Weekly Update
March 10, 2023
Information in this Update:
- Upcoming Important Dates
- High School Updates
- Middle School Space Camp Photos
- Elementary Dr. Seuss Week Photos
- Community Enrichment: March Maker's Club Info
- State Testing Opt Out Forms
- Resources (check out the yellow buttons near the bottom of the page)
Click on Peachjar button for Info including Parks & Rec Spring Sports sign ups!!
Important Dates
March 16th: END OF TRIMESTER 2
March 17th: No School - Teacher Grading Day
March 20th: - March 24th: Spring Break
April 4th: HROA K-12 Spring Social, 11:30am - 3:30pm
April 10th - April 28th: State Testing 3rd - 8th Graders
May 1st - May 25th: State Testing 11th Graders
High School Updates
Standardized tests for College and Career Prep.
Click the test name to learn more about each test and why you should consider taking it
- ASVAB (career exploration, free test, can be used for military enlistment if you choose): May 18. 1:00-3:00 pm @ HRV
- ACT April 15 8:00am @ HRV (F hall)
- SAT May 6 8:00am @ HRV (Fhall)
- PreACT March 30 (10th grade only) 8:00-12 @ CGCC
Contact Sarah Benson at sarah.benson@hoodriver.k12.or.us to register or with questions.
College & Career Expo - April 2023
Register Before 3/31
Friday, April 21, 2023
9 am-1 pm
Columbia Gorge Community College in The Dalles
For High School Juniors and Seniors
- Attend Apprenticeship and Skilled Trades info sessions
- Learn Job Search Strategies
- Tour CGCC programs in Construction, Manufacturing, Technology, Health, and more
- Speak with Representatives from local companies that are actively hiring at our Micro Hiring Fair!
Contact Ms. Kohner or Ms. Phillips with questions
We will provide van transport to the Expo
Attention Parents of the class of 2023 High School Graduates
Interested in helping plan the HRVHS/HROA Class of 2023 Graduation Party?!? It is a parent-created and run event and they would LOVE help!
Please contact: Meriah Solorzano at meriah.Solorzano@yahoo.com for more info.
Elementary Time with School Counselor, Mr. Cal
Elementary Buddy Reading
Elementary Game Time
Community Enrichment
Maker's Club - March Activities
Have fun and be creative! Learn skills used by engineers and designers!
3rd through 6th Grader: 11:30-1 pm at the HROA Building
7th-12th graders: 1:15 to 2:45 at the HROA Building
Students in High School Science, College and Career Readiness, Investigating Careers: Earn Credit in your class for participating!
March 31st
Work with Forrest: he is a coder and electrical engineer from Sierra Olympia Technologies
build a robot and tune it to create art
HROA Building Hours
Monday - Thursday: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Friday: 8:00am - 3:00pm