T.H.E. Trail Guide
January 10, 2025

Principal's Message
Happy New Year and welcome to 2025! We hope this message finds you and your loved ones well and rested after the holiday season. As we step into this exciting new year, we are filled with anticipation and enthusiasm for the months ahead.
We are so thrilled to welcome all of our students back to school. Each new year represents a fresh start, and we can’t wait to see their bright smiles, hear their laughter in our classrooms and hallways, and witness the incredible energy they bring to our school community.
At Tehaleh Heights, our focus has always been on nurturing curiosity, inspiring growth, and building a love for learning. This year, we look forward to seeing all the amazing progress our students will make—academically, socially, and personally. We know each child has so much potential, and we are dedicated to supporting them as they take on new challenges, discover their passions, and achieve their goals.
As partners in your child’s education, your involvement means the world to us. Whether it’s through attending school events, staying engaged with classroom activities, or simply cheering your child on, your support helps create an environment where learning flourishes.
Thank you for entrusting us with your children and for being part of this incredible journey. Here’s to a year of growth, discovery, and celebration!
Jennifer Knight and Mandy Green
Dates For Your Calendar
January 16th-PTA Meeting - 6:30pm at THE Launchpad
January 20th-No School-MLK Day
January 24th-STEM Fair registration due by 3pm
February 14th-Emergency Weather Makeup Day (if needed)
February 17th-No School-Presidents Day
February 21st-Raise Craze Kickoff Assembly
February 22nd-STEM Fair at Bonney Lake High School @ 10:00am-2:00pm
February 24th-March 7th - Raise Craze
February 25th-All District Choral Festival
Dismissal and Parking
With having 400+ students being dismissed as either independant walkers or through the car loop, we understand there is a lot of congestion around the school and side streets. Student safety is of utmost importance to us, so please utilize the car loop, school parking lot and refrain from parking in the grass field. Students and families walk through the grassy area and it is not safe to have cars driving in and out. Also, please follow all traffic laws in the school zone as well as as the streets surrounding the school. This includes following the posted speed limit and driving on the correct side of the road.
Thank you for your partnership in keeping all of our students and families safe.
This year’s STEM Fair and Art Show is fast approaching! As always, we are excited to see students of all ages showcase their incredible work through a variety of STEM projects. All K-12 students are invited to submit a project on a topic of their choice. This year, students in grades 3-12 are required to submit and present their projects digitally using Google Slides. While they will still present their work in person at the STEM Fair, this new digital format streamlines the process for those wishing to enter the Discovery Regional Science Fair.
To ensure accessibility and ease the transition to digital submissions, students in grades K-2 will have the option to submit either a traditional tri-fold display or a digital project. We look forward to celebrating student innovation and creativity once again this year!
Please explore the project packets below for more information:
The deadline to register a project is Friday, January 24th at 3pm. Due to planning needs and space constraints, late submissions will not be accepted. Please note: projects do not need to be completed by January 24th, but the topic needs to be chosen.
Please note the date and venue of the 2025 STEM Fair:
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Bonney Lake High School
To register for this year’s STEM Fair please visit this link
We know your projects will be creative, skillful, thorough and thoughtful. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. Thank you for your participation in this year’s STEM Fair!
Attendance Awareness
It’s January and we have officially entered the Winter season!
This is the time of year when winter weather takes a toll on school attendance. Snow and rain can make it hard to get your children to school. So can illnesses such as colds, flu, fevers, earaches and COVID-19.
These absences, even if they are excused, break the routine of daily attendance that contributes to students feeling connected and engaged in learning. Please consider these steps to keep your children healthy and in school this winter.
- Develop back up plans for getting your children to school. Check who can give your children a ride if you can’t take them.
- If your children get sick or you are concerned about COVID or the flu, talk to your child’s medical provider or the school nurse for advice.
- Stomach pain and headaches can be signs of anxiety and may not be reasons for keeping a child home. If you feel that anxiety or stress is playing a role, talk to your child’s teacher, the school nurse or counselor or your medical provider about how best to support your child.
- Encourage children to wash their hands before and after eating and after using the restroom.
- Avoid sharing cups and utensils with other individuals.
- Dress your children for the cold weather. If you need help with winter clothing, please call the school.
- Encourage healthy habits such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking fluids and getting exercise.
Let us know how we can help you. If you’re having trouble, need resources or advice, please call us at 253-891-6530 and ask to speak with Nurse Karen.
Save the Date!
PTA News
PTA Meeting All are invited to our PTA Membership Meeting in the Launch Pad, Jan. 16th @ 6:30pm. Guest speaker Erin Hocking joined by Friends of the Library and a special video presentation from Birthday Dream Foundation.
Seventh Annual T.H.E. Kindness Campaign and PTA Raise Craze Fundraiser Kick-Off! This is our one big PTA fundraiser of the school year and helps to fund everything from the Art Docent program and student/family events to classroom grants and the theater program, as well as all the items in our budget that benefit students, staff and families that you may not even be aware we assist with! Trust us, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill fundraiser! More details will be coming your way!
Does your employer offer corporate matching? Check into the details now, so you’re ready to go Feb. 21st when we kick off! Those corporate matching dollars count towards your Trailblazer’s total fundraising amount and can result in more individual and class prizes! Plus, it goes towards our school-wide fundraising goal of $25,000! You’ll want to make a personal donation through your student’s Raise Craze website Feb 24th - March 7th and then set up your corporate matching information through your employer. Be sure to email corporate matching information to president@tehalehheightspta.org during the fundraiser to get the donation applied to your student’s Raise Craze total.
Yearbook Content We count on photo content from our student families and school staff to fill the pages of our annual 48-page school yearbook! The PTA puts a lot of effort into producing an awesome keepsake for our students each year and we appreciate your photo submissions! Email to yearbook@tehalehheightspta.org. Yearbooks will be on sale via our PTA website during the month of March. Families will get several reminders about yearbook sales during March – please be sure to read information sent home in your child’s folder and in the biweekly Trail Guide put out through school.
Ready! for Kindergarten
READY! for Kindergarten is a free program that offers age-appropriate targets, training and tools for parents and caregivers of children birth to age five that ensure success in school. These classes are typically funded for school districts, foundations and community organizations.
Registration is now open for our winter sessions.
Families new to Ready! must attend Orientation from 6 - 6:30 p.m. before your registered class session.
Wednesday, January 29th at the Sumner Early Learning Center: 6:30-8:00pm with Orientation for all families new to Ready! 6-6:30pm
Thursday, January 30th at Donald Eismann Elementary: 6:30- 8:00pm with Orientation for all families new to Ready! 6-6:30pm
Monday, February 3rd at the Emerald Hills Elementary: 6:30-8:00pm with Orientation for all families new to Ready! 6-6:30pm
All Winter Sessions will be held in person. As a reminder, if you have more than one child you need to attend more than one session.
Quick Links
Calendar | Bus Schedules | THE Website | Family Access
Lunch Menus | School Flyers | Volunteer
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School Phone: 253-891-6530
School Email: THE@sumnersd.org