The Greencastle Gazette

Principal's Message: December 8, 2024
Dear Greencastle Community,
1. PTA Book Fair -- Online Sales. We must thank our PTA for an outstanding Book Fair that grossed $9,916.95. We are so close to $10,000. Please continue to take advantage of the option to purchase books online until December 15th. Here's the link to our Book Fair Homepage: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/greencastleelementaryschool1
2. Picture Retake Day -- Tuesday, December 10. Tuesday December 10th is picture retake. If your child was absent on 10/21 or enrolled after our picture day, this is your opportunity to participate in the makeup picture day. If they have any questions please contact Mrs. Jackson at 240-740-1420 or by email at marnika_d_jackson@mcpsmd.org.
3. Update your Contact Information - It is also important to stay connected with your child’s school. We want to make sure we can reach you quickly in emergencies or to share important updates. Your contact information is private, will not be shared, and is only used to support your child’s safety. This information can be updated in ParentVUE or via this form.
See you promptly at 8:40 a.m. on Monday Morning!
Mrs. Dean
Mark Your Calendar - IMPORTANT DATES
This Week
- Saturday, December 7 - Sunday, December 15
- Online PTA Book Fair: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/greencastleelementaryschool1
- Monday, December 9
- Attendance Achievement event @6:00 p.m. (Media Center)
- Tuesday, December 10
- Picture Retake @9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
- Thursday, December 12
- No PEP/Pre-Kindergarten Classes- Teacher Professional Development Day
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 20 - Last day of school before Winter Break
Monday, December 23 - Wednesday, January 1; Winter Break - Schools and Offices Closed
Help Us Address Chronic Absenteeism at Greencastle!
By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, the percentage of Greencastle students who are chronically absent will decrease from 32% to 27%.
As of Friday, December 6, Greencastle Elementary's current percentage is 22.58% (MCPS is 14.40%.) We INCREASED by 0.97% since last week. Help us to continue to meet and exceed our goal by decreasing the number of students chronically absent.
Family Engagement Survey: We Need Your Feedback!
Do You Have a Change in Your Student's Dismissal Plan?
If you have a change in how your student(s) will dismiss from school for the day, week, or any length of time, please communicate the change using the Greencastle Attendance Note. This will ensure the main office, teachers, and administration are aware of the adjustment in how your student is dismissing from school. This is very important because safety is paramount. We appreciate your assistance and cooperation.
MCPS Things to Know
A Word from Our PTA President, Mrs. LaKeisha Carroll
Hey Knight Community,
Knock, Knock!
Who’s there?
Thank who?
Thank YOU!
A heartfelt thank you to all the amazing volunteers, staff, students, and families who supported the Book Fair! If you missed us this week, you can still shop online until December 15th: Shop Online Here. (https://www.scholastic.com/bf/greencastleelementaryschool1)
Yearbook Updates & Cover Contest
The PTA proudly sponsors the Yearbook Club, which is open to select 4th and 5th graders.
Yearbook Cover Contest:
• Open to 3rd-5th grade students.
• Submissions are due to Ms. Mason or your Art Teacher by Wednesday, December 4th.
• Winners will have their artwork featured on the 2024-2025 yearbook cover!
Contest Cover Rules
Include the schools name and the school year- Greencastle Elementary School 2024-2025
Image or concept that represents our school mascot (Knight, Castle, Crown.. Ect)
Highlight the school colors (they don't have to be the only colors used but some emphasis)
A border around the perimeter
Neat Craftsmanship
Yearbook Sales:
• Yearbooks go on sale Monday, January 5th.
• Online Only: A link will be shared when sales begin.
Save the Date: Family Fun Knight
Mark your calendars for our next Family Fun Knight at Chuck E. Cheese!
• Date: Tuesday, January 28th
• Time: 3:00 PM – 9:00 PM
• Location: 936 Fairlawn Ave, Laurel, MD 20707
Why a Tuesday? Because there’s no school on Wednesday! Come out for food, fun, and games with your Knight community.
Save the Date: The Book Fair will return May 5–9, 2025!
Additionally, the PTA is running a fundraiser with Regal Movie Theatre! With so many great movies coming out, we hope you’ll take this opportunity to support our school while enjoying some entertainment.
A huge thank you to Council Member Mink for attending our last PTA meeting.
Mark Your Calendars!
Our next General PTA Meeting will be virtual on Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
Wishing you a wonderful week ahead!
Past Greencastle Gazette Newsletter Links
12.01.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.24.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.17.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.10.2024 Greencastle Gazette
11.03.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.27.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.20.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.13.2024 Greencastle Gazette
10.06.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.29.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.22.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.15.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.08.2024 Greencastle Gazette
09.01.2024 Greencastle Gazette
08.23.2024 Greencastle Gazette