CHPS WEEKLY--Perseverance
Cherry Hill Public Schools December 8, 2024

Good evening, CHPS-
As we head into our last week before Winter Break, I am reflecting on the desire for BELONGING--to fit in, to feel accepted, seen, heard and valued, and feel like you have a place in this community.
This week, BELONGING, being part of a community, was present throughout our district.
Students and staff from both High School East and High School West came together to make this year's FOP Holiday Party a huge success. The FOP party brings about 300 students from all over the district to experience a sense of BELONGING with dancing, hot dogs, ice cream, and a meet-and-greet with Santa! Horace Mann Elementary School sent six Autistic Support classes and their students had a fantastic time, just like their peers throughout the district. WE thank the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP Lodge 28) and Mr. Bob Menta for making this all possible.
Teacher/Parent conferences occured at the elementary and middle levels. Students in grades 3-5 conducted student-led conferences where the way they fit into their school class community, the way they belong, was displayed as they communicated to their guardians and parents how they are progressing so far this year.
Students at Rosa (pictured above) who experience BELONGING by being a member of the Climate Action and Sustainability Team (CAST) led by Rosa's Dr. Morales, had an incredible opportunity this past week. Students met with researcher Merav Hayak who is working with Columbia University on better understanding how climate change curricula is being implemented in schools.
Opportunities abounded for staff to experience BELONGING. Barton PTA hosted a breakfast for staff, Cooper Sunshine Committee organized a staff breakfast, Kilmer PTA hosted a SOUPER dinner for staff, Kingston PTA hosted staff luncheon, Knight PTA provided a lunch and changes were made to allow ALL staff members to eat together.
BELONGING is something we all crave, and we are so fortunate to be in CHPS where there are endless opportunities to find your place.
CHPS weekly will return on Sunday, January 5, and until then, I'd like to wish each of you a wonderful holiday season, and a very Happy New Year.
Kwame Morton
Dr. Kwame Morton, Sr.
Superintendent, Cherry Hill Public Schools
As always, please stay informed through the District website, our Facebook, Instagram and YouTube platforms.
FOP's Holiday Party
From Our Transportation Team
Kresson Rd. at Cooper Run Dr. Gas Leak Repair:
Work Dates: Wednesday, December 18th
Work Hours: 8am - 4pm
Type of Work: Pinpoint a Gas Leak / Gas Leak Repair
Our Community on Socials
Be sure to take a peek at some of our favorite social media pages run by various groups/clubs in our district and greater community!
Upcoming Events
December 17, 2024 - Board of Education Action Meeting, Arthur Lewis Administration Building, 45 Ranoldo Terrace, 6:30 pm. This meeting will also be live streamed.
Join the meeting via a computer or mobile device at:
Join the meeting by phone:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
Dial the Meeting ID followed by # when prompted
Meeting ID: 816 9441 0918
Friendly Reminder: Friday, December 20, 2024 is a FULL DAY of school
December 23, 2024 - January 1, 2025 - Winter Break
January 2, 2025 -Board of Education January Organization Meeting, Arthur Lewis Administration Building, 45 Ranoldo Terrace, 6:00 PM This meeting will also be live streamed.
Join the meeting via a computer or mobile device at:
Join the meeting by phone:
646-558-8656 or 301-715-8592
Dial the Meeting ID followed by # when prompted
Meeting ID: 816 9441 0918
Community Bulletin Board Offers Information on Community Events
Interested in community information and events related to the school community? Check our online Community Bulletin Board! Currently posted is information on local scout troops, services for homeless youth, and Fair Funding for the Cherry Hill Schools, among others.