Pembroke School Newsletter
Week 4, Term 4
Kia ora koutou,
We have had a very busy but wonderful start to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are already approaching the halfway point of the term and that soon we will be wrapping up another fantastic year of learning, filled with celebrations and the much-anticipated school production, “Porridge.” This production, featuring all of Pembroke School, will be held at the TET Kings Theatre on Thursday, 12th December. We are incredibly grateful for the outstanding support from our community, and special thanks go to the Stratford District Council Creative Communities Grant, which has helped make this event possible.
This term has truly highlighted the incredible spirit and support that surrounds Pembroke School. Our recent Pet’s Days and Gala were a success thanks to the hard work of parents, staff, and the many generous donations from families and local businesses. These contributions ensured these events were fun, enjoyable, and memorable for our children and the wider community. To add to the joy, our Grandparents' Day was very well attended and filled with special moments, reinforcing how fortunate we are to have such a caring community.
As we prepare for the end of the school year, there is still much hard work ahead. We encourage you to continue supporting your child by ensuring regular attendance and consistent home learning efforts. This continued commitment will help your child make the most of their learning opportunities and reach their full potential.
Thank you for your support. We look forward to celebrating a successful conclusion to the school year with all of you.
Nāku iti noa, nā
Wendy Single
Pembroke School Gala 2024
I know you have all heard about Gala constantly over the last little while and I hope that after Sunday you can understand why. After the rain on Saturday and having to postpone to the next day, then waking up to the crisp coldness on Sunday morning that told us there was some new snow on the mountain long before we saw it, we were not sure if people would come out to the gala the way they did last year when the weather was perfect. But though it was perhaps not quite as busy it was still very well supported and still a great fun family day for the school community and the wider Stratford community as well. We are still busy working out exactly what we raised after we take out all the expenses but it looks like we will have raised over $5000 for Pembroke Schools PTA. This is an amazing effort and will be used to provide resources that the school needs that are outside the schools yearly budget and to also go towards educational experiences outside the classroom that the students take part in.
This amazing result is not possible without everyone joining together and helping in the ways they can. I am incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed with donations and with their time. If you think you would like to be more involved next year keep your eyes peeled for when we start having Gala meetings next year. You really can do as much or as little as you want and it is incredibly satisfying to look back afterwards and see the results of your hard work come to life.
Balloons and a delicious Sweet Stall
The boucy castles were lots of fun!
Lawson ready to get dunked
Izzy with her gorgeous hair and tattoo
Karlie snuggly a TAPT kitten
Ashleigh enjoying a delicious waffle
Pembroke School Show and Shine and Country Fair 2025
We hosted thank you afternoon tea for our Gala Committe and Volunteers on Friday afternoon. We also had a great catch up, making plans for 2025. It has been decided that Pet's Day and Gala will be seperate events. We are putting an new face to our gala which will become the Pembroke School Country Fair and will be held on Saturday 8th November with a postponement date of Sunday 9th. We are incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive community who are happy to generously support our school so that our children can make the most of their learning and enjoy great opportunities. We are excited about our upcoming fundraisers for 2025 which include a Show and Shine event in March and the Country Fair in November. These will be run by two seperate committees. Not only do many hands make light work, these events are really fun to get involved in and the community spirit amongst those involved is something really wonderful to be a part of. One of the special parts of being a small school is the community that comes with it so make sure you don't miss out on the opportunity to connect with others, have a great time and raise some much appreciated funds for our small school. It is important to know that smaller schools do not generate equitable funding as larger schools. The number of students in a school determines the income and in order to keep our class numbers smaller (which we want to do to give your child the best learning experience we can) we need to work together to fundraise so that we can keep improving our school and what we can offer our students. So don't be shy, if you haven't already, make 2025 the year to really get involved and be part of a wonderful community of parents working together to make Pembroke School the fanatastic place it is for our families.
Pets Day 2024
Pets Day is always a highlight in the Pembroke School calendar and this year was no exception.
We are delighted to share that we had two fantastic Pet’s Days! The Domestic Pet’s Day, held on Friday, 1st November, and the Calf and Lamb Day on Saturday, 2nd November, were both memorable occasions that showcased the spirit and creativity of our school community.
The children’s wonderful Art and Crafts, which they worked on both at school and at home, were proudly displayed in the hall, adding a special touch to our Pet's Day celebrations. We were incredibly proud of all the children and their pets, who put on a fantastic display and reminded us of the special importance pets are to our families.
Despite the rain, our Calf and Lamb Day on Saturday saw an impressive turnout from our supportive community. Our children demonstrated true rural resilience, skillfully presenting their animals in the ring. This event highlighted the support and unity of our community, which is bolstered by the generous support of local businesses providing sponsorship for spot prizes.
