Montgomery Elementary News
August 21, 2020
Contact Us
Dr. Amy Debelak, Principal
Ms. Sally Ganz, Asst. Principal
Office 686-1730
Absence Line 686-1736
FAX 792-6131
School Nurse 686-1733
Cafeteria 686-1735
Transportation 686-1785
Website: http://www.sycamoreschools.org/Domain/13
Location: 9609 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 513-686-1730
Facebook: www.facebook.com/montgomeryelementaryofficial/?fref=ts
Twitter: @Montgomery_Elem
We are excited to welcome back our students to school whether they will be attending school face-to-face or virtually! For our students who will be attending school face-to-face, Sycamore has decided to implement transition days for our Kindergarten - 4th grade students to help make the transition back to school a little bit easier.
For the face-to-face students whose last names begin with A through M, their transition start date will be on Thursday, September 3rd. For the face-to-face students whose last name begin with N through Z, their transition start date will be on Friday, September 4th. All students (virtual and face-to-face) will begin attending classes on Tuesday, September 8th.
This transition day for face-to-face learning will allow our students to begin to learn the new safety protocol routines more easily as well as to ease our students back into the buildings.
More information will be coming soon regarding transition activities for our virtual classroom learners.
Preschool families - you will receive more details in regards to preschool’s start date soon.
We have some BIG changes with drop off and pick up for car riders. With the increased traffic from the construction on Montgomery Road and the increase in car riders, we realize a back up on Montgomery Road could be dangerous for everyone. Student drop-off and pick up will be in the back of the building by the kindergarten playground. There is a back gate that will be open which will lead you to the playground and parents will exit to the south exit by Dr. Morris’ orthodontist office. To avoid the buses, parents are being asked to drop students off at 9:15 and pick up at 3:30. Please see video below:
(Immunization Records, Physician's Exam and Dental Records)
NEW students to the district entering any grade including prekindergarten and kindergarten students need to have current immunization records, physician's exam form and dental exam form in their school health record by the first day of attending the new school year. Please make sure you have submitted the most current forms for your student. This applies to EVERY NEW STUDENT to the district and returning preschool students regardless of whether you are virtual or in person. Click HERE to access the required forms on our website. Feel free to contact the school nurse if you have any questions at lintons@sycamoreschools.org.
Our teachers are currently working on class lists for the 2020-21 school year. We will not be able to honor friend requests this year. We are working with many variables and need to ensure all students' academic needs are met. Thank you for your understanding.
Temperature checks will be done each day for all students as they enter the building. The district purchased scanners which will be positioned at all entrances students enter. If a child has a fever a staff member will accompany them to Nurse Linton and you will be required to come and pick your child up immediately. Guidelines in the Healthy Back to School 2020 Plan will be adhered to all school year.
New family orientation will be done virtually on Friday, August 28th at 10 am. Please join us -
(US) +1 669-241-7580 PIN: 904 621 661#
We know you have a million questions. Join Ms. Ganz and me for an hour and let us answer your questions on August 26th. If your last name begins with letters A-L join us at 2pm-3pm. If your last name is M-Z please join us at 3:15-4:15. A Zoom link will be provided as we get closer to the event.
Open House will be done both virtually and with a drive by! Each teacher will post a short video to their Blackboard site for families to watch. Families are invited to drive by On September 1st and “meet” their teacher as well as drop off your Chromebooks from the spring. We will not be collecting school supplies at this time. A more detailed schedule is listed below.
All face 2 face students will be given an AVES fanny pack that has two pockets! One for a mask (to stay safe during recess and lunch) and one for hand sanitizer and tissues. We are going to ROCK this look!
Meet Your Teacher “Drive Thru” & Chromebook Drop Off
for Face-to-Face Students!
Save the Date: September 1!
Our teachers are looking forward to welcoming students back to school this year! Please join us for our “Drive-Thru” Meet the Teacher and wave “Hello”. If you received a district Chromebook, please place it in your trunk and the staff will retrieve it.
Teachers from each grade level will be out during the following times:
1:00- 1:45- Kindergarten-Front Parking Lot
1:00-1:45- First Grade- Back Driveway
1:00-1:45- Second Grade Front Parking Lot
2:00-2:45- Third Grade- Back Driveway
2:00-2:45 Fourth Grade- Front Parking Lot
Feel free to decorate your car and put your name on the dashboard
“Drive Thru” Virtual Learners Material Pick Up
Save the Date: August 31!
Our teachers are looking forward to welcoming students back to school this year! Please join us for our “Drive-Thru” virtual learner material pick up for your child from 2:00-3:00.
Please put your student(s) grade level on the dashboard. Staff will direct you to the correct pickup area. If you have multiple children, you will have to go through each grade level pickup process during the hour.
Materials will be placed in your trunk.
All school supply lists are being decreased. Since children aren’t able to share school supplies each child will keep their personal supplies in a covered bin supplied by our Montgomery PTO. We realize many of you purchased the school supplies already but don’t worry! The students will still need all of them, we will just ask you to periodically send in refills. The teacher will let you know when to send refills into school. Below are the adjusted school supply lists for each grade level needed at the start of school. Virtual and face to face class lists are the same.
As in the past, we need ALL parents or guardians to log into Final Forms and make any necessary updates. Please remember to sign your forms even if no changes are being made. Also newly added is a Covid-19 Parent Agreement that must be sign before
the school year begins.
Please do this as soon as possible as this will
prevent potential issues or problems that can be addressed before
our return to school in September.
8/26 - Information Sessions for Families
A-L 2:00 - 3:00pm
M-Z 3:15 - 4:15pm
Zoom Link to Follow
Virtual at 10am
8/31 - Virtual Students - Pick-Up Materials
Drive Thru and Chromebook Return @ 2-3
9/1 - Face-to-Face - Meet Your Teacher
Drive Thru and Chromebook Return
9/3 - 9/4 - Student Transition Days
Half of our students will attend on 9/3 and the other half will attend on 9/4.
9/7 - Labor Day - No Classes
All Students
Shop at AvesHangar.com and Support Sycamore High School
The new online store at aveshangar.com features 150+ Sycamore
Aviators-licensed items and other gifts including:
School supplies and required readings;
Aves Face Masks;
Spirit and sportswear from Nike, Under Armour, and
Champion brands sized infant through adult; AND
Novelty and gift items (stickers, water bottles, flags, magnets, mugs).
We offer free contactless delivery within the District (including any school locations for teachers and staff) on all orders $19.99 and above on Fridays. You will find the local delivery option under Shipping in the checkout.
If your order is less than $19.99 or you live outside of the District, curbside pickup is available at the Sycamore High School Athletic entrance on Wednesdays in August. If that time doesn't work for you, please reach out, and we will do our best to work out other arrangements.
As always, enjoy tax-free shopping at the Aves Hangar. As a non-profit organization, we never charge tax on any items and sales benefit Sycamore High School. For questions or more information, email Amy Browns Taylor at aveshangar@sycamoreschools.org.
Below are a couple of resources that you may find helpful. Both were made by Behavior Specialist Psychologists at Children’s Hospital Department of Developmental
and Behavioral Pediatrics.