Future Bronco News c/o 2029
For all incoming 9th grade families!
Welcome to Northgate!
There are several dates coming up that will offer you and your student a chance to get acquainted with the school. Additionally, these dates will give you critical information on courses as well as their selection, and will offer helpful guidance on how to plan for the year ahead. Participation in these events will help you and your student get ahead in terms of learning how to maximize success at Northgate.
8th Grade (Incoming 9th Grade) Course Information Night
Thursday, Jan 23, 2025, 06:00 PM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Northgate's Bell Schedule
Girls Basketball finishes 2nd in the North Coast Section
Freshman Symone Jewell finishes 6th in the State!
Jazz Band continues to top the charts!
Northgate Student Handbook
Here are some helpful dates to put in your calendars for this and next year!
- Thursday January 9- Course Information sent via Email/ParentSquare
- Thursday January 23- 8th Grade Course Information Night - 6pm in the Gym
- Thursday January 30- Course Requests Due- Paper for all, + Homelink for MDUSD families
- Tuesday Feb 18- Non-Foothill Student Optional Course Counseling (Zoom) - 3:00-4:30
- Wednesday Feb 19- Thursday Feb 20 - Foothill Course Counseling (during school hours)
- Tuesday April 22- OPEN HOUSE 6pm
- Monday July 29- Friday August 2- MANDATORY ADDRESS VERIFICATION on site at Northgate HS
- Tuesday August 5th- Frosh Orientation (Mandatory) - 8-12
- Tuesday August 5th- Walk Through Registration - this is where students receive their official schedules, textbooks, and lockers
- Wednesday August 6th- First day of school
Seniors embark on Mock Congress
Open House
Additionally, US History classes will be preparing a gallery walk in honor of our 50th Anniversary celebration of Northgate High School
Tuesday, Apr 22, 2025, 06:00 PM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Girls Golf Goes Undefeated AGAIN in the 2024-25 regular Season!
Foothill Middle School Counseling Visits
February 29th and March 1
Madrigals at their Shadelands Farmer's Market gig
What if my child does not attend Foothill?
We are excited to meet you! If you have any questions about scheduling selections, feel free to contact their school counselor, organized by alphabet. Email is always best, and they will offer appointments to families who need them.
Who do I contact?
School Counselors
- Last Name A-Gl- Leanne Owen- owenl@mdusd.org ext 3546
- Last Name Go-N Khushnima Driver driverk@mdusd.org ext 3526
- Last Name )-Z Lauren Mercado mercadol@mdusd.org ext 3539
- Principal Kelly Cooper cooperk@mdusd.org ext 3500
- Last Name A-L Tucker Farrar farrar.tucker@mdusd.org ext 3502
- Last Name M-Z Tyler Rosecrans rosecranst@mdusd.org ext 3503
The administrative team
Boys and Girls Waterpolo have a long history of Excellence!
Intra and Inter District Transfers and the Choice (Unassigned) Area
Enrollment Services, not Northgate High School, handles all transfer student paperwork and decisions.
Course Requests due to Northgate HS by January 30th!
Where do I get these packets?
When it is time to turn it in, they can be submitted to the main office at Northgate, emailed to cooperk@mdusd.org, or turned in to the office at Foothill, Diablo View, Sequoia, or Pine Hollow.
Girls Soccer
Offerings in the Arts at NHS
Art students receive perfect scores on the AP Exam 2 years in a row
Northgate Choirs dazzle year round
Our Theatre program has something for everyone
Performing and Visual Arts
Contact: Roberto Garcia-Leiva, director- garcialeivar@mdusd.org
Vocal Music- Auditions and Placement generally in May, working also with middle school programs
Contact: Kelly Cooper, Principal (new Director TBD) - cooperk@mdusd.org
Dance- Auditions and Placement in April; 9th grade students may be placed in Dance I or II only.
Contact: Kourtnie Howerton- howertonk@mdusd.org
Drama- Auditions and Placement generally in May, working with middle school programs 9th grade students must take Drama I.
Contact: John Litten- littenj@mdusd.org
Visual Art- 9th grade students generally begin with Art Design A/B or Intro to Animation; contact department chair for more information
Contact: Carolyn Moore- moorec@mdusd.org
Our student section is outstanding!
The Stampede student leaders
Water polo finishes high in league every time!
Come See NHS in Action!
