Mariner's Message
On course: Destination Excellence
Port Royal Elementary School
Email: vicki.goude@beaufort.k12.sc.us
Website: https://pres.beaufortschools.net/
Location: 1214 Paris Avenue
Phone: 843-322-0820
Facebook: www.facebook.com/portroyalelementary
January 13, 2025- Happy New Year!
UPCOMING Events & Important Dates
January 15- Quarter 2 Report Cards go home with iReady Growth reports
January 15 @ 8:45- 3rd-5th Anchored in Achievement Awards Ceremony- Parents invited!
January 20- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 22 @ 5:30- School Improvement Council Meeting- All parents are welcome to attend We are also looking for new community members! Use the Media Center door on Playground side.
February 7- Crew Day! Students wear CREW colors!
Perseverance! January Character Word
Our school counselor, Mrs. Young, teaches our students about a postive character word each month. Our Character Trait word for January is Perseverance! This is a great characteristic to focus on as we start the new year and reflect on the first semester and set goals for the 2nd semester. We want all of our students to develop a mindset that helps them continue to work hard and not give up when things get hard. Our students CAN DO HARD THINGS!
Report Cards & iReady Growth Reports
Parents will recieve REPORT CARDS and iReady Diagnostic Growth reports for Reading and Math this week. We saw many students meet the Typical and STRETCH growth targets and celebrated them in December. Plory visited students as they made friendhsip bracelets.
Please take time to look at your reports and discuss the growth your child made this semester. Make an ACTION plan for what each will do in the coming quarter to continue the path to growth. Is your child READING every night? Completing the RED Reading log? Is your child passing TWO iReady lessons on line each week?
Follow us on Facebook!
Follow us on facebook to see pictures and celebrate all the great things happening at PRES!