CMIT North Middle School Newsletter

Week of June 2, 2024
CMIT's Mission
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for middle and high school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
Administrative Announcements
Important Dates
CMIT Academy follows the PGCPS school calendar.
Import the CMIT North Middle School calendar to your own Gmail calendar to stay informed of all school-wide events.
6/3: High School Panel Discussion (8th grade; 3rd period)
6/3: 7th Grade Field Trip
6/6: 8th Grade Trip
6:10: 8th Grade Trip
6/12: 3-Hr Early Dismissal for Students
6/12: 8th Grade Promotion
6/13: End of 4th Quarter- Last Day for Students- 3-Hr Early Dismissal for Students
Examples of Lawful Absences include: death in the immediate family, illness, suspension, observance of religious holidays, court summons, etc.
Please be sure to provide a note to the school when your child is absent. Electronic notes are also accepted using this link https://shorturl.at/kmoL4
Families are encouraged to refer to Administrative Procedure 5113 for more information.
Grading Policy Reminder
According to Administrative Procedure 5121, classes that meet 3-5 times per week require a minimum of 2 grades per week entered into SchoolMax and classes that meet 1-2 times per week require a minimum of 1 grade per week entered into SchoolMax. Additionally, please be mindful that AP5121 also states "Teachers must return graded papers and assignments within ten days of submission in order to provide on-going, timely feedback to students and parents."
SchoolMax Family Portal
Parents are encouraged to login regularly to monitor their scholar’s progress. Additionally, be sure to update your contact information in the Family Portal. This is the information that the school will use to send emails, texts, and robo-calls to keep you informed. If you encounter any issues accessing or updating your Family Portal please visit:
Athletics & Clubs
Basketball Camp
To all the lady hoopers, checkout this upcoming basketball camp! This camp will be beneficial for all girls who want to improve their basketball skills. Please see the flyer below for all information and details!
SGA Nationality/Heritage Project
The CMIT North MS Student Government Association (SGA) would like to thank all the students who completed the Nationality Survey.
Our goal is to celebrate our diversity and backgrounds by decorating the halls with the flags of the nations that represent our heritage.
We would love the larger CMIT North Middle School community to support this project by purchasing a flag/s from the Amazon Wish List: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1WFXA2AD3OR8L?ref_=wl_share
Please ensure your order is shipped to:
6100 Frost Place
Laurel, MD 20707
Don't see your flag? Please complete the Nationality Survey: https://forms.gle/63U65ugjqnUbShqX6
PTO Executive Board Updates
Greetings Tiger Families and Staff!
A huge THANK YOU to those who donated or volunteered to support Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week, the NJHS Dance, and the 2024 Spring Festival. We appreciate your engagement and commitment to our scholars, teachers, and staff.
We also want to thank everyone who attended the May 30, 2024, General Membership Meeting. This was the last PTO meeting of the 2023-2024 school year. Stay tuned for more information, including the recording, from the meeting.
Please remember to share the company you use for school transportation so we can support the school community by creating a list of options for those who are in need of transportation: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd-K8YaSgWYxaeboK2eqd-fO8YLLIJuLd-P6I-DGbJd7lYCMQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Volunteer Opportunities
Please use the links below to sign up for upcoming volunteering opportunities:
(Remember that you must be cleared to volunteer, see below for more information on registering as a volunteer.)
Volunteering Process - https://www.pgcps.org/volunteer/
Volunteering Instructions - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zMLImghD7HUEu97BXB0lTb2keYxnF0SNB8fEgCB9U10/edit
Volunteers Needed - 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony (https://forms.gle/SF99bwthJMEXe7hcA)
Lastly, and most importantly, the PTO Executive Board wants to hear directly from you.
If you have any specific questions, concerns or suggestions for the PTO Board, please do not hesitate to contact us at info_nmspto@cmitacademy.org.
Don't forget to check out the new info on the PTO’s revised webpages on the CMIT North Middle Academy website. We will continue to update the PTO webpage with important information and resources.
We look forward to our continued partnership with you,
CMIT North Middle PTO Executive Board
Summer Programs
Mayor’s Summer Job Program Now Accepting Applications. Deadline to Apply: June 8, 2024
Laurel, MD — [May 29, 2024] The City of Laurel is excited to announce the twelfth year of the Mayor's Summer Job Program, designed to provide valuable work experience and career exploration opportunities for our youth.
The program, running from July 8, 2024, through August 9, 2024, offers young residents, ages 14-16 the opportunity to work 15 hours per week, earning $15.00 per hour. Applicants must submit a completed application with parental or guardian consent, a copy of their most recent report card, and a Work Permit upon receiving a job offer.
Positions are available in the following city government departments: Offices of the Mayor, Clerk to the Council and City Administrator, Budget and Personnel Services, Communications, Economic and Community Services, Fire Marshal and Permit Services, Information Technology, Parks and Recreation, and the Laurel Police Department. Interested individuals are encouraged to review the details of these available positions and indicate their top two preferences on the application.
Applications are available at the Joseph R. Robison Laurel Municipal Center located at 8103 Sandy Spring Road, Laurel, MD, or online after verifying age and residency qualifications. All applications must be submitted by 12:00 noon on June 8, 2024. Qualified applicants will undergo an interview process.