- Boys Basketball v Concord HS - 1/10
- Boys Soccer v Foothill 1/11
- Girls Basketball v Berean Christian 1/13
- Girls Soccer v College Park 1/14
- Wrestling v Benicia 1/15
- Drama I and II One Act Plays 2/6
- Choir show- Musical America 2/27
- Dance Production Show 3/19
- MDUSD Band Festival 2/2
- And so many more! See our website calendar for a full list
Boys and Girls Basketball make a post-season playoff run!
Boys and Girls Soccer ALSO made it to playoffs!
Our largest wrestling program yet!
Boys and Girls wrestling made it to the post-season, with the girls team winning league!
Bronco Athletics
If your child is interested in playing a sport, please contact the coach and keep an eye on the website for announcements. Our Athletics Webpage includes information on how to register and important dates. All athletes must upload a current physical.
Our sports medicine program has a one day opportunity for athletes to come get their physicals, while also benefiting the program that will help to keep them healthy and playing all year round.
Any further questions, please contact the Athletic Director, Ben Ballard
Map of where Class of 2024 were accepted to colleges and trade programs!
Club Offerings at NHS
Students honored at the MDUSD Black Excellence Awards
Frequently Asked Questions
- If you are from the Choice area or out of residency, please be sure to communicate with enrollment services and follow deadlines. Enrollment is done by the district office. First round of acceptance letters have already gone out.
We are pre-enrolled, now what?
- Course request forms must be completed and submitted in January. Class lists will be emailed in May with a change request form, to adjust for errors or changes, and official schedules are given at walk through registration in August.
- All 9th grade families will need to complete an address verification with the Northgate office during a particular time span in August, to be announced later. (Generally the first two week in August before walk through registration).
Are there any AP or Honors courses for my 9th grader?
- There are no honors or AP courses that 9th graders take. Many classes are prescribed 9th grade year, including Freshmen PE, Living Earth (Biology), and English I. Math classes are assigned based on 8th grade placement.
Once students begin AP and Honors courses, they are limited to 6 AP courses- counselors will assist students in planning for their courses with a 4 year plan during their 9th grade year.
What is Link Crew?
-Link Crew is our freshman transition program, where junior and senior students are trained to be Link Crew Leaders, and freshmen are put into small groups with two leaders, who remain with them throughout the year. They will meet their leaders at Freshmen Orientation, and continue to interact and receive mentoring and assistance from them throughout the year in Strategic Support.
What is Strategic Support?
- Northgate has a unique bell schedule where built in two times a week are periods of time for students to study and work on homework. Strategic Support (SS) operates as a separate class, occurring after 3rd period and before 4th. 9th grade students are assigned to these classes by link crew for the first five weeks of school. After those five weeks, on Thursdays, students are allowed to select their SS period, allowing students to work with teachers before big projects or assessments, or makeup assignments as needed.
Legacy Lane coming to Bronco Stadium!
Make your Mark at Northgate High School
Families, alums, community members, and staff are all invited to put their "stamp" on Northgate's grounds by purchasing a legacy brick for our planned 'Legacy Lane.' This pathway will be installed from the stadium entrance all the way to our planned stadium bathrooms and concessions building that we hope to fundraise for with this project.
Before we announce this to alumni and the community, we are first offering this opportunity to our current families. There will be limited availability on these bricks, with a finite space, and we have set a goal of 4,000 bricks. Bricks are available for purchase NOW in our webstore.
Some Tips from the Pros
- Parents should sign up for newsletters and read all the updates/information pieces that come out, NHS does a great job of keeping parents informed.
- Drop off can get hairy. Allow for plenty of time, as the slow-down is real, drive through the drop off area (pull forward as far as possible before stopping) and do not stay after your child has left the vehicle. Please also remember students are all over the area- illegal u-turns and speeding are unsafe and put all of our children at risk.
- As a student, the best way to feel like you're a part of the big school is to be involved! Take a look at the club offerings, athletics and arts, and find something to do with your peers!
- Northgate is a GREAT school. 9th Grade Parents need to trust their children. As their child begins High School, realize it is the first step to growing a happy, productive adult. Don't shelter them and do things for them. Let your child navigate through everything high school has to offer - from Walkthrough before school starts, to their classes and extra curricular activities. Guide them, but let them choose! Both you, and they, will be happier!
Academic Calendar for 2025-26
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925 938-0900
Twitter: @northgatehs