLUE!
November 22 - Look Out for the Left Out Slime Assembly + Grant Line Spirit Day OR Look out for the left out gear (but be sure to wear clothes you can get dirty!) - if you would like a t-shirt or would like to order some slime, click on this link! Enter "yellowjackets" between November 22 and December 13 to get a 20% discount on the slime they helped make!! www.LOVELIKECALLA.com
November 27- December 1 - Thanksgiving Break, no school
School Commitment of the Week
Be responsible for your own items (jackets, school supplies, water bottles, etc.)!
Counselor's Corner
I hope everyone is well and enjoying this beautiful weather. I have a few things to share with you this week. First, In guidance this week, I am discussing how to recognize the signals our bodies send us to let us know we are upset as well as practice calming strategies to calm down.
Second, GLE is collecting canned and boxed food for the Salvation Army. Boxes have been set up in the lobby for food collection. We will be collecting food until November 22, 2024. Please do not send in any food in glass containers.
Thank you,
Lisa McCory, Counselor