FHS Hornet News
DECEMBER 2024 Preparing and Educating for Success!
December Family/Student Newsletter
Dear FHS Families,
I hope everyone is able to enjoy their weekend!
We are nearing the end of first semester. Check the "Important Dates" for a list of events/concerts over the next two weeks.
Please be sure that your student is keeping up with their lessons, assignments, projects, and assessments. I've included the Final Exam schedule in this newsletter. We will host a Cocoa, Cookies, & Cramming studying event next Wednesday, 3:30-6:30 pm. This is an opportunity for students to work with their teachers and study groups to prepare for their final exams.
If you would like to meet with a teacher on Wednesday, 12/11, please contact them by Monday so that they can schedule that meeting. They need to plan ahead because they will have students coming to their rooms for extra help.
Students that are needing to complete attendance recovery are also able to stay and have that time counted towards the hours they are needing to make-up.
Attendance appeals letters will be mailed out to families December, 18, 2024. They need to be turned in by Friday, January 10, 2025.
Included in this newsletter:
- FHS Administration
- Final Exam Schedule (1st Semester)
- Request Interpreter Protocol
- Late Work Policy
- Important Dates
- ICU (Academic) Data
- Counseling
- Athletics
- Honoring Hornets
- Bell Schedule
- FHS Student Handbook
- Attendance
The FHS Hornet Newsletter will be emailed to families every month. This is our main source of communication with our families. Thank you for your continued support.
Have a safe and warm weekend!
Kati Boland
FHS Principal
Fulton High School Administration
Principal: Mrs. Kati Boland
Associate Principal: Dr. Ryan Waters
Assistant Principal: Mr. Josh Pierce
Activities Director: Mr. Curtis Walk
Final Exam Schedule
Request an Interpreter
Need an Interpreter?
Sarah Painter
Late Work Policy
The following policy was implemented on Monday, September 30, 2024.
1. A student must turn in their summative assignment on the designated date, or they will receive a 10% reduction in their grade.
2. The teacher will wait twenty four hours before adding their name to the ICU database. A “0” will be in the gradebook until the summative assignment is turned in.
3. After five school days, from the day the student was assigned to ICU, the supervisor will put in a referral, if the assignment is not completed.
4. Administration will make a plan with the student to get the summative assignment completed as soon as possible.
Please email Mrs. Boland (kboland@fulton58.org) if you have any questions about this policy you would like answered. We are creating a FAQ sheet .
Important Dates
Wednesday, 12/11: Study Session 3:30 pm-6:30 pm & Board of Education meeting at 7:00 pm
Saturday, 12/14: Chamber Christmas at First Christian @ 5 pm
Monday, 12/16: FHS Choir Concert 7 pm
Thursday, 12/19: Band Concerts: FMS @ 6:00 pm & FHS @7:15 pm
Wednesday-Friday, 12/18-12/20: Final Exams (refer to the schedule)
Friday, 12/20: Last day of 2nd Quarter & 1st Semester
December 23rd-January 3th: Winter Break
Monday, 1/6: NO SCHOOL-PD DAY
Monday, 2/3-Saturday, 2/8: Courtwarming Week
I.C.U. Program
Missing Assignments (Total YTD)
- 95.2% Completed (BLUE)
- 4.8% Assigned (RED)
Missing Assignments (By Grade Level)
- 17% 9th grade (BLUE)
- 43.4% 10th grade (RED)
- 34% 11th grade (GOLD)
- 5.6% 12TH grade (GREEN)
Completed Assignments (By Grade Level)
- 25.9% 9th grade (BLUE)
- 22.6% 10th grade (RED)
- 42% 11th grade (GOLD)
- 9.4% 12th grade (GREEN)
Counseling Updates
Welcome back from the FHS Student Services Office! We are excited to work with our students and their families or guardians this year. The staff in our office includes:
Anne Langendoerfer (alangendoerfer@fulton58.org): Students A-L
Kaitlin Hall-Barbero (khall-barbero@fulton58.org): Students K-Z
Rachel Diemler (rdiemler@fulton58.org): College and Career Advisor
Dacrie Depping (ddepping@fulton58.org): Social Worker
DeAnne Nigus (dnigus@fulton58.org):Administrative Assistant
Only seniors are permitted schedule changes at semester. For further details on schedule changes please refer to the handbook.
A Google form was sent out to Seniors regarding dropping a class. If a Senior wants a schedule change for the second semester they must fill out this form by December 13th.
Things to remember:
1. If you drop one class you will NOT be eligible for Academic Week
2. If you drop more than one class you will NOT be eligible for MSHAA events/competitions
3. As long as you have ONE class with us, you can still participate in the senior trip, dances or school related activities/functions
- FHS Athletics Webpage: Please check this site for team schedules, the activities calendar, updates, Booster Club information, forms, activity fee/camp payments, team stores, and MSHSAA updates.
Honor our FHS Staff!
"Honoring Our Hornets"
"Honoring Our Hornets" is a way for you to express your gratitude to any Fulton Public Schools employee who goes above and beyond what is expected. Anyone can submit an "Honoring Our Hornets" for any Fulton Public Schools employee.
Supervisors, including our Superintendent, will see your submission.
The employee will receive a token of appreciation that lets everyone know he or she was the recipient of an "Honoring Our Hornets!"
"Honoring Our Hornets" recipients are posted to our district social media pages to let our community know the names of the district's exceptional employees!
2024-2025 District Handbook
Fulton Focus
Fulton High School
Email: kboland@fulton58.org
Website: fulton58.org
Location: 1 Hornet Drive, Fulton, MO, USA
Phone: (573)590-8100
Facebook: facebook.com/@fhs58hornets
Twitter: @FHSHornets