Algonquin Family Playbook
January 2025
Happy New Year to Algonquin Pre-K Families!
As we usher in a brand new year, we extend our warmest wishes to all our Pre-K families! May this year bring joy, health, and happiness to your homes. We are thrilled to continue this journey together, watching your PreK Littles explore, learn, and grow in leaps and bounds. Each day with them is filled with curiosity and wonder, and we eagerly anticipate all the amazing milestones they will achieve. Thank you for entrusting us with such an important part of their development. Here's to another year of discovery and joy in learning!
Too Sick for school ??
Although we want your pre-k little here at Algonquin as much as possible, we know that Winter brings germs and sickness, and we want everyone to stay healthy!
This is a reminder that families are asked to keep the child home for 72 hours following vomiting, diarrhea, and /or an elevated temperature and to notify the school office as soon as a diagnosis of a communicable disease has been made.
- Please remember that our doors open at 7:50 for AM drop-off. Breakfast is served in the gym from 7:55- 8:15.
- If you arrive to Algonquin later than 8:20 please sign your child into the office.
- If you need Childcare Services to fit your schedule, please contact our Family Engagement Team for resources.
- If you need to pick up your child before the 2:45 dismissal time - call the office before 2:30 PM that day so we can make sure your child is ready and waiting. Every minute of learning counts. so please try to limit early pickup if possible.
- We are building partnerships between school and home so attendance at school is very important. Our goal is to have 95% of our little scholars here every day. If your little can not be in school please call Ms. Lacy at 708-668-9250 to report an absence.
- If you are visiting you will need to sign in at the front office, present an ID for our safety check and wear a visitor lanyard. Visitors are expected to follow the visitor/parent code of conduct in the 24-25 Parent Student Handbook.
- If you need to visit a classroom or teacher, as a courtesy to the teachers ,we ask that you make arrangements at least 24 hours ahead
Upcoming Dates to Remember
- Jan 9 Fall Picture Retake Day
- Jan 10 Preschool Screening - if you know families that need our services have them call for an appointment 708-668-9200
- Jan 14 10:45 AM Early Dismissal NO PM Classes
- Jan 15 Algonquin Family Night 5:00-6:00 PM
- Jan 20 No School Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Jan 27 Board of Education Meeting 6:00 21st Century School
- Jan 28 10:45AM Early Dismissal No PM Classes
Greetings Algonquin Families, Picture Retake Day will be on January 9, 2025. If your student was not in attendance or you were not satisfied with your students' proof, please call the school office. Please click the link for more info. https://5il.co/33ia7
Algonquin Partnerships - we partner with families and community
Family Movie Night
Joy and Wonder
January Menus
Type 163 into the box and each building will pop up https://www.fdmealplanner.com/#menu/mp/
January Social - Emotional Skill - Empathy
- Empathy is the ability to understand and share another’s feelings.
- Teaching empathy is important as it allows kids to be more understanding and caring.
Paper chain of kindness
This is a fun and creative way of emphasizing the importance of acts of kindness. Have your kids cut out paper strips and write down acts of kindness they offered or received that day. Help them glue, tape, or staple the strips of paper to form a chain and hang them up on the wall. They can keep adding to the chain every time they give or receive an act of kindness.
January Reading Strategy - Determine Importance
- Give everything a name. Build your child’s vocabulary by talking about interesting words and objects. For example, “Look at that airplane! Those are the wings of the plane. Why do you think they are called wings?”
- Point out print everywhere. Talk about the written words you see in the world around you. Ask your child to find a new word on each outing.
- Know when to stop. Put the book away for awhile if your child loses interest or is having trouble paying attention.
Click the link for more great tips!! https://www.readingrockets.org/topics/activities/articles/reading-tips-parents-preschoolers