Mustang Message
September 29, 2024

MES Commitment 9/27/24: Sports at Recess
Our Community Commitment this week is related to playing sports at recess. MES commits to playing sports in safe way as described in the picture above.
At our Community Gathering, students Hagan and Tyler, helped me discuss the commitments we made in 3rd grade that are now our school commitments. Parents we welcome your help in continuing this important discussion at home.
3rd Grade Volunteer Opportunity
Important Upcoming Dates
October 7 @ 6PM - PTO General Membership Meeting in the Media Center (All members welcome)
October 9 - PTO - Walk to School Day
October 14 - 2-Hour Early Dismissal, Parent Conference Day
October 15 - 5th Grade Historic Sotterley Field Trip (click the link for details)
Oct 18 - PTO Boo Bash! & Fall Book Fair & 2-Hour Early Dismissal
Magnificent Mustangs
Isabelle often checks her schoology grades during independent work time; checking for any missing assignments to stay on track in each class! It shows amazing responsibility and leadership. Isabelle strives to do her best each day and complete her assigned work in a timely manner!
Xavier assisted a student who came to class late. Directions for the assignment were already given and Xavier relayed them to his classmate to help them keep on track. He also showed his classmate where to find the assignment of Schoology. It showed immense responsibly and leadership! Xavier consistently sets a positive example for his classmates!
A New View of ADHD for Parents Workshop: What Works, What Doesn't, and Why
Conscious Discipline Workshop: Building from the Beginning
Parent and Childcare Provider Workshop: Parents of young children and local Childcare Providers are invited to participate in a Conscious Discipline workshop Tuesday, October 15, 2024, from 5:30-7:00 p.m. The Building from the Beginning workshop will be held in the Dohrman rooms at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center. Mission BBQ has graciously offered to provide dinner to the first 100 people who register. Childcare is not available. Please refer to the flier here for more details. Feel free to share the Registration Form with interested families. Local childcare providers may register here and SMCPS will pursue MSDE Core of Knowledge Hours on their behalf.
Musical Theater Troupe Community Feedback
Musical Theater Troupe is proud to announce its theatrical performance for the 2024-2025 school year! This year’s play will be Circus Circus by John Jacobson and John Higgins. If you would like to review the script and offer any feedback, please either stop by the Main Office during normal school hours (9:00 am – 3:45 pm) to read the script and fill out our community feedback form, or click here to access a digital copy of the script and scan the QR code to fill out the community feedback form. Please note that, due to copyright restrictions, we cannot allow scripts to be removed from our school building. Our community feedback form for the musical will be available through Friday, October 11.
Update Your Emergency Information
Effective communication is critical to the success of St. Mary’s County Public Schools (SMCPS). This will be crucial not only for emergencies but for our ability to communicate with families in general. Online Emergency Information Update Forms are now available through the student’s Home Access Center (HAC). Once logged in, directions to access the online form can be found HERE. A video with instructions is available HERE. It is vital that all information is updated in eSchool. The deadline for the online submission of Emergency Information Update forms is October 31st, 2024. Please click here for the Blank Emergency Form. If you have any questions, please contact your school.
Community Gathering and Shucking Corn in Grade 5
Updated SY25 Monthly Events
School Meals
Weekly Menu
Margaret Brent Track or Treat
Please join us at MBMS on Friday, October 25th from 5-7 PM for our Track n Treat Fall Fundraising Event! This year, we will have face painting, pumpkin painting, Halloween-themed games, trick or treating, costume contests, a food truck, and our 5K race! It is just $5 for kids (3 and under free) and no cost for adults if you have kids with you. If adults want to participate in the 5K, it is a $10 entry. Kids also gain automatic entry into the race with their $5 fee. Please direct any questions toward Patrick James ( or Summer Wood ( Use the link below to sign up through Schoolbucks. Put on your best costume and come join the festivities!
Margaret Brent Hogwarts Experience
PTO Board
Nicole Rumaker- President
Dawn Roach- Vice President
Jennifer Shaffer- Secretary
Maria Mosher- Treasurer
Nicole MacLean- Member At Large
Mustang Family. It will bring you up to speed on school communication, attendance, receiving
progress updates, joining our PTO, picking your child up, and much more.