A big thank you to our judges. Domestic Pet Judges from Stratford Vets: Brendon, Tina and Courtney and Lamb Judge: Jessica Jane, Calf Judge: Ian McCall for their time and expertise.
Congratulations to our prize winners:
Domestic Pets
1st Zach and Nash (Dog)
2nd Nylah and Hopsy (Bunny)
3rd Archie and Moana (Sheep)
1st Asha and Cookies and Cream (Chicken)
2nd Ashleigh and Bailey (Cat)
3rd Locky and Shelby (Dog)
Reserve Champ - Ashleigh and Bailey (Cat)
Champ - Zach and Nash (Dog)
Calf and Lamb
Junior Lambs
1st Kova with Tilly (Lamb)
2nd Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
Senior Lambs
1st Ashleigh with Chappy (Lamb)
2nd Karlie with Precious (Lamb)
Junior Lambs
1st Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
2nd Kova with Tilly (Lamb)
Senior Lambs
1st Karlie with Precious (Lamb)
2nd Ashleigh with Chappy (Lamb)
Junior Lambs
1st Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
2nd Kova with Tilly (Lamb)
Senior Lambs
1st Karlie with Precious (Lamb)
2nd Ashleigh with Chappy (Lamb)
Reserve Overall Champion: Karlie with Precious (Lamb)
Overall Champion: Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
Jensen Family Overall Lamb Rearing: Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
Menzie's Family Champion Lamb: Dusty with Daisy (Lamb)
Junior Calves
1st Leah with Peyton (Calf)
2nd Kiana with Spotty (Calf)
3rd Archie B with Ella (Calf)
1st Leah with Peyton (Calf)
2nd Zach with Grace (Calf)
3rd Archie B with Ella (Calf)
Senior Calves
Leading and Rearing
1st Torrean with Moose (Calf)
Reserve Champion - Archie B with Ella (Calf)
Champion - Leah with Peyton (Calf)
Perry Challenge Rose Bowl for Best Reared Calf Senior: Torrean with Moose (Calf)
Armstrong Cup for Best Groomed and Paraded: Leah with Peyton (Calf)
Jan Family Challenge Cup for Best Dairy Type: Zachery Bevins with Grace (Calf)
Clements Rose Bowl for Overall Champion: Leah with Peyton (Calf)
We are privileged to be part of such a wonderful and supportive community. Thank you for making our Pet’s Days a success!
Acknowledgements and Looking Ahead
Last, but certainly not least, we extend a heartfelt thank you to our small and passionate Pet’s Day Committee and Staff. This includes whānau who have not yet officially joined Pembroke School, making their dedication even more appreciated. Your commitment and hard work are invaluable, and we are grateful for the time and energy you put into making these two days such a success. A special thank you goes to Carol, who ensures everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.
We know that organizing these events involves a lot of hard work, and each year, Pet’s Day continues to improve and grow.
Last Wednesday afternoon, we hosted a special thank you afternoon tea for our committee, where we also held a review session for 2025.
Mark your calendars: Friday, 31st October 2025, will be our next Pet’s Day! Plans are already underway for another wonderful event, with Domestic Pets, Calves, and Lambs all showcased on the same day. The day will include a sausage sizzle lunch and agricultural events in the afternoon.
Pet's Day Award Assembly Friday 22nd November at 2.10pm
Grandparent's Day 2024
Grandparents' Day, held on Friday, 8th November, was truly a special occasion. We were delighted to welcome a large number of grandparents and honorary grandparents who joined us to share precious moments with their grandchildren and participate in a variety of activities. It was a day full of joy and memory-making, with every classroom hosting unique experiences.
Each class crafted a special dry clay Christmas decoration as a keepsake, ensuring that everyone went home with a cherished memento. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement, as grandparents engaged in meaningful conversations and shared stories about their family histories and special family taonga with the class.
Rimu Class had a Gen Z and 90s slang quiz, which brought laughter and bonding across generations, and Rata Class's dress-up activities, where grandparents embrace their inner child and enjoyed some playful moments. One of the most heartwarming parts of the day was hearing our grandparents reminisce about their childhood and school days, sparking connections and stories that transcended generations.
We are reminded of why we have such a wonderful group of children at Pembroke School—it’s clear that they are inspired by an equally wonderful group of grandparents. A heartfelt thank you to all the grandparents and honorary grandparents who attended and made Grandparents' Day such a cherished event
Special time with Nan
Reiminiscing about school days with the grandkids
Making Christmas Decorations with our thumb prints
Happiness Highlights
Pembroke Athletics Day
The school spent a sunny afternoon participating in athletic events with their classes. The long jump pit had a bit of a makeover just in time for the day thanks to Vickers Quarries and On Point Contracting so a huge thanks to those businesses for helping us to get organised and providing a safe, functional space for the children to perfect their jumps. There was also high jump, shot put, discus and some sprints to finish the day.
