Garfield Re-2 News You Can Use
August 21, 2020
The best way to help keep our schools open is to keep COVID-19 cases in Garfield County as low as possible.
Help us by making the following commitments:
I commit to:
WEAR a mask.
WASH my hands.
WALK, ride or play 6 feet away.
WORK together safely.
IF ILL – stay home
Message from Supt. Grumley and Asst. Supt. Pierce
Today marks a defining moment for Garfield Re-2- one that is significant enough that it will shape our identity from this day forward.
Never in the history of education has there been a bigger challenge than what we
face today.
Never in the history of this school district has there been a better group of people assembled to face this challenge head on.
So may we take a pause to CELEBRATE:
We celebrate you the educator and the institution of education.
We celebrate your dedication to this profession and your strength to persevere.
We celebrate the many hours of work you have sacrificed in the last two weeks, the hours you have sacrificed in your careers, and the hours you will undoubtedly sacrifice in the future.
Today we celebrate the students that will walk through your doors on Monday.
The students who will look to you for guidance in how to navigate this crazy new world.
We celebrate the innocence of their hearts with the realization that they are counting on us and the realization that they will take our lessons way beyond the walls of our schools.
Today we celebrate ALL staff members who find a way to make each student feel special.
Your mere presence instills a safe place where students can belong. You ignite dreams.
You do more and give more than what seems humanly possible.
We celebrate that we are all right here, right now, - we need each other more than ever, our students need us more than ever, and we stand united because it’s right.
Our kids are worth whatever it takes!
Because we need you today more than ever,
We celebrate your courage to educate and the optimism of how you do it.
You are the true representations of patience and principle as you champion for all students.
We celebrate your motivation to be here. After all, we didn’t come this far to only get this far.
We celebrate your aspirations to champion on behalf of kids.
Today we celebrate YOU because the work you do matters.
So here we are, in our defining moment for what it is to be Garfield Re-2 .
Life will be forever changed on this day. Look out, it’s our time to SHINE.
Triad EAP Mindset and Resilience Webinar
Join Marti Montoya, LPC,CEAP in one of three zoom meetings.
Coping with the current global state of affairs while dealing with high demands of work and home sometimes require new skills. Cultivate the ability to recover and adjust to life’s pressures.
Objectives include:
• Exploring collective trauma
• A working understanding of resilience
• Recognizing when overwhelmed
• Self-reflect on our stress responses
• Practice a resilient mindset with Cognitive Restructuring
• Identify one take away tool to retrain your nervous system
Garfield Re-2 School District
Location: 839 Whiteriver Avenue, Rifle, CO, USA
Phone: 970-665-7600
Twitter: @GarfieldRe2