Roosevelt Raccoons
August 5, 2024

Key Dates
9 Maze Day
14 First day of school
14 TK/K Orientation 8:30-10:30am
15 Start of TK/Kinder camp
23 End of TK/Kinder camp
27 PTA meeting 6pm
Welcome back to a new school year. I hope you are your family had a wonderful summer. I was able to go home to visit my mother in Australia for a couple of weeks. Of course it was winter there, but we still had some beautiful weather.
All of us are very excited to welcome staff and students back to campus. While we were sad to say goodbye to our middle school last year, we are looking forward to being a more traditional TK-5th grade school this year.
We have a few new faces on our campus this year, and I would like to introduce Ms. Veronica Chavez as our new part-time assistant principal who will be supporting both Roosevelt and Taft schools. She is an accomplished administrator with more than three decades of experience leading and managing culturally and linguistically diverse communities within educational settings. Fluent in Spanish and English and with a student-centered approach, we couldn’t be more thrilled to welcome her to Roosevelt!
Maze Day
Please join us on Friday, August 9 from either 8:30-11:00am or 12-2:30pm to go through our “Maze Day”. Maze Day is where you ensure your paperwork is complete, meet our PTA, connect with some of our partners, and find out who your child’s teacher will be. (Some of the teachers will also be there to meet our families.) You may attend at any time during the morning or afternoon session and please allow for 30-45 minutes to go through our “maze”. We look forward to seeing you on Friday!
First Weeks of School
The first couple of weeks of school will be free dress. Students will not be expected to follow our dress code until Monday, August 26. Our Family Center is happy to provide students with clothing that follows our dress code policy. Please see this flyer for more information.
For 1st-5th grades, the first day of school is a super minimum day. This means that all our students are dismissed at 12pm. Thursday, August 15 is a regular minimum day. Please see the bell schedule for details on school start and end times.
TK and kindergarten students will attend with at least one parent/guardian from 8:30-10:30am for an orientation, where parents will sign up for an assessment time. From August 15-August 23, kindergarten students will attend from 8:15am-1:05pm, and TK students will attend from 8:30am-12:30pm. Parents will select one day for their child to stay until 1:30pm for TK and 2:05pm for kindergarten for 1:1 required assessments. Regular schedule will begin for TK/K students on Monday, August 25.
Message from Roosevelt PTA
Please volunteer to help the PTA at Maze Days. We need English and Spanish speaking volunteer on Friday. No experience necessary! come help for 1-2 hours and make a big difference for our students. Click here to sign up to be a volunteer.
Roosevelt “swag” will no longer be sold at Maze Day. Visit the online store to buy some wonderful Roosevelt clothing with our new logo. (All colors can be worn as part of our dress code.)
Message from SEPTAR
SEPTAR (Special Education Parent Teacher Association for Redwood City) was founded in 2007 to bring families and educators together to meet the needs of students with disability and their families. The monthly association meetings are on a variety of topics with information discussions and are held on the third Tuesday of the month. To learn more about SEPTAR, please see this flyer.
Parent Workshops
Basics of Special Needs Planning: Estate Planning, Trusts, and ABLE Accounts on Thursday, August 29, 5:30-6:30pm. Join attorney Ellen Cookman, founder of Cookman Law, for a lively and informative presentation on the basics of special needs trusts, ABLE accounts, and estate planning. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://ellencookman2024ndss.eventbrite.com
Raising Empowered Athletes: A Youth Sports Parenting Guide for Raising Happy, Brave, and Resilient Kids on Thursday, September 5, 5:30-6:30pm. In her new book, Raising Empowered Athletes, peak performance coach Kirsten Jones offers a timely and down-to-earth guide for parents navigating the difficult decisions and extraordinary pressures of youth sports. Admission is free, and Spanish interpretation will be available. Register: https://kirstenjones2024suhsd.eventbrite.com
Community Resources
Here is the August schedule for the Second Harvest Food Bank.
Roosevelt School
Website: https://www.rcsdk8.net/roosevelt
Location: 2223 Vera Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2413
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RooseveltElementarySchool