Phoenix News
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
October 13th, 2024
Message from the Principal
Phoenix Family,
Just a reminder that classes at Collegiate Academy will be in session on Monday, October 14th. You can view our academic calendar here or on our website.
We understand this is the second day of classes while the rest of GCISD is off, but don’t forget, Phoenixes, we have a wonderful three-week Christmas break coming up!
Parents: As we approach midterms, we encourage you to support your student by regularly checking their grades and attendance on their TCC Canvas course pages. This time of year can be particularly stressful, so please remind your students to stay focused and continue to encourage them. If you have any concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to your student’s Pathways teacher. Collegiate Academy Pathways classes are designed to be a supportive link between you and your student's college courses.
Finally, join us on Friday, October 25th, for our Annual Fall Fest at Collegiate Academy! Enjoy booths from our clubs, a haunted house, cake walk, pumpkin painting, and more. It’s a fantastic opportunity for our Phoenix families to come together and have fun. We can’t wait to see you there!
All In, All Together,
Mrs. Jackson
Phoenix Spotlights
National Coaches' Day
On Monday the Phoenix Soccer team celebrated their coaches. Coach Brown, Indelicato, and Geer thank you for all you do for our soccer teams!
Art Club
Art Club is one of the many engaging clubs at CA where students can express their creativity and work on a variety of projects.
October 18th - Friday School
October 21st - UIL One Act Play Fall Show
October 22nd - GCISD College Night / UIL One Act Play Fall Show
October 23rd - PSAT School Day/ SAT for Seniors
October 25th - Fall Fest
October 29th - National Blue Ribbon School Celebration @ Center Corner
November 8th - Homecoming
November 15th - Senior Ad Deadline
November 20th - Parent Meeting @ CA
First Nine Weeks
Can you believe it?! This past Friday marks the end of the first nine weeks for the 24-25 school year! We are a fourth of the way into the school year and half way through the first semester! Students have settled into their routines, classes, and expectations.
We want to extend a big thank you to our students for doing such an incredible job of representing CA well, especially while on the TCC campus. Our partners at TCC continue to give us positive feedback about how well behaved and hard working our Phoenixes are. We are so grateful for our parents, staff, and TCC partners for their wonderful support of our students.
As we transition into the second nine weeks, please continue to monitor your students' attendance, work load, grades, energy, etc. to set them up for success as we enter into the second half of the fall semester. As you know, Pathways teachers are a great first contact when it comes to these questions. The entire CA staff is ALL IN to support our Phoenixes. Please don't hesitate to reach out for support!
Friday School - October 18, 2024
At CA, we are fortunate to have extra time for targeted support on some specific Friday afternoons. This coming Friday, October 18th, marks our scheduled Friday School. If students are assigned Friday school, parents and students have received a notification from their teacher(s).
Friday School provides essential intervention from our teachers and is assigned with specific intentions. We ask for your partnership in reminding your students that attendance at Friday School is mandatory when it’s in session.
Snacks will be provided. Students being picked up by cars should be picked up at 4:30pm. For students wanting to take advantage of riding the bus, one that drops students off at Mustang Panther Stadium will be provided.
Thank you for your continued support! If you have any questions, please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net.
One Act Play - October 21st & 22nd
Grapevine Colleyville Collegiate Academy will present Metamorphoses at the Birdville High School Theatre on October 21-22, 2024. Tickets may be purchased with cash at the door.
The cost will be $5 for students and $10 for adults.
Birdville High School is located at 9100 Mid Cities Blvd North Richland Hills, TX 76180
GCISD College & Career Night - October 22nd
PSAT & SAT - October 23rd
On Wednesday, October 23, 2024, ninth, tenth, and eleventh graders will take PSAT/NMSQT. If at all possible, please block this important date on your calendars and help us plan for students to be at school instead of out for appointments, etc.
We will have an altered schedule for the morning. Students will need to reach out to their morning TCC professors to let me know they'll be taking the assessment. CA Administration is also helping communicate with TCC.
In order to be prepared for the test, students will complete a digital readiness check in their Pathways classes. Students can take practice tests at home using the practice testing site.
Other Important Information
Calculators may be used on the entire math section. The Desmos calculator is built into the math section. Students may bring their own approved calculator. More information: PSAT/NMSQT Calculator Use Policy
It is very important that students bring their charged GCISD-issued device and charger in order to access the secure testing app and successfully log-in to take the assessments. Information about how to replace a missing charger can be found HERE.
Please help us ensure your students' computer has the latest update required for testing by reminding your student to restart his/her device on the GCISD network (this needs to be done at school). Bluebook Check and Chrome Update
Fall Fest - October 25th
We are excited to announce that the 2024 Fall Fest will take place at Collegiate Academy from 5:30-7:30 PM on Friday, October 25th! Please join us for a night of fun! Each organization and student-led club is currently prepping for their memorable activity to present to the CA community. We can’t wait to see you there!
