Panther Digest
December 2024
Principal's Note
Dear Prairie View Families,
Welcome to December! It’s hard to believe that holiday break is just a few short weeks away. We are so excited for all the activities and events happening at Prairie View this month and hope to see many of you joining us in the celebrations.
This Friday, we are thrilled to present our school production of A Christmas Carol. The students and staff have been working so hard to bring this classic story to life, and it’s going to be a show to remember!
- Daytime Performance: 1:45 PM
- Evening Performance: 7:00 PM
Tickets are $5 and can be purchased the day of the event. All proceeds will benefit the PVES PTO, supporting programs and resources for our school.
Next week, we’ll host our annual Holiday Shop—a special opportunity for students to pick out gifts for family and friends. Keep an eye out for more information, which will be sent home with your child soon.
As the weather turns colder, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. Hats, gloves, warm coats, and boots are essential to keep our students comfortable and safe.
From all of us at Prairie View Elementary, we wish you and your family a joyous holiday season filled with love, laughter, and cherished memories. Thank you for being such an important part of our school community!
Warm wishes,
Val Vos
Principal, Prairie View Elementary School
Morning Drop Off Procedures -- PLEASE READ
- Drop and Go: Once an adult supervisor is outside, please drop your child off and leave promptly. This will help us keep the line moving and maintain an orderly process.
- Safety First: For everyone’s safety, please avoid parking or leaving your vehicle in the drop-off lane.
DPI Releases District and State Accountability Report Cards
On Tuesday, November 19, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) released the 2023-2024 district and school accountability report cards. The Mukwonago Area School District received a rating of Exceeds Expectations.
Prairie View received a rating of Significantly Exceeds Expectations! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Way to go Panthers!!
Visit the MASD School Performance webpage for more information, including to view this year's district and school report cards.
Midnight Magic
Check out Midnight Magic in Mukwonago on Saturday, December 7, 2024. There will be a village-wide Christmas celebration.
Important Upcoming Dates
12/9 Report Cards Posted in Infinite Campus @ 3:30 p.m.
12/10 Coins for Kids Shopping for Student Advisory, 3:30 p.m.
12/11-12/13 Holiday Shop
12/23-1/1 NO SCHOOL Winter Break
1/2 School Resumes
Title 1 Information
Federal law allows parents of each student attending any school receiving Title I funds to request and obtain information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teachers.
Included in this information, parents may request whether a student’s teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade level(s) and subject area(s) in which the teacher provides instruction, whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived, and whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher. If a student’s services are provided by paraprofessionals, the parents may request information about their qualifications. To request this information, parents should contact the school’s main office at 262-392-6310 and the information will be provided in a timely fashion.
Winter Recess
Outdoor Recess
Please make sure that your children are dressed appropriately for outdoor recesses. This includes a warm coat, hat, gloves or mittens. Please remember to label all winter dress items with your child’s name. Additionally, put a change of clothes or socks in your child's backpack in the event that they get wet.
Indoor Recess
Indoor recess will occur when the temperature, by itself or with wind chill reaches the negatives (-1 or below). In other words, if there is a negative in front of the temperature, recess will be indoors.
Weather Related Closure Information
Thank you so much for your generosity during our November month of giving at Prairie View. We collected $3,495.14 during Coins for Kids/Crazy Dayz to buy presents for children for Christmas. Thank you for teaching your children about giving during the holiday season and supporting so many families!
How to Create a Positive Math Environment
- Praise effort over correctness to build resilience ("I notice how hard you worked on that problem!").
- Remind children that mistakes are opportunities to learn.
2. Model Positive Attitudes:
- Avoid saying, "I'm not good at math." Instead, share how you use math in your job or hobbies.
- Show enthusiasm for learning and problem-solving together.
Substitutes Needed and YOU Can Help!
- Have you ever thought about teaching in a classroom?
- Do you want to earn some extra money?
- Do you enjoy working with students?
It is now easier than ever to become a substitute teacher. A three-year short-term sub license is available for applicants who hold an associate degree or higher from an accredited college or university and who have successfully completed an approved substitute training program, but has not completed a state-approved educator preparation program.
Once an educator holds a current three-year short-term substitute license, they may short-term substitute at any Wisconsin school district that employs them.
A great to learn more about Prairie View, connect with parents and get involved is to attend a PTO meeting. The goal of the PTO is to support students and teachers as well as build a strong "school-family-community" connection.
Join us for the next PTO meeting on January 13th.
Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m. and is located in the Prairie View Library.
Click HERE to learn more about the PVES PTO, upcoming events, meetings and ways to get involved.
Have a wonderful holiday season! 🎄
Office Information
Please feel free to reach out to the office staff with any questions or concerns:
Mrs. Valerie Vos, Principal
262-392-6310, ext. 26500
Mrs. Ann Dudek, Administrative Assistant
262-392-6310, ext. 26501
Mrs. Tara Rice, Clerk
262-392-6310, ext. 26502
Mrs. Cindy Fendryk, Health Assistant
262-392-6310, ext. 26503