Updating Beneficiaries
It is always a good time to review
Beneficiaries, Beneficiaries, and More Beneficiaries
This is a good time of year to double-check to ensure that your beneficiaries are updated on all applicable benefits. You must check your beneficiaries on multiple sites. Please take a quick minute to review your last pay stub to ascertain your applicable benefits.
District Life Insurance
District Life Insurance – Prudential is the administrator of the District’s life insurance plan. Employees can check for this coverage via the most recent paycheck. The deduction code for the District's life insurance is DISTLIFEBT. http://schooldistrictbenefits.com/colonial/forms/Prudential%20Colonial%20School%20Bene%20Designation.pdf
Pension Plan
Pension Plan – The State of Delaware Pension Office is the administrator of the pension plan. Enrollment is automatic for all employees hired into a pension-creditable position. The code for this deduction is REGPENCd or REGNEWHIRE. Here is the link to update beneficiaries for this plan https://open.omb.delaware.gov/forms/2021-Forms/Refunds/BEN-1-form-2021-R1.pdf
State Life Insurance
State Life Insurance – Securian Life is the administrator of the State of Delaware’s Life Insurance program. Benefit eligible active employees may apply for enrollment and/or make coverage changes at any time after the exhaustion of the initial eligibility period. Employees can verify enrollment in this plan by checking their pay stub for the STLIFE deduction code. Here’s the link to update your beneficiaries https://dhr.delaware.gov/benefits/life/documents/beneficiary-designation-form.pdf
Voya - Voya is the administrator for The State of Delaware Deferred Compensation Plans. You can enroll in this plan at any time once you completed three months of employment with the State of Delaware. The code for this deduction is TSA01 or DC457. You can update your beneficiaries via https://delaware.beready2retire.com/
Record Keeping
Your personal file should include the beneficiary form attached to any pertinent documents. For example:
- Your District Life Beneficiary form should be attached to the District Insurance Policy
- Your Beneficiary form for your pension should be attached to your most recent pension statement
- Your Beneficiary Form for Voya, should be attached to a Voya statement
- Your Beneficiary form for Securian Life (State Life Insurance), should be attached to the Securian Policy.
This file will ensure that you can check
How to Submit information
- Mail information to the address listed below
- Fax information at 302 323 2748
- Scan information to the email address below
- Take a picture of completed forms and text completed forms to 302 400 7560 from your CSD Zoom Account
CSD Notice
The Colonial School District shall not discriminate in its employment practices or its educational programs and activities of students on the basis of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, domicile, marital status, disability, genetic information, veteran status, or any legally protected characteristic.
Benefits Team
- Deldra Gregory-Colvin, Benefits Coordinator
- Darcel Porter, Benefits Secretary
Email: Deldra.Gregory-Colvin@colonial.k12.de.us
Website: http://www.colonialschooldistrict.org/employees/benefits/
Location: 318 East Basin Road, New Castle, DE, USA
Phone: 302 400 7560