NCC Weekly Newsletter
Annual Member Donation Statements Now Available:
Annual member donation statements are now available for 2024. If you would like a copy of your statement please see Jamie Hill. You may also text her at 470-241-0197 or email at newnancoc@gmail.com
C.O.R.E Groups 2025:
It's that time of year again, we will be kicking off our C.O.R.E Small Groups in March! **If you are interested in leading a group please reach out to Jamie Hill**. Sign up for groups will start on **Sunday, February 2nd**
Sunday Morning Contemporary Worship Location Change:
To create a more intimate environment for our contemporary worship on Sunday mornings, we will be moving our service to the **Youth Room**. We will meet from **9:00 to 9:20 AM**.
New Start Time for Wednesday Night Services:
After considering feedback from our church family, beginning on **February 5th**, our Wednesday night services will start at **6:30 PM** instead of **7:00 PM**. This change aims to help our young families and senior members arrive home at a more suitable time.
- Sunday, January 19th: NCC Family Bowling 6PM
Join us for a fun afternoon with your NCC family! We will meet at Junction Lanes in Newnan at 6 PM. The cost is $10 per person, which covers shoes, games, and a snack! Everyone is encouraged to bring a friend! Please see Johnnie Pilgrim or Sheryl Parks with any questions.
- Sunday, January 26th: Pilgrim Drop-In Baby Shower
The shower for Emily and JD Pilgrim has been changed to a drop-in format, which will take place between Service and Classes. They have requested gift cards and diapers; all diaper sizes are needed. Suggested gift card retailers include Target, Amazon, and Walmart. If you would like to purchase diapers, the Pilgrims will be using Huggies Little Snugglers as their preferred brand. Stop by for refreshments, drop off gifts, and share hugs and well wishes with Emily and JD!
- Sunday, January 26th: Young Adult Core Group 2025 Kickoff
The Young Adults Core Group will kick off its 2025 meet-ups on Sunday, January 26th, after church at the Pilgrim's house. Lunch will be provided. If you are interested in joining, please see Johnnie Pilgrim for more information!
NCC Honduras Mission Trip 2025:
Our mission trip to Honduras is scheduled for **July 11-20, 2025**. The cost per person this year is $800, plus airfare. We already have 6 people signed up, and we need **YOU** to join us! It's going to be an unforgettable experience. For more details on flights and the itinerary, please see Johnnie Pilgrim.
CORE Groups 2025:
Our NCC Core Groups will resume in **March 2025**! Stay tuned for more information on sign-ups and meeting dates.
Next Gen Sundays 2025:
We are excited to announce that Youth and Young Adult Sundays will return in **March 2025**! This will be a fantastic time of high-energy, faith-filled worship led by our youth and young adults, followed by a delicious lunch. More details will be provided soon!
LAST SUNDAY 01/12/24
GIVING: $4921
THIS SUNDAY 01/19/24
SERMON: Chris Taylor
GREETERS: Sylvia Cork & Pet Bogs
NEXT SUNDAY 01/26/24
GREETERS: Bill Burgess & Tim Thomas
Newnan Church of Christ
Wednesdays @ 7PM - Mid Week Bible Study & Children's Programs
Email: newnancoc@gmail.com
Website: www.newnancoc.org
Location: Physical: 2675 Hwy 34, Newnan, GA, USA
Secured PO Box: PO Box 72913 Newnan, Ga 30271
Phone: 770-253-3684
Facebook: www.facebook.com/newnanchurchofchrist/