Student Services Update
Welcome to MTRS Student Services!
Thanks for reading the Student Services Update!
Questions about scheduling, the college process, scholarships, work permits, transcripts, or life in general? Do you need to speak with someone regarding an issue that is bothering you, do you need a place to discuss what is going on in your life or to figure out how you are feeling? Please feel free to contact us or stop by the office. The Student Services Office is here to help! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Let us know what kind of information you would like to read about in this newsletter: sgarcia@mtrsd.org
Aspen Access
Aspen is our information portal which allows students and caregivers to view grades, progress reports, and report cards. Here at MTRS, we distribute report cards and progress reports via Aspen.
The Aspen email for caregivers is sent to the email address corresponding to the first contact listed for a student.
Students and Caregivers, if you have questions about the login process, please contact Suzor IT:
Email: help@suzorit.com
Virtual Office: help.suzorit.com
Job Postings!
George Propane is looking to fill a part-time Helper position after school and Saturdays.
Must be reliable with a good work ethic. Please contact:
Mike George, George Propane, Inc.
3 Berkshire Trail West, Goshen, MA 01032
Mobile: 413-626-9449 Office: 413-268-8360 x/111
Email: mgeorge@georgepropane.com
Arms Library-Page Job Description
The position of Page at the Arms Library is an important one, integral to the successful operation of the library. The ideal person for this position; is good with people, detail-oriented, good with computers, able to take direction and instruction, able to alphabetize, listen to people, and learn the primary computer program that the library uses, CW/MARS. The hours are Saturdays, 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Any student interested in the position should send in a resume with a cover letter, as well as three references.
Regular Tasks
Maintain a good public presence at all times, providing excellent customer service.
Shelve materials.
Check materials out to the public, and answer patron questions.
Check materials in.
Answer the telephone.
Do some light lifting
Occasionally process new items for the collection.
Other Projects Not Specified Above Will be Assigned As Time Allows and Need Arises
Contact: Laurie Wheeler at armslibrary@gmail.com; 413-625-0306.
STARS College Network - Virtual Events
The Small Town and Rural Students (STARS) College Network is dedicated to working with high schools and access organizations to widen pathways to higher education for rural and small-town students.
Please join us at our upcoming STARS College Network events! We offer a wide variety of virtual sessions and local programs for students and parents, covering everything from starting the college search process to planning financially for a college education.
We also offer a number of professional development and networking opportunities for educators from rural and small-town high schools. Please register for those sessions below and sign up for our mailing list to receive information about upcoming opportunities for you and your students!
Up Close Virtual Session for Rural & Small-Town Students
September 28th, 2023, 7:00 pm EST
Description: The Yale Office of Undergraduate Admissions invites students to participate in a special Up Close Virtual Session for Rural & Small-Town Students. This special session will feature a panel of current undergraduates who are members of the Rural Student Alliance at Yale. It will also provide information about Yale's involvement as an inaugural member of the STARS College Network.
REGISTERHost: Yale University
STARS Virtual College Fair
October 11th, 2023, 8:00 pm EST
Join the STARS Network Schools to discover the exceptional opportunities all of our schools have to offer!
REGISTERHost: Yale University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Washington University in St. Louis, Vanderbilt University, The Ohio State University, University of Southern California, Northwestern University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The University of Iowa, Colby College, Case Western Reserve University, Brown University, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), University of Maryland, College Park, Columbia University in the City of New York, The University of Chicago
STARS College Network: College Student Panel
November 7th, 2023, 8:00 pm EST
Every month, STARS College Network member schools host Zoom webinars featuring a variety of perspectives on the academic programs, philosophies, and traditions that make our colleges great places to live and learn. Join current college students from Caltech, Colby College, Vanderbilt University, and the Ohio State University to learn more about college life and the transition from a rural or small-town high school to a large university.
Host: California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Colby College, Vanderbilt University, The Ohio State University
STARS College Network Panel: Student Support Services
December 5th, 2023, 8:00 pm EST
Every month, STARS College Network member schools host Zoom webinars featuring a variety of perspectives on the academic programs, philosophies, and traditions that make our colleges great places to live and learn. Join staff and faculty from Northwestern University, University of Chicago, University of Maryland, and Yale University to learn more about the wide variety of support systems available to students throughout their time on our campuses.
Host: Northwestern University, The University of Chicago, University of Maryland, College Park, Yale University
12th Grade Students
Mrs. Cairney will be working closely with the Senior Advisory Teachers to find common time to share information and resources pertaining to college admissions. Stay tuned!
Things to be mindful of when applying to college:
Deadlines: Early Action/Early Decision deadlines begin on November 1st
Common Application: A widely used college application tool
Letters of Recommendation: Most colleges require at least one letter of recommendation from their Junior year core academic teacher, students need to have this conversation at least 1 month before their first deadline. Mrs. Cairney will also be writing a letter of recommendation, stay tuned for more information on that process.
College Essay: Students wrote a version of the college essay in their Junior year English class. Many choose to use this or you can start fresh. Please view Common Application Essay Prompts for more information.
SAT/ACT Test Dates: For students who may need/want to take a standardized test
College Visits
College Visits at Mohawk Trail Regional School
Colleges are coming to Mohawk Trail! This is an opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to speak with a college admission representative to learn more about what colleges have to offer and their application process.
Financial Aid Information
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - The redesigned FAFSA is expected to open in December 2023 for the 2024-2025 school year.
CSS Profile - Financial Aid application that some colleges require
Financial Aid 101 - A video explaining the financial aid process
Financial Aid Calculator - Calculating the Estimated Family Contribution (EFC)
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority (MEFA) - Financial Aid resources for Massachusetts residents.
11th Grade Students
College Visits
College Visits at Mohawk Trail Regional School
Colleges are coming to Mohawk Trail! This is an opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to speak with a college admission representative to learn more about what colleges have to offer and their application process.
10th Grade Students
We will be working with Sophomores this year to help them gain a better understanding of their personality and interests. Through self-reflection and goal setting, students will begin to make the connection between their classes and potential careers.
9th Grade Students
Middle School
Middle School Families, wondering what your student has for homework? Check out the following pages:
Career information, exploration, and opportunities.
This year students will be exposed to career speakers in their Academic and elective classes. These speakers will highlight careers that connect to the specific academic area or topic they are learning about in class. This allows students to connect the classroom to the real world. More to follow……
Career of the Month - Dental Hygienists
Contact Us
School Counselor Grades 9-12
Book an appointment HERE
School Counselor Grades 7 & 8
Book an Appointment HERE
Registrar and Administrative Assistant
413-625-9811 ext. 1305
Email: sgarcia@mtrsd.org
Website: https://mtrs.mohawktrailschools.org/Mohawk-Student-Services
Location: 26 Ashfield Road, Shelburne Falls, MA, USA
Phone: (413) 625-9811