deLacey Update
November 4, 2024

School News
November is very busy month here at deLacey. We will be holding our Family Literacy Night, which will include a book fair and a community resource fair. This is a great opportunity for families to come and learn about different activities that are done around a specific book. We will have guest readers to read different books to groups. In addition, each student who attends will get a book to take home with them at the end of the night.
Towards the end of the month we will be holding our Parent Teacher Conferences. Please make sure to sign up for this opportunity to speak with your students teacher and learn more about their growth. We look forward to seeing everyone throughout the month.
Upcoming Special Events
Upcoming Dates:
11/3: Daylight Savings Ends, Fall Back
11/5: Election Day; No School
11/6: Late Start, No School for preschool students
11/11: Veteran’s Day
11/12: Picture Day
11/20: Literacy Night/Community Resource
11/22: Pajama Day
11/25 &26: P/T conferences
11/27-29: Fall Break, No School
Arrival and Dismissal
Car Riders
Safety Rules:
Please drive slow
Car seats are required for all preschoolers. If you need a car seat, please let us know.
At dismissal, please wait at the curb by your car as the staff brings your child to you.
Please be patient and respectful to all staff, families, and community workers.
Be sure to have your child ready (hat, gloves, coat, and backpack on).
Late arrivals must park in a parking spot. Parents must then escort students to the main office for drop off.
Please be aware that animals, specifically dogs can become excitable during drop off. If this is an issue, it will be dealt with on an individual case by case basis.
As always, our goal is to keep our students, staff, and families safe during the arrival and dismissal times. We appreciate your cooperation!
Durham continues to monitor our bus arrival and departure. You may notice that buses are coming earlier, please know that this is to ensure that all students are arriving to school on time. If you have questions or concerns about your students bussing, you can reach out to Durham at 847-658-3262 or call deLacey and we will do our best to answer any questions.
Nurse's Corner
If you believe your child has lost and item, please reach out to your child's teacher. Thank you.