1st Grade Busy Bee News
with Mrs. Berry
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
- Source: Person, place, or thing from which something comes
Important Transportation Information
- No changes of transportation can be accepted over email. Changes during the school day must be made in writing to the office and received by 1:30 each day.
• Any kids staying after school for clubs must have a written transportation change for that day. Please send a note EACH DAY that they are staying for ASP enrichment. This cuts down on confusion if there is ever a substitute teacher in the class.
Thank you!
There is SO much amazing information on there!!
Class Blog
Have you checked out Mrs. Crosby’s blog? If not, you should definitely check it out. There is TONS of information on her page!
All students are encouraged to utilize Mackinvia for some fun, amazing reading resources. Students can go to: https://www.cobb.mackinvia.com/
Specials for the Week
Ask Me What I am Learning!!!
Our Grade Level Learning Targets!!!!
Talk to me about what I’m learning!
Math- I can determine the meaning of the equal sign. I can determine if an equation is true or false.
Writing- I can write an informational writing piece.
Daily 5/Language Arts- I can determine the author’s purpose for writing stories. I can identify the main idea. I can retell stories using key details.
Phonics- I know letter blends.
IB Unit: I can tell you how the world works. I can describe light and shadows. I can describe the uses of magnets. I can describe sound and vibration
Here are some helpful hints for helping with IB units:
We are continuing with our IB unit on energy and how it is detected through various senses. Try these things at home:
-Watch a TV show with and without sound. What do you notice about the use of music & sound effects?
-Listen to music and see how different family members react. Talk about what is causing them to feel this way.
-Look at a piece of art or a photo. How did the artist use light in the work? What do you think he/she is trying to make you feel?
As we step into our 3rd IB unit, we would like for you to review the IB learner profiles with your students. Teaching them these skills not only makes them a stronger academic mind, but a better human being.
Review how to be Knowledgeable with your child. What does it mean? How can you show that you are Knowledgeable? What about when no one is looking- how does it look and sound?
Tuesday, December 3rd
Field Trip to Sleepy Hollow Farm -Chaperones may drive separately and pay at the door. Please no siblings. Please let me know if you plan to attend. I must have a completed chaperone agreement on file for you to attend.
If you did not send in your permission slip and payment envelop, please do so today!!! If we do not have a signed form, your child will NOT be permitted to attend. Thank you for taking care of this ASAP!!!
December 10th:
Chorus Performance
December 11th:
Pajama Day
December 12th:
Giving Market Begins
December 19th and 20th:
Early Release
December 23rd-January 3rd
Winter Break- NO SCHOOL
Parent Guide to International Baccalaureate Global Theme Units of Study
How the World Works- 1st Grade
Central Idea: Senses detect Energy
Lines of Inquiry:
-Blocking a light source causes a shadow
-Magnets have multiple uses
-Sound can change based upon the need
Teacher goals for students’ learning:
-Students will learn that sounds can change (vibration and pitch)
-Students will learn that emergency sounds help us.
-Students will learn about how a magnet attracts and repels objects.
-Students will learn about various sources of light (natural or man-made).
-Students will learn that blocking light can cause shadows.
How can you help at home?
-Allow your child to play the game: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/gamesactivities/detectivescience/magnets.html
- Encourage your child to play with objects to make musical instruments.
-Encourage your child to use a flashlight to see what shadows various objects can make.
Learner Profile Connection This unit we will focus on being reflective, thinker, and an inquirer.
Encourage them at home to be reflective by: - Spend some time reviewing your child’s report card with them. They should have the opportunity to look at this document and consider it as well. Discuss it with them and truly consider their thoughts on their strengths and areas for improvement. - Discuss with your child how they can assist you or someone in their home. Encourage them at home to become thinker by: -Pose different real-life problems and questions to your child (i.e. “How do I keep track of my events and important dates?”) - Ask your children questions when they are working on a problem: "I had never thought of that. Tell me more about it." "What other ways can we show that?" "Why do you think that?" "How did you figure that out?" Encourage them at home to become inquirer by: - Encourage areas of your child’s interest by visiting the library to borrow books that explore these topics. - Model being an inquirer. Admit when you don’t know the answer to a problem or a question and seek out answers in front of your child.
Tentative Dates: November 18th- December 20th
Cobb County Resource Links
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
Please use this at home for extra practice in all subject areas.