First Presbyterian Church of EJ
January 19, 2025
Announcements and Quick Reminders
*The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on January 26th following worship!
*Vic Patrick's address while in rehab...he would love cards! Vic Patrick Boulder Park Terrace; Room 28; 14676 West Upright; Charlevoix, MI 49720
*Newsletter articles are due! Thank you!
*When you receive your receipts from the church in the mail...each receipt is a SEPARATE receipt. Your total giving for the year is the two added together. One receipt is for January-June. The other receipt is July-December (although it states the full year on the sheet because the program defaulted to that). Some people only have one receipt, while others will have two. Please call the church if you have any questions. Thank you!
Prayers For California
As we behold the destruction of the Los Angeles wildfires, we offer this prayer:
We call upon your mercy and grace to protect the people, the creatures, and all your creation from the fires that rage in Southern California and beyond. In the face of destruction, remind us that hope cannot be extinguished. Surround the people, creatures, and creation with your grace and peace.
Comfort all who mourn the death of loved ones. Stand with those who grieve the loss of beloved pets or dreams and hopes. Hold close in your care those who are evacuating, unsure of what awaits them. Accompany all who have been displaced, and sustain those whose homes, businesses, and communities have been consumed by flames. Strengthen the firefighters, first responders, and volunteers working tirelessly to control the fires. Guide their efforts and grant them endurance and safety. We ask that you also bless leaders in these impacted communities, whose courage and compassion are beacons of hope amidst the smoke and ashes. Lead us to discern ways we can offer tangible help to those affected—both in this moment of crisis and in the long journey of recovery ahead. Stir our hearts to action and open our eyes to the deeper changes we must embrace to reduce the risk of future fires. Even when the skies are clouded with smoke, may we trust that your light cannot be dimmed. May your promise of renewal and restoration sustain us all. In Christ, our forever hope, we pray. Amen.
-Rev. Mark Koenig
Prayer Concerns
Please pray for:
Boden Vrondran who had surgery on January 14th; Vic Patrick who fell and is in rehab at Boulder Park; Tracy Malpass who had a knee replacement; Zila Healey; Lisa Gandelot; Bill Olstrom; Denny Jesiek; Sarah's friend, Aiden; Ken Visser; Bob Visser; Cathy Stark Hawley; Donna Kline; Vic Patrick; Lou Thumser; Jeff Cook; Tom Reid; Jeff Olstrom; Leslie (Sally Lilak's friend from Florida); Josh Fizer (Paul and Liz's nephew); Josh Spears; Stacey Vondra (Bob Bryan's daughter); Rich and Wava Dietrich's sister-in-law, Lynda, who is struggling with Dementia; Artie Jones; Stephanie Saad; Kristine Olstrom; Mary Jason; Bonnie Grover; Ken Kline; Our Nursing Home Residents: Jim and Marie Shepard, Nancy LaCroix.
**Please let us know if you need someone added to or removed from the list! Thank you!**
Lay Leaders for January 19, 2024
Tech: Ryder Malpass
Jr. Church: Anne Olstrom
Liturgist: Brenda Malpass
Ushers: Ted and Toni Jeffery
Fellowship: Susan Kinloch
Flowers: Bob and Dee Hawley
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Lay Leaders for January 26, 2025
Tech: Ted Jeffery
Jr. Church: Natalie Malpass
Liturgist: Kathryn Bell
Ushers: Ken Schiemann and John Hunter
Fellowship: Nicole Youngs
Flowers: Ralph Kooistra and Laurie Sherman
Live Streaming: Trent Raymond
Lay Leaders for February 2, 2025
Tech: Bristol Skop
Jr. Church: Rhonda Brennan
Liturgist: Susan Kinloch
Ushers: Need Volunteers
Fellowship: The Vissers
Flowers: Linda Snyder
Happy Birthday!
January 19th: Wessley Gotts
January 20th: Ted C. Sherman
January 22nd: Richard Eaton
Happy Anniversary!
Need to Get The APP? Here's How!
1. Click on this link:
2. Download either by clicking on the Apple App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices).
3. Click on Get
4. Click on Open
5. It will ask if you would like to set First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan as your church. Click YES.
6. Click Allow for notifications if you would like to get notifications.
7. Once you go into a section, to get back to the main page, you will need to click the four box icon in the top right corner.
9. Need help? Check in with Trent after worship or stop into the office and we can help!
Next Meet and Eat Is February 10th!
Our next Meet and Eat is February 10th. Dinner is at 5:30 pm. Please come, and bring a friend or two! It would be helpful if you could sign up so we know how much food to prepare. The sign-up will be in the Sanctuary Hallway and Fellowship Hall, or you may email Stacey at
If you forget to sign up and want to come, PLEASE COME anyway! We will have plenty! It's all about the Loaves and Fishes!
2025 Volunteer Sign Ups
We are always in need of lots of volunteers! Sign ups are in the Sanctuary hallway! Below are schedules for Tech Support, Fellowship, Jr. Church, and Flowers. They all have openings, so if you feel called, please sign up on the forms in the hallway (the 2025 ones) or email Sarah and let her know. Thank you for all that you do to support our church!
* If you find that you aren't able to participate in one of the things that you are signed up for, please find a replacement and let Sarah know who the replacement is! Thank you!
Church Directory Update!
It's that time of year again! We are updating our Church Directory! If you have any address, phone, or email changes, please let the office know! Thanks!
Presbytery Point Volunteer Positions Open!
Presbytery Point is looking for several volunteers in 2025! Please see below:
Middle School Camp June 22-28th: Male Counselors
Elementary Camp June 29-July 2nd: Female Counselors and Male Counselors
Family Camp June 13-June 15: Spiritual Leader; Nurse or EMT/First Responder; Program Leader; Music Leader; Fishing or Boating Leader; Music Leader
Retro Camp-A-Con June 20-June 22nd: Spiritual Leader; Program Leader; Music Leader
Gidley Scholarship Applications
Gidley Scholarship Applications are available to seniors graduating in 2025! Please email the church for an application! Applications are due March 1st, 2025!
Care and Share
New Calendar Coming Soon!
Per Capita
Monthly Devotionals
Dates To Remember!
January 19th: Session Meeting
January 26th: Congregational Meeting following worship
February 10th: Meet and Eat 5:30 pm
March 1st: Gidley Scholarship Applications Due. Email office for a scholarship application.
Devotional Yoga Held on Wednesdays
Please join Pastor Jaime for Devotional Yoga on Wednesdays at 10:00 in the fellowship hall.
Online Giving for First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan
The looks of the Presbyterian Foundation giving page has changed! It is much easier to navigate than previously! Check it out! It's easy to sign up for online giving to First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan! Either scan the code or click on the following link!