The J-List
August 30, 2024
Hello JES Family,
What a start to the week! We were all anxious Monday as we worked through the anonymous threat that was made toward our district. As a parent myself, I absolutely understand the stress you felt when you received that email.
The most important job I have as the Principal of this school is to make sure your student is safe and comes home to you every day. We have many security measures and a comprehensive security plan in place at JES, and we are constantly assessing and making changes as needed. We take all situations seriously and take action to make sure our students are safe. In Monday's case, even though there was no specific threat to our campus, we made the decision to keep students inside the building and increase monitoring across the campus.
I thank you for trusting us with your children. And thank you for the honor of serving this community. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, celebrations, or concerns and.......GO DRAGONS!
Patrick Holladay, Principal
Johnson Elementary School
School Holiday
CISD will be closed for the Labor Day holiday on Monday, September 2nd. Enjoy the extended weekend and we look forward to seeing all of our little Dragons back in their classrooms on Tuesday, September 3rd!
Welcome New Superintendent Dr. Glenn!
Attendance Update
Did you know...that regular attendance is an important factor in academic performance in elementary school! According to a US Department of Education study, students who attend school regularly are 1.7 times more likely to be proficient in core subjects like math and reading than students who are absent frequently.
Attendance by the Numbers...
Mon Aug 26 - 88.24%
Tue Aug 27 - 97.72%
Wed Aug 28 - 97.55%
Thu Aug 29 - 96.41%
Fri Aug 30 - 93.47%
Weekly Average - 94.68%
Lunch Visitors
We LOVE having our parents visit for lunch! Please remember that due to student privacy laws, we can not allow other students to sit with you and your child during your visit. Thank you for understanding!
Patriots/First Responder Day
Please help us celebrate our First Responders by encouraging your student to wear red, white, and blue on Wednesday, September 11.
Kindergarten CEF Yard Signs
If you have a Kindergarten student and were not able to attend the Curriculum Night this past Tuesday and would like a CEF Class of 2037 yard sign, please stop by the office and we would be glad to give you one!
GT (Gifted & Talented) Referral Window
The referral window for students currently in 1st - 4th grades for the CISD Gifted and Talented Program (Quest) is open and will close on September 10th at 3:00 pm. Please note that there are NO exceptions to the referral deadline. Information and details on the process are available in the link below. Please contact Mrs. Dickinson at JES with any questions.
4th Grade KJES Tryouts
KJES auditions are right around the corner! To apply, visit the library to see Mrs. Pack and get an application. Applications are due September 6th at 3:00 pm. Late applications will not be accepted. Auditions will be held after school and are available through the sign-up QR code in the packet. Please contact Mrs. Pack for any questions.
Volunteer Application & Background Check
If you plan on volunteering at JES in any capacity this year (including but not limited to field trip chaperones, PTO events, Dragon Wagon, mystery readers, library volunteers/helpers, car drop off line, workroom volunteers, etc.), you must complete a CISD Volunteer application and a background check.
To ensure the safety of our students, volunteers must complete and submit an application each school year prior to being allowed to volunteer on campus or any campus event. Please note that this process can take up to 1 week and can not be done on the spot at the campus.
Click here to begin your application to become a Carroll ISD Volunteer. If you have any questions as to whether you are an approved volunteer, please call the front office.
After School Orchestra & Spanish Enrichment
Orchestra Program
CISD has partnered with Rojas School of Music to offer an after-school orchestra program (violin, viola, and cello) for students in grades K-6th. This program will be offered after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays at JES. For more information, or to register, please click on this link.
Spanish Enrichment
CISD has partnered with Language Lab Academy to offer an after-school language program for students in grades K-6th. JES students who enroll in the program will have classes at Walnut Grove Elementary. Parents will be responsible for transportation to/from WGES. For more information, or to register, please click on this link.
Parent Information/Orientation Session
Dragon Wagon
The Dragon Wagon rolls into town on Friday, September 6th during lunch ! It’s the JES school store and is part of the Spirit Shop. Your student can bring money to school and buy Dragon Spirit items such as stickers, pens, pencils, keychains, journals, fidgets, squishies, and many other fun items. Prices range from 25¢ to $5. Please help our PTO by sending your student with small bills like $1s instead of coins in a ziplock bag with their name on it.
Volunteers Needed - Classroom Art Creation
We are once again featuring grade level art at our Adult Event and Fundraiser! These amazing pieces, created by each student, will be auctioned off November 9th. Please sign up at this link to help the kids create their masterpieces. Each grade is on a specific day the week of 9/9 from 2-3pm.
Homeroom Dues and PTO Registration
Hey JES families! In case you missed this during Annual Student Verification, please click HERE to pay your homeroom dues (per student) and register HERE for the PTO (one per family)!
Registration for PTO will close September 8th and the new JES Online Directory will be updated and available to those who have registered. Thank you so much for your support!
Emerald & Gold Gala
The Emerald & Gold Gala is our annual adult event and fundraiser that you definitely don’t want to miss! Grab your tickets HERE and get ready for a fabulous evening to support our wonderful school!
Interested in making a bigger impact? We’re also offering sponsorship opportunities! Check it out HERE!Add all the PTO & School Sponsored events to your Apple Calendar!
- Open the Calendar app on your iPhone.
- Tap Calendars at the bottom of the screen, then tap Add Calendar.
- Tap Add Subscription Calendar, copy/paste the URL https://calendar.google.com/.../jesptowe.../public/basic.ics
If you are on Android or use Google Calendar, visit this link and click the + button on the bottom right of the screen.
Community Corner
Homecoming Shirts
Please support our CSHS Dragon Cheerleaders by purchasing a 2024 HOCO T-shirt. Funds raised from the sale will be used to cover 2024-2025 budget expenses. Please scan the link or click on the PDF below for ordering instructions.
Southlake Odyssey of the Mind Meeting
Are you creative? Do you like to act? Do you like to build things? Do you like to problem solve? Do you like to think outside the box? Then Odyssey of the Mind is for YOU! Teams of 5 to 7 kids led by volunteer parent coaches compete in one of several problems. Visit dragonsodyssey.org for more information!
9/3 @ 6-7:30 pm Central Market Cafe
9/5 @ 7-8:30 pm Central Market Cafe
9/12 @ 6-7:30 pm Central Market Cafe
Around the Corner
2 - Student/Staff Holiday
11 - First Responders Day: Wear red, white, blue
11 - PTO Auction Flash Sale Opens
13 - Dragons & Donuts; 6:40am
18 - PTO Auction Flash Sales Closes
20 - JES Olympic Kick-Off Assembly
23 - PTO Spirit Night @ Feedstore
25 - Homecoming Parade
26 - Fall Individual Pictures, 8am
27 - Homecoming Game/JES Tailgate