Stratford and District Small and Rural School Athletics Championships
Last Wednesday 6th Nov half our our Year 5-8s travelled to Inglewood TET Stadium to compete in the first ever Stratford and District Small and Rural School Athletics Championships, a new event on the calendar. It was an excellent day and amazing opportunity for our children to compete in a professional arena with timed laps and photo finishes. Their team spirit and support for each other was wonderful to see and there were a number of successes on the day with our children placing in numerous events.
Getting ready for Porridge
There have been a lot of singing practices, dance rehearsals are getting under way and our older students are diligently learning their lines. After the massive success of our production two years ago it's great to see the children approaching this one with so much excitement and enthusiasm. I hope you all have the 12th of December saved on your calendars because you won't want to miss this preformance.
Thank you Fulton Hogan
You may have noticed our lovely new speed limit signs as you enter and exit the school car park. These were kindly installed and paid for by Fulton Hogan. A huge thank you to this business for this generous donation to the school it is so greatly appreciated.
New Student and Whanau Welcome to Pembroke!
Nau mai haere mai ki te whanau o te kura o Pembroke! Welcome to Pembroke School Whanau!
Nature Wilson-Hamana
Kova Smith
Uniform Expectations
We believe that wearing our school uniform with pride is essential and reflects the collective spirit of our school. It is a team effort, and we appreciate your continued support in maintaining our high standards. Here are some important reminders regarding uniform expectations:
- Uniform Requirement: All children are expected to be in full school uniform and make an effort to wear it correctly.
- Non-Uniform Items: If a child is not in the appropriate uniform, they will be provided with suitable uniform items to wear during school hours.
- Plain Black Shorts, Pants, Skirts or Skorts: Please ensure your child has plain black, pants, or shorts/ skirt that are of an appropriate length. This is especially important as children sit on the mat and engage in physical activities throughout the day. The length of shorts and skirts should be considered with practicality in mind. If your child is wearing black jeans, please ensure they are plain and not ripped jeans.
- 'Skins' Guidelines: If your son wears 'skins' under shorts, they must be plain black—no other colors are permitted.
- Additional Items: Please refrain from adding non-uniform items, such as leg warmers, as they are not part of our dress code.
Thank you for helping us uphold the standard of our school uniform. Your support reinforces the pride and unity we share in our school community.
Brain Break Request from Teachers
At 10am everyday all classes pause for a Brain Break, this involves having a healthy snack of either fruit or veges only and a hydration break to help keep fuelling us through a big morning of learning. If you can please cut up fruit such as oranges and kiwifruit and provide a spoon for kiwifruit this would be much appreciated as it ensures and quick, smooth transition and allows the teacher to focus on reading to the class during this time. Thank you.
START TIME: 10:20 am
A hooter will go off a couple minutes prior to the start time of the next game
Rotation one: 10:20 - 10:35
Rotation two: 10:35-10:50
Rotation three: 10:50-11:05
Rotation four: 11:05-11:20
Rotation five: 11:20-11:35
Rotation six: 11:35-11:50
Pack up/debrief - 11:50-12:00
Students eat lunch from 12:00pm to 12:30pm then play from 12:30pm - 12:40pm. There will be food available to purchase on the day - more information to come shortly. Teachers collect students and depart between 12:40 pm - 12:50pm.
We had a bit of a delayed presentation for our Term Three Star Students due to the senior class being on camp in the last week of Term Three. Our Star Student Award goes to the student who has consistently shown dedication to upholding our school ASPIRE values and has shown Ambition in their learning throughout the term, putting in a determined effort to achieve to their highest potential.
Here are our Term Three Star Students!
Rata Class: Ryan Chesswas
Tawa Class: Taylyn West
Kōwhai Class: Aaron Scherrer
Rimu Class: Keira Goodison
Up and Coming Events
Some dates to mark on your calendar for Term Four.
Tuesday 12th November: Year 3-4 Tabloid Sports at Midhirst
Tuesday 19th November: Powhiri to welcome MAC Principals
Friday 22nd November: Pet's Day Award Assembly 2.10pm
Monday 2nd December: Year 8 Leavers Dinner
Friday 6th December: School Reports go home
Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11th: School Production Practice TET Theatre
Thursday 12th December: School Production
Monday 16th December: Reindeer Games
Tuesday 17th December: End of year prize giving
Wednesday 18th December: Last day of Term Four
Note: Please check the school calendar on your Etap App to keep up to date with what is happening at school. Thank you!