Halloween Dress Code - October 31
We are excited to invite our students to participate in some CA fun by dressing up for Halloween! Student costumes can be worn on October 31st only. They must be within school dress code. No full masks or make-up. We must be able to identify students' faces. Hats are allowed for the day. IDs should still be worn. Please reach out to jessica.heaton@gcisd.net with any questions. Thank you!
Homecoming - November 8th
Join us for 2024’s Homecoming Monster Mash on Friday, November 8th, from 5:00-7:00 PM at TCC’s Center Corner. More info to come (including Theme Days for that week) to come!
Jostens Senior Ad - Now through November 15th
If you are a parent or guardian of a 12th grade student and would like to purchase a senior ad celebrating your student in our yearbook, please see the attached flyer. Spaces for senior ads in the yearbook are limited and all ads must be purchased by 11/15/24
* Collegiate Academy may review and edit ads per their guidelines. Jostens retains the right to remove any explicit text, graphic photos or copyright-protected imagery or photos.
Or call 800.358.0800
Prices are listed below:
Full Page $150.00
1/2 Page $85.00
1/4 Page $50.00
1/8 Page $30.00
You can also contact Mrs. Haney with any questions you may have at kristinia.haney@gcisd.net
Clubs & Organizations
Class of 2025
Happy Fall everyone!
The class of 2025 has fundraisers happening this Month. Please see below for information on how you can help the Class of 25’ raise money.
We will be raffling Spooky Baskets (fall baskets) at the end of October and would love to have donations from parents. We will also be selling refreshments during Fall fest and would appreciate any donations. Please see the link below if you are interested in donating. We please ask to have all donations by Oct. 14 if possible. You may drop off in the office with a note saying “Class of 2025”.
For any questions/concerns please reach out to me diana.alvarez@gcisd.net
Volleyball Club
This year at fall fest, volleyball club will be hosting pumpkin painting! We would like to ask for your help in the form of donations of paints, brushes, and most importantly pumpkins. We are looking for mostly mini sized and small pumpkins, but large pumpkins would be great as well. You can drop off any donations in Ms. Jones’s room (1244) or in the front office with a note that they are for volleyball club.
Thank you for your support!
Repeated Information From Last Week
8th Grade Application Process is Now Open!
We’ve officially kicked off our application process for 8th graders! This week, we visited the following middle schools to share information about our program:
CTMS: Monday
HMS: Tuesday
CMS: Wednesday
Next week, we’ll wrap up our school visits with GMS on Tuesday.
If you know any 8th graders who might be interested in applying, please let them know that we’re hosting an Informational Night for Parents on November 20th from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Collegiate Academy Common Area. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about our program and get answers to any questions!
TCC Spring Registration Coming Soon!
Mrs. Gardner will present in all Pathways classes over the next 2 weeks to start the TCC Spring registration process. Students should update their credit tracker in Pathway class to prepare for TCC registration.
On October 21st, Priority Registration will open for our students to register for their Spring TCC classes. Pathways teachers and Mrs. Gardner will be assisting students in preparing for their college classes in the spring. Below are the links to the grade-level presentations. If you have any questions or would like to discuss your student's classes or 4-year plan, please contact Daina Gardner at daina.gardner@gcisd.net.
Join us in Celebrating Collegiate Academy's National Blue Ribbon Recognition
We are proud to announce that Grapevine-Colleyville ISD Collegiate Academy at Tarrant County College Northeast is one of 356 schools recognized by U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona in the 2024 cohort of National Blue Ribbon Schools.
This prestigious distinction highlights schools that excel in academic performance or significantly close achievement gaps among different student groups. It reflects our school community's remarkable achievement and underscores GCISD Collegiate Academy’s commitment to consistent, high-quality education, based on data from the past three years. This recognition is also a testament to the strong partnership between Grapevine-Colleyville ISD and TCC Northeast.
We would be honored if you are in attendance for our official National Blue Ribbon Celebration on Tuesday, October 29th.
Informational Parent Meeting - November 20th
We will hold two parent meetings on October 3rd at 6pm and November 20th at 6pm for parents wanting to learn more about our school. Below are the "Apply Now" and "Parent Meeting" flyers for your reference.
District Information
Have a Question about the VATRE?
Have a Question about the VATRE?
GCISD has multiple resources available to answer questions about the upcoming voter-approved tax ratification election (VATRE) that will be on the November 5 ballot:
Attend a community presentation scheduled for 6 p.m., Thursday, October 17, at the district’s Professional Development and Education Center (PDEC), 5800 Colleyville Blvd. in Colleyville, TX 76034.
