December News
2024-2025 School Year
Principal News
Happy Holidays! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and was able to find some time to slow down a bit. As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season picks up, we hope to reinforce the true meaning of the season throughout school these next few weeks before the break. There will be many ways for students to participate in volunteering and giving back this season. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season. See below for highlights this past month and important info for what’s coming up.
Dr. Whipple & Ms. Greibus
Midterm Schedule - 2025
Gananda PROUD
Check out the many things our students have done this past month that make us Gananda PROUD!
Turkeygram Board for Rachel's Challenge
November PROUD Panther Students of the Month!
Great job to Alijah, Addison, Bianca and Hunter for earning the November Student of Month award! They have done a great job exhibiting our PROUD behaviors!
- Team 9 awarded their student of the month to Elijah, who consistently demonstrates exceptional character and academic dedication. He is always respectful and courteous, treating both his peers and teachers with kindness and consideration. Elijah approaches his education with a strong sense of responsibility and determination, giving his best effort in all of his classes
- Team 10 has selected Addy as our student of the month. Addy is always kind to teachers and peers, and is very driven in the classroom to produce great work. Her outstanding attitude and effort helps unite any room she is in!
- Team 11 has selected Bianca as our Student of the Month. Bianca is driven to do her best in each and every class. She can be viewed as an outstanding role model for her peers. The respect she shows to staff and classmates alike does not go unrecognized.
- Team 12 is proud to announce Hunter as our November Student of the Month. He is outstanding in the quality of work he delivers and determined to get his assignments done. His questions and insights go beyond the class materials.
Tardy to School Policy
Please continue to remind your child/children that they need to be in class by 7:30am. As we progress further into the school year, and especially as the weather turns, we often see an increase in tardies to school. We have noticed an uptick with students coming in late to school with Dunkin' or Starbucks. Please remind your child to build in enough time to make those stops so they are not late to school. We appreciate your support in helping to reinforce the importance of punctuality!
Please note that after 4 unexcused tardies in a marking period, contact home will be made, and students will be assigned consequences starting with lunch detention and/or after school detention.
Counseling Office Update
Attention Seniors!
It’s time to celebrate your future plans! Whether you’ve been accepted to college, joining the military, attending a trade school, or starting an exciting new job, we want to hear about it! Share your achievements with the Counseling Office HERE, and we’ll display a paw on our wall to honor your accomplishments.
Also, a reminder: The FAFSA is now OPEN!!!
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is used by colleges to determine eligibility for financial aid, including grants, scholarships, work-study opportunities, and loans. Completing the FAFSA is an essential step for seniors planning for college. Get all the details here!
Junior News
Our one-on-one junior interviews are nearly complete! These conversations have provided students with personalized support to explore their interests and future pathways. Don’t forget: Junior Scholarship applications are due by December 20th!
Sophomore News
Sophomore one-on-one counseling meetings will begin after Thanksgiving break. During these sessions, we’ll discuss:
- Future course planning.
- Graduation requirements.
- Information about Wayne Technical and Career Center (WTCC) programs available starting in 11th grade.
Additionally, in early February, sophomores will visit WTCC in Williamson to tour the facilities and learn about the tech programs offered.
If you have any questions about these announcements, please reach out to the Counseling Office. We’re here to support you every step of the way!
Work-Based Learning News
Business and Entrepreneurship Workshop
Gananda Freshman Ryan Rizzo attended the Business Ready 201: Business and Entrepreneurship full day workshop at the Golisano Institute on November 11th. He spent the day touring and learning more about the institute which focused on areas such as:
- Career Opportunities in Business
- Selecting a Business Path
- Artificial Intelligence in the Business World
Women in Manufacturing Summit
Wayne County Sheriff's Office Explorer Participants
Western NY Area Health Education Center Visits PLTW Human Body Systems Class
Reporting Absences
Absences need to be reported to the school health office by the parent/guardian of the student. This may be done so online by completing this form.
District & Building Calendars
You can also click on the buttons below that will take you directly to the Instructional Calendar and Daily Schedules.
If you have not received an invitation to join ParentSquare, please contact the HS main office.
Did you know you can adjust your settings for ParentSquare?
In the app, if you click the three bars on the left, you will see an icon for your account.
There, you can adjust your preferences to make sure you receive notifications when you desire.
Dr. Christopher J. Whipple, Principal
Ms. Mairi Greibus, Assistant Principal
(315) 986-3521, 8, 3154