Hornets' Nest News
Everything you need to know about Castle Rock Elementary
This Month's Upcoming Events
March Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 1st: Last Day of the 2nd Trimester
- Friday, March 8th: Read Across America Activities
- Thursday, March 7th: Castle Rock Heritage Day Celebration
- Wednesday, March 6th:
- Minimum Day- Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- School Board Meeting at 4:30 PM
- Friday, March 8th: 2nd Trimester Report Cards Sent Home
- Sunday, March 10th: Daylight Saving Times- Don't Forget to Change Your Clocks
- Monday, March 11th: Monthly & 2nd Trimester Awards Assembly @ 9:15 AM
- Tuesday, March 19th:
- 8th Grade Parent Committee Meeting @ 2:45 PM (Plan for 8th Grade Trip & Graduation)
- DAC/LCAP Committee Meeting @ 4:00 PM (Parents please attend- Your input is needed, child care and pizza provided)
- Wednesday, March 20th: Minimum Day - Dismissal at 1:00 PM
- March 25th-March 29th: Spring Break- No School
- April 1st & April 2nd: Inclement Weather Days- No School (Unless we have a school closure due to snow between now and then)
- Wednesday, April 3rd: Minimum Day- Make-Up Day for School Closure on Jan. 10th
We will be having a MOVIE NIGHT in March! Date to be determined, so more info will be sent out soon!
All Fridays are Spirit Days- Wear your Castle Rock Elementary Spirit Shirts!
Other events may occur that are not yet scheduled, but we will keep you posted.
Castle Rock Parent/Guardian Survey- Please Complete!
Very Important Parent/Guardian Survey!
Click here to get to the survey: https://forms.gle/m5gGXxdKdxDtCMkV7.
If you are unable to complete the survey online and would like a paper copy of the survey come on by the school office and we will print one for you.
8th Grade Fundraisers
Penny War- 8th Grade Fundraiser
Our 8th grade students will be doing some different fundraising events this school year. The Penny War is a fun easy way to support the 8th graders that isn't too costly. For the Month of March any time you have spare change send it in to your child's class to be added to their classroom fundraiser container. The class that has the most points will win a pizza party and get to throw a pie in Mr. Sommer's face. See the flyer below for more information.
Can Recycling Drive- 8th Grade Fundraiser
Our 8th grade students are raising money for their 8th Grade Trip at the end of the school year. They will be collecting cans to take to be recycled for the remainder of the school year. If you have aluminum cans that you would like to donate, please send them with your student and turn them in to the school office. It would be great if they were completely empty and in a bag when they are dropped off. We will take them every week or so to the recycling center, so when ever you get a collection of them feel free to send them in. All funds from the recycled cans will go to help pay for our 8th Grade Trip.
2024-2025 Enrollment for New Students
Enrollment is now OPEN for next school year!
Castle Rock is starting enrollment for the 2024-2025 School Year. We are accepting enrollment for all grade levels (TK-8) for next school year. If you have a Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten student not currently enrolled that you would like to enroll for next school year, come on in any time to complete the enrollment process. Also, If you know of a family interested in enrolling their student(s) here at Castle Rock let them know that they can come on in to enroll them as well. Please feel free to share the flyer below with anyone that might be interested.
SAVE THE DATE: Castle Rock Summer Camp
Click the link below for the Castle Rock Elementary School Summer Camp 2024 Registration Form.
THANK YOU Lakehead Lions Club!
Our staff and students would like to send out a huge THANK YOU to the Lakehead Lions Club for once again supporting our school and students. In February they provided all of our students with amazing Valentine's Day gifts (See the cups with candy and a balloon in the photo). Our students were so excited and appreciative!
February Happenings
Fun Educational Activities from February
Valentine's Day in K-1
Great Kindness Week- Kindness Rocks
Great Kindness Week- Dreaming of Kindness
Great Kindness Week-Accept Each Other's Differences Day (Mismatch)
Great Kindness Week- Never Too Old to Be Kind
Great Kindness Week- Never Too Old to Be Kind
100 Days Funny Pic
100 Day of School
Young Chefs
Young Chefs
Fun in TK
Fun in TK
Girls vs. Golden Eagle South
Girls vs. Golden Eagle South
Boys vs. Golden Eagle South
Boys vs. Golden Eagle South
Girls vs. Shasta Valley
Girls vs. Shasta Valley
Boys vs. Shasta Valley
Boys vs. Shasta Valley
Art with Ms. Debbie
Art with Ms. Debbie
TK Pajama Day
TK Too Full!
Congratulations to our Girl's Basketball MVL Champions!
Our girl's basketball team worked and played hard this season which earned them the title of Mountain Valley League Champions! They were also the Mountain Valley League Tournament Champions! What a fantastic season!
Student Recognition & Awards
Student of the Month Awards
Our February Student of the Month Awards Assembly will be held on Monday, March 11th at 9:15 in our cafeteria. We will be celebrating the students that were chosen to have best exemplified the values of the month for February. The February Value was: Be caring by making friends with someone who needs one. Teachers will send home invitations to the awards assembly to our award winners' families prior to the assembly.
For the month of March our Value is:
Listen attentively while others are speaking!
Pictured below are our January Student of the Month Award Winners that received their award at the February Monthly Awards Assembly.
Perfect Attendance Award Winners
Pictured below are the January Perfect Attendance Award Winners from the February Monthly Awards Assembly.
I-Ready Academic Growth Assessment Awards
Our students that were able to show growth in Reading and/or Math between the beginning of the year i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment and the Mid-Year Diagnostic Assessment were honored at our February Monthly Awards Assembly on February 9th. We are so proud of all of our students and can't wait to see how much academic growth they will all show by the end of the school year!
See the picture below of these amazing students!
Attendance Monthly Information-
March Attendance Tip: A good night's sleep = a great day of learning!
The graphic below illustrates the recommended hours of sleep by age span. The appropriate amount of sleep is important for overall health, and healthy children learn better.
Superintendent's Message
Message from Leslie Rames
It is hard to believe that we are completing our 2nd Trimester already! It seems like the first day of school was just a month or two ago. Time sure flies when we are busy working and learning! February was a busy month of purposeful learning as well as participating in the "Great Kindness Challenge", 100th day of School Activities, and of course celebrating Valentine's Day. Our 3rd Trimester stretch is filled with lots of activities and learning to better prepare our students for end of year testing and ensuring that they are fully prepared to move onto the next grade level. Attendance is very important during the next few months!
March will be just as busy of a month with lots of learning and school activities. Our 2nd Trimester ends on Friday, April 1st (This is not an April Fool's Day Joke 😃). Report Cards will be sent home the following Friday, March 8th so keep your eyes out for them. We will be participating in Read Across America on Monday, March 4th with classroom reading activities and guest readers. Classes will be decorating their classroom doors with a Dr. Seuss book theme as part of Read Across America so if you pop by the school that week make sure to check out each classroom's door. Castle Rock Elementary Heritage Day will be observed this year on Tuesday, March 5th. The day will be filled with fun Heritage Day activities such as making homemade butter, making a school-wide quilt (paper), gold panning, playing jacks, using an old fashioned wash board, singing/playing old time music, etc.
Our Spring Break is the week of March 25th-March 29th. We originally had 3 Inclement Weather Days (April 1st-3rd) following Spring Break, however, we will be using Wednesday, April 3rd as the Make-Day for the school closure on January 10th. Wednesday, April 3rd will be a minimum school day with dismissal at 1:00 PM.
I wish you all a healthy March and an enjoyable, safe Spring Break!
School Calendar 2023-2024
Castle Rock Elementary School
29373 Main St.
Castella, CA 96017