Watch the district’s Facebook Live presentation available on GCISD’s YouTube Channel and the district’s Facebook page. The presentation on YouTube is also separated by chapters so you can jump to a specific topic, such as “Why a VATRE” or “Understanding What You Will See on the Ballot.”
Visit the district’s VATRE webpage at www.GCISD.net/VATRE, which has tax rate information, frequently-asked questions and answers and more.
As a reminder,
GCISD will have a lower overall tax rate with VATRE approval - With the passage of the VATRE, the overall tax rate (Maintenance & Operations + Interest & Sinking) will be $0.0014 less than the 2023 rate of $0.9247.
100% of funds stay in GCISD - The three-cent increase will be made of “golden pennies.” Tax funds collected through these pennies are not subject to recapture, meaning 100 percent of these funds remain in GCISD.
The impact to GCISD will be $6 million - The passage of the VATRE would result in approximately $6 million in funding for teachers and staff, instruction and student programs, and daily operating expenses (utilities, maintenance, supplies).
Watch the 2024 GCISD VATRE video.
¿Tiene alguna pregunta sobre el VATRE?
GCISD tiene múltiples recursos disponibles para responder preguntas sobre la próxima elección de ratificación de impuestos aprobada por los votantes (VATRE) que estará en la boleta electoral el 5 de noviembre:
Asista a una presentación comunitaria programada para el jueves, 17 de octubre, a las 6 p.m. en el Centro de Desarrollo Profesional y Educación del distrito (PDEC), 5800 Colleyville Blvd. en Colleyville, TX 76034.
Vea la presentación en el Facebook Live del distrito disponible en el canal de YouTube de GCISD y en la página de Facebook del distrito. La presentación en YouTube está dividida por capítulos para que pueda saltar a un tema específico, como “¿Por qué un VATRE?” o “Entender lo que verá en la boleta electoral.”
Visite la página web del VATRE del distrito en www.GCISD.net/VATRE, la cuál contiene información sobre la tasa de impuestos, preguntas frecuentes y mucho más.
Como recordatorio,
GCISD tendrá una tasa de impuestos general más baja con la aprobación del VATRE - Con la aprobación del VATRE, la tasa de impuestos general (Mantenimiento y Operaciones + Intereses y Amortización) será $0.0014 menos que la tasa del año 2023 de $0.9247.
100% de los fondos se quedan en GCISD - El aumento de tres centavos se hará de «centavos de oro». Los fondos de impuestos recaudados a través de estos centavos no están sujetos a recaptura, lo que significa que el 100 por ciento de estos fondos permanecen en GCISD.
El impacto a GCISD será de $6 millones - La aprobación del VATRE resultaría en aproximadamente $6 millones en fondos para maestros y personal, instrucción y programas estudiantiles y gastos diarios de operación (utilidades, mantenimiento, suministros).
National School Lunch Week October 15-18
Each year, GCISD celebrates National School Lunch Week (NSLW) in October at our elementary and middle school campuses. During NSLW, we pull out all the stops with student favorites, Texas local items, and even some special Texas State Fair-themed treats!
This year’s menu is off-the-charts with goodies like the wacky burger, Texas-made lone star luau fruit slush, footlong corn dog, cinnamon sugar churros, and back by popular demand—our legendary pizza on a stick!
The students and staff have a blast with these special menu items, and Nutrition Services is thrilled to continue this fun tradition. Make sure to join us for lunch from October 15-18 and be part of the excitement!
This institution is an equal opportunity provider
La Semana Nacional del Almuerzo Escolar es del 15 al 18 de octubre
Cada año en octubre, GCISD celebra la Semana Nacional del Almuerzo Escolar (NSLW, por sus siglas en inglés) en nuestras escuelas primarias y secundarias. Durante esta semana, ofrecemos los platillos favoritos de los estudiantes, productos locales de Texas y algunos platillos especiales inspirados en la Feria Estatal de Texas.
El menú de este año es increíble, con opciones como el Wacky Burger, el Slush de Frutas Lone Star Luau, el corn dog gigante, los churros con azúcar y canela, y la tan esperada pizza en un palito, que regresa por demanda popular!
Tanto los estudiantes como el personal disfrutan de estos platos especiales, y el Departamento de Servicios de Nutrición está emocionado de continuar con esta divertida tradición. ¡Asegúrese de acompañarnos del 15 al 18 de octubre durante el almuerzo escolar y sea parte de la diversión!
Esta institución es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades.
Collegiate Academy at TCC Northeast
Website: http://www.gcisd-k12.org/Domain/2203
Location: 828 W Harwood Rd, North Richland Hills, TX 76180
Phone: 817-515-6775
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Grapevine-Colleyville-ISD-Collegiate-Academy
Twitter: @GCCA_PHX