Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School -- February 15th, 2024
A Note from Mrs. Longden
The next few months will be a flurry of events and important school functions. Growing enrollment is critical to keep our school programs lively and thriving. Recruitment for our preschool and kindergarten is important to bring new students to our school. Our staff is dedicated to bringing many little souls to know God. Catholic school faith-integrated methods are the best way to extend the teachings of the child’s parents on a daily basis.
Our school needs dedicated faith-filled people to help with our recruitment efforts. Parents with young children may not realize the strong impact of a Catholic school. Some young parents have not found their church connection, thus not realizing our school exists. Some young parents don’t realize how to connect with our school and thus do not know when open house events, tours, and special programs occur. We need all of our adults, those without and with children, to share and reach out to the young parents around us to tell them about our school.
See our school calendar/upcoming dates below for all of the upcoming activities and invite someone to join you at them.
We started our Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday, February 14th. We hear the instruction that we are to "pray, fast, and give alms (charity)." We don't do this for other people to see or notice but rather, to offer a gift to God that only He can see. Just as Jesus prayed and fasted in the desert for 40 days, we pray and fast in Lent and ask God to renew us in our Christian faith as we prepare to remember the great events of Easter. Lent helps us to put the Christian life into a biblical perspective. It's a time to practice saying "no" to ourselves in little things so we can say a bigger "yes" to God in the bigger decisions of life. Check out the various events we offer during Lent, both at school and church, to help us in this graced time of preparation.
Mrs. Longden
Great to be Grateful
Kewaskum Public School No School
On Monday, February 19th Kewaskum Public School does not have school.
You should have received an email with your bus times for that day.
If you did not receive an email, and think you should have, please contact the school office.
This year, our Lenten theme is “Cross My Heart,” which will be observed by our elementary students. The theme for middle school students is “One Day at a Time.” Each school day during Lent, we will read scripture and pray together.
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday was yesterday. Students attended Mass and received ashes as a reminder to repent and believe in the Gospel.
Home Connection
In your home folders last week, you had a Lenten prayer stained glass window. When your family prays together, color in one section of the stained glass window. Families, you are encouraged to complete your window by Easter. A family that prays together stays together!
Formed.org has a variety of different Lent-themed videos to watch during the Lenten season. Check it out!
Service Project
For our service project, students will be creating prayer cards for parishioners.
Stations of the Cross
Parents are also invited to join us for Stations of the Cross, which will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 2:00 p.m.
Registration Materials
Reminder: Registration and Tuition materials are due by February 23rd before the instructional fee increases.
ITBS Testing
Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be from March 4th-18th for students in 2nd-8th grade. This is a shorter time frame than in previous years. Please make all efforts to not schedule vacations during this time. More information will be coming.
Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Come support Holy Trinity School and visit with the Easter Bunny!
Upcoming Dates
Friday, February 16th - Mass
Wednesday, February 21st - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, February 23rd - Mass
Wednesday, February 28th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, February 29th - Mass
Friday, March 1st - End of Trimester 2
Friday, March 1st - No School
March 4th-18th - ITBS Testing (2nd-8th Grade)
Wednesday, March 6th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, March 8th - Mass (Baptism Mass February/March/April)
Saturday, March 9th - Pancake Breakfast with the Easter Bunny
Wednesday, March 13th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Friday, March 15th - Mass
Saturday, March 16th - First Communion Retreat
Monday, March 18th - Spring Concert 5:30 PM
Wednesday, March 20th - Mass (Grades 3K, 1-4)
Friday, March 22nd - Mass
Wednesday, March 27th - Mass (Grades 5-8)
Thursday, March 28th - Prayer Service (Holy Thursday)
Friday, March 29th - No School - Good Friday
Sunday, March 31st - Easter Sunday
Calendar of Cash
February 8 - Don and Kelly Cartwright
February 9 - Helen Lauters
February 12 - Kenneth Nett
February 13 - Sharon Lefeber
February 14 - Brianna Crocker
Wildcat Basketball
February 16th - Home game against Shepherd of the Hills
February 22nd - Away game against WCHSA 2
Eucharistic Miracles Presentation
Parents and Students in 6th-8th grade are welcome to come on Wednesday, February 21st to see the
Eucharistic Miracles presentation with Ron Gamache
Holy Trinity School Gym
6:00 - 7:15 p.m.
Parish/School Events Flyer
See the attached for events happening within the Parish and School.
Men of Christ
Attention Dads, Grandfathers, Brothers, Uncles of Holy Trinity Students: You’re invited to join the 2024 Men of Christ conference—Mastering What Matters—which will be held in parishes across the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, including St. Frances Cabrini —with both virtual and live elements. The morning will feature well-known speakers including Deacon Kevin’s Dad, Dave Durand, our Archbishop and a former Navy Seal, Mass, Adoration, Confession and fellowship. Get all the details and register at MenOfChrist.net
When: Saturday, 09 March 2024
Where: St. Frances Cabrini Church, 1025 S 7th Street, West Bend WI
Time: Rosary, 7:30 A.M. Mass with program to follow, ends at 1:30 P.M.
Register at MenOfChrist.net venue: St. Frances Cabrini (West Bend) or contact:
Brian Wildt 262-330-4330 or Mike Lemens 262-818-6118 or Joseph Schumaker 262-343-1933 for more information.
Altar and Server Guild Meetings
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to provide a high-quality education, and to guide children in living the Catholic faith.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603