Hornet Happenings
Era ISD Newsletter, April 2024
Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will be open from April 17-May 3, 2024. This is for new and returning in-district and new and returning transfer students. Please go to our website for more information: www.eraisd.net/registration.
2024-2025 Pre-K and Kindergarten Round-Up events are just a few weeks away! Pre-K Round-up will be April 17th, and Kinder is April 18th. View more information and reserve your time now by going to our website.
Keeping Up with End-of-the-Year Activities
Seniors - There are multiple scholarship opportunities available to you, with deadlines quickly approaching. To find out more information, as well as find applications, visit https://www.eraisd.net/departments/counseling/scholarships
Softball & Baseball Senior Nights
Dana Klement
Elementary Principal (PK-5)
Email: klementk@eraisd.net
Website: https://www.eraisd.net/Page/923
Location: 108 Hargrove St, Era, TX, USA
Phone: 940-665-5961 215
Brian Johnson
Email: johnsonb@eraisd.net
Website: https://www.eraisd.net/Page/4383
Location: 108 Hargrove St, Era, TX, USA
Phone: 940-665-5961 214