Washington - Caldwell Parent Update
Week of December 9, 2024
Message from our Principal
Hello Bulldog Families,
As part of Act 20, which addresses early literacy in grades 4K through grade 3, we are currently on track with staff training and the implementation of the assessment and student support components. We will begin formal assessments in January 2025 to determine student progress and identify specific areas for support in literacy. Mrs. Borchardt is leading this work and has done an excellent job organizing and implementing our interventions and assessments.
What is Act 20?
Act 20 is a state law that requires schools to assess early literacy skills for students in grades 4K-3. This helps ensure that every child receives the support they need to develop strong reading skills.
If you have any questions regarding Act 20, please feel free to reach out to us.
Our boys middle school basketball team is off to a roaring start. While we are excited that the team won their first game, the teamwork and camaraderie that was evident during the game was great to see. Checkout our school calendar for upcoming games and come out to support our students athletes. We also have a cheer squad this year who have performed extremely well under the leadership of Ms. Fields. What a great performance we saw on Wednesday!
Enjoy the weekend!
Kevin McCormick
Calendar of Events
Monday, December 9:
- PTO Penguin Patch Set up 4:00 pm
- Boys Basketball Away Game vs Brighton 4:30 pm
- Cheerleading Practice 3:40 pm - 5:00 pm
- Monthly PTO Meeting-In School or Virtual at https://meet.google.com/qqe-gwnk-egr 5:15 pm
Tuesday, December 10:
- PTO Penguin Patch Shopping 9:00 am -3:00 pm
- Cheerleading Practice 3:40 pm - 5:00 pm
- Knitting Club 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
- Boys Basketball Practice 3:40 pm - 6:00 pm
Wednesday, December 11:
- Fun Day-Food Drive: Crazy Hair-Holiday Theme Even Better
- PTO Penguin Patch Shopping 9:00 am -3:00 pm
- 1st & 2nd Grade Field Trip 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Boys Basketball Home Game vs North Cape - 4:30 pm
- PTO Penguin Patch Shopping 9:00 am -12:00 pm
- Boys Basketball Practice 3:40 pm - 6:00 pm
- Fun Day-Food Drive: Stay Warm - Holiday Sweater & Scarves
- Midterms Go Home for 3rd - 8th Grade
- 8th Grade Bake Sale 1:30 pm
- Cheerleading Practice 3:40 pm - 5:00 pm
- National Junior Honor Society Meeting 3:40 pm - 4:30 pm
Please Support Our Local Food Drive
Bring non-perishable items to support Caldwell Food Pantry. They need our help with stocking the shelves!
Giving Tree for the Holiday Season
For many years, Washington-Caldwell School District has supported our own community through an Annual Giving Tree for area children. We are continuing this tradition this year. Sign up to help through Sign Up Genius - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C4AADAF2AA5F94-53456105-giving#/
1. Take a moment to look at the needed items on Sign Up Genius.
2. Sign up to donate an item or items.
3. Drop off the item at school or send to school with your student. Put items in a bag of some kind. Donations should be to school by Friday, December 13.
4. School elves will get the gifts to families before the holiday!
National Junior Honor Society Project
Thankful for.... Messages
Please take a moment to tell a staff member why you appreciate them! Use this Google form - https://forms.gle/wH5ucfmFT6LeE2rV9 - to recognize one of our staff members! When you submit this form, it will generate a certificate that we will print and give to the staff member. This recognition can be submitted for all staff members including teachers, specialists, educational assistants, office staff, admin, custodial staff, bus drivers.... anyone!!!
Things You Can Do to Raise A Reader
Word games for everyone. Lead by example-exercise your mind by doing crossword puzzles, word jumbles and word searches. Play board games as a family to develop vocabulary skills.
Lost and Found
Check out these pictures. These items that are still in the Lost & Found and will be donated during winter break. Do any of them belong to you?
8th Grade News
Items for Paw Store Carts Needed:
The Paw Store Carts need more toys and trinkets, especially stuffed animals. Washington-Caldwell students will appreciate any gently used items your kids no longer use.
Printer Ink Recycled at Washington-Caldwell
The students of the Washington Caldwell chapter of the National Junior Honor Society recycle used printer cartridges. All you have to do is send printer cartridges to school, and the students take care of the rest. Help keep these items out of landfills.
PTO Happenings
Holiday Classroom Basket
It’s that time of year again…..
That’s right, it’s time to get excited…..
Classroom Baskets are here!!!
The PTO along with the Washington Caldwell teachers, have been organizing this great class spirit fundraiser for many years! It provides an opportunity for the whole class to work together and raise money for their school in a fun way.
Please help your child bring in an item that relates to their classroom theme
by Wednesday December 13th.
The class that with the “most tickets sold basket” will win a pizza party.
The baskets will be displayed for raffle on Facebook and at the Holiday Concert.
Tickets will be available for purchase on the day of the Holiday Concert.
Cash or Check preferred!
Basket winners will be drawn during the Holiday Concert and the winner can pick up baskets at the end of the evening. Thank you in advance for your help! If you have any questions, or want to help please contact Washington Caldwell PTO Washcaldpto1@gmail.com
Proceeds for this year’s baskets will be going to End of School Year Carnival.
PTO Penguin Patch
PTO will be hosting a special shopping event for all students on December 10-12. Students will be able to purchase small gifts for mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, and others. Gifts are inexpensive and will come home wrapped and ready to put under the holiday tree! PTO is also looking for help to run Penguin Patch - sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44AFA722A3FAC25-53691762-penguin#/.
Spectator Expectations
2024-2025 School Calendar
Thank you to everyone who have been responding to low lunch balance emails by sending in funds right away. We appreciate you attending to this in a timely manner. Please feel free to email asking for current lunch balances if you are wondering at any time. One full week of lunch is $16.25. You may go online to deposit money at E-Funds or you can send cash or a check to school with your student.
The student cost for school lunch remains the same as last year.
Student lunch is $3.25 (this includes 1/2 pint of milk)
Extra Entrée is $2.50
Milk is $0.40
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available year round on the school website under the Parent section. Please reach out to Kelli Vogt if you have questions. The link is referenced below.
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Flyers of Interest
Waterford Recreation Department Program
(These opportunities are not affiliated with Washington-Caldwell School District.)
Connect with Washington-Caldwell
Ms. Kelli Vogt, Assistant Principal -- kvogt@washcald.com
Mrs. Sue Krystowiak, Main Office Secretary -- skrystowiak@washcald.com
Ms. Karen Kaldor, Main Office Secretary -- kkaldor@washcald.com
Dousman Transport Bus Company 262-910-1310
Website: www.washcald.com
Location: 8937 Big Bend Road, Waterford, WI, USA
Phone: 262-662-3466
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wcbulldogs