For additional information or to verify residency within the Laurel City limits, please visit the Mayor's Summer Job Program or contact the City at (301) 725-5300.
Natalie Williams
City of Laurel
Department of Communications
Laurel Municipal Center
8103 Sandy Spring Road, Laurel, MD 20707
Office: 301-725-5300 ext 2208
Follow us!
Summer Learning Opportunities for Middle School Students
Don't let summer slide keep you off of your math track. During the summer, there are opportunities to continue to advance in your math. See what the county has to offer below.
Acceleration Instruction: Students can participate in a SPECIAL five-week Summer Acceleration Program in preparation for SY25.
On-Demand Tutoring Services: Students can access On-Demand services during the day on topics of their choice. Tutors will identify and close skill gaps, accelerate learning, and build academic confidence.
PSAT 8/9 Skill Plan: Students can visit the PSAT study plan creation form and enter scores from a previous or practice test. IXL will create an easy-to-use study plan for students based on their previous scores.
Attention Rising 9th Graders...
CMIT North High is offering a Summer Bridge program. Please use the link to register. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSer26VK2BOnaa8muf21oMyduES7gFp9zzo3Bq2ePUF5LeDYbQ/viewform
Prince George's Community College Owl Scholars
Please see the attached PDF for information and how to register.
CMIT Summer Math Tutoring - We're Leading the Way!
Dear CMIT Parents of Rising 7th and 8th Graders,
This email follows up on the exciting news about our free summer math tutoring program through Carnegie Learning!
There's a friendly competition between CMIT North and South, and thanks to your involvement, we currently have twice as many sign-ups as the South campus! Kudos to all of you for your dedication to your scholars' education.
Important Reminder: This program is entirely free for CMIT families and is made possible by the Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation. We don't have a confirmed end date for access, so if your scholar's schedule allows, we highly recommend taking advantage of this valuable resource while it is available. Working in small groups with tutors over the summer can significantly support their math learning.
Here's a fun update from Carnegie Learning:
There are 100 students registered from North Campus and 53 from South Campus! We're halfway to our overall goal of 300 students. North Elementary even won the first $25 gift card for reaching 50 registrations! Let's keep the momentum going!
Ready for another challenge? Whichever school gets an additional 50 students signed up wins the next gift card! We'll continue to provide updates on registration numbers.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity! Sign your scholar up for Carnegie Learning's summer math tutoring program today by following the directions on the attached flyer.
Mr. Field
Registration Now Open - 2024 JA Entrepreneurship Summit
Calling all Greater Washington high school students!
Registration is now open for the 2024 JA Entrepreneurship Summit!
What is an Entrepreneurship Summit?
The JA Entrepreneurship Summit is an intensive “startup boot camp” where high school students are challenged to design ready-to-launch, socially-conscious businesses.
How does it work?
Over the course of five days, students build their businesses from scratch by:
Brainstorming and collaborating with peers
Accessing skills-based seminars and workshops
Getting feedback and guidance from business leaders and trained volunteer mentors
On the final day, students pitch their concepts to a panel of local business leaders.
What do students learn?
Summit participants develop the technical and soft skills needed to not only become successful entrepreneurs, but also to meet the demands of a rapidly changing economy in a variety of professions and careers:
Product ideation
Project management
Supply chain and logistics management
Market research and customer discovery
Business finance
Sales, marketing and business development
Register Here: https://app.enrollsy.com/enroll/junior-achievement-of-greater-washington?lId=cklu70pyorbaf0702zbfi2kxb&pId=clfjor6j41vyc08469bajvpfp
Deadline to register: Monday, July 15
Summit Details
Dates: July 29 - August 2
Times: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Student Check-in: 8:45 a.m.
Location: JA Finance Park Prince George's County (960 Nalley Road, Landover MD 20785)
Eligibility: The Summit is open to rising 9th through 12th grade students.
Attire: Students must wear business attire for the entire week.
Technology requirements: Students must bring a Chromebook, laptop, or MacBook that has internet access and a functional camera, microphone, and speakers.
Students are encouraged to contact their local library or school district if laptops, Chromebooks, or internet access are needed.
Registration Information
Application Fee: $25 (paid at time of application)
Tuition: $100 (billed to payment method on file prior to the Summit)
Please email tyonna.chambers@ja.org for questions about tuition assistance.
Email: Each registered student should be linked to a different email. Please use one email per student.
Final Registration Deadline: Monday, July 15
Please contact Jamil Wells: jamil.wells@ja.org or 240-487-7543 x 5543.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Free and Reduced Meal Applications
All parents are encouraged to apply for Free or Reduced Meal Services (FARMS). This information impacts school funding which equals $$dollars$$ in our classrooms.
Even if parents don't think they qualify, they are encouraged to apply at MySchoolApps.com. Online applications are processed within 24-48 hours.
Students who are not eligible for free or reduced-priced meals must pay for their meals. See Meal Prices. Parents and guardians can easily monitor and add funds to student meal accounts using MySchoolBucks.