Superintendent's Report
May 22, 2023
May is AAPI Heritage Month!
On the Agenda This Evening...
- We are asking the Board to approve the French Exchange program, which will take place in 2024. Students from France will be with us for 15 days in April 2024, and then our students will visit France for 15 days in June 2024. Exchanges are great opportunities for our students!
- For the Board's consideration, this evening is a resolution of free school meals for all students. At last week's Finance Committee meeting, Ms. Delle spoke about this resolution, and we thank the Board for considering approval this evening.
- Once again the Board will approve the property tax rebate program for 2023-2024. This program provides the opportunity for a property tax rebate to taxpayers that are above to the PA State Property Tax Rebate Program.
- Tonight the Board will consider approval of a contract with Right at School. Right at School will become the company that provides before and after care in UDSD. Information will be included in the District's newsletter tomorrow, and families who already signed up for before or aftercare with the YMCA will have their registration fees waived for Right at School. We are excited about this new partnership, and we look forward to many years of a collaborative relationship with Right at School!
- Compensation plans for a number of employee groups appear on tonight's agenda. We are seeking Board approval for the plans.
- Finally, the Board will approve delegates to the PSBA Assembly. We will ask the Board to approve the names of two (2) Board members to serve as delegates from UDSD.
Celebrating the Dedicated Service of Our Retirees...
Fred Rogers once said, "Often when you think you're at the end of something, you're at the beginning of something else." Our retirees have many adventures ahead of them - and the good news is that setting an alarm on weekdays doesn't have to be one of them! Just remember this bit of advice: In your retirement, every day is boss' day and every day is employee appreciation day!
MGES Principal Finalist - Mr. Nicolas Perez
Mr. Perez is currently the Principal at Cheltenham Elementary, a position he has held since 2014. Throughout each of his interviews and through the conversations and reference checks we completed, we heard time and again how much Mr. Perez loves being an elementary principal and how much faculty, staff, students, and parents/guardians respect him. Working side by side with teachers to ensure academic excellence and positive cultures where students and staff thrive, interacting daily with students to celebrate successes and address challenges, and engaging parents/guardians and families are among his greatest strengths and passions. We are confident that Mr. Perez’s experience, leadership, and character align with the needs of MGES. His leadership will have a strong, positive impact on the entire MGES community. In the coming days, we will announce opportunities for our MGES colleagues and the MGES students and their parents/guardians and caregivers to meet Mr. Perez!
We would like to thank the representatives from our interview team, which included teachers, staff, administrators, and a Board member. We will ensure that the leadership transition between Mr. Perez and Mr. Corcoran is smooth. As Mr. Corcoran ends his final year here in UDSD, we thank him for his services and wish him all the best as he moves on to the Methacton School District.
Kindergarten and New Student Registration
Please keep in mind that students must be at least five (5) years of age before September 15, 2023, in order to be registered for kindergarten. Next year's kindergarten students will be the Class of 2036!
News from Nest - May 2023
Upper Dublin School District
Maple Glen, PA 19002
Email: syanni@udsd.org
Website: www.udsd.org
Phone: (215) 643-8800
Facebook: facebook.com/UpperDublinSchoolDistrict
Twitter: @UpperDubSuper