Clear Creek High School Updates
May 3, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week
May 6th-10th is Teacher Appreciation Week. We are celebrating our Gold Medal Teachers with Olympics themed treats and activities, and we invite our students to join in the fun with dress up days. We hope that you and your students will take a moment to share your appreciation for the unwavering dedication, support, and time that our teachers give to CCHS and our students.
PTSA Updates
Our next PTSA meeting is Friday, May 10th at 10:00 a.m. in the college center. Please check in at the front desk and you will be directed to the correction location.
PTSA is providing desserts for the Teacher Appreciation luncheon on May 10th. Click Here to make a donation.
It's NEVER too late, click here to join PTSA.
2024 AP Exams
2024 AP Exams begin on Monday, May 6th. If your student is registered for an AP Exam, please see the attached schedule and the AP Test Do’s and Don’ts handout for more information.
TSIA2 Administration
Students currently enrolled in Algebra I or Algebra 2 that have not met a TSI college readiness indicator, such as the SAT or ACT, will take the TSIA2 test on May 13th. The TSIA2 can be used to demonstrate college readiness at many colleges in Texas. Click HERE for more information about the TSIA2.
Upcoming Performances
Choir Spring Show
May 17 & 18
Click Here for Tickets
Cavalier Spring Show
May 2nd-4th
Click Here for Tickets
Lexi Senior Show
Friday, May 10
Click Here for Tickets
Class of 2024
Spring Semester Exams
The schedule for Spring Semester Exams is attached and available on Canvas. The Senior exam schedule and underclassmen exam schedules are different, so please pay close attention to the dates provided. Exams will not be given early. If a student is going to miss an exam, they need to make arrangements to make up the exam in the summer. Exam exemption criteria is also attached.
Attendance Reminders
Here are a few reminders from our attendance office including ways that you can assist us in ensuring that your student's attendance is accurate.
- Please provide student’s full name as it appears in Skyward on all absence notes.
- Notes for students absences must be received within 3 days of the student's return to campus. They may be submitted via Parent Portal in Skyward, a handwritten note may be dropped off at the attendance office or emailed to CCHSATTENDANCE@CCISD.NET.
- Students should deliver excuse notes to the attendance office at the beginning of the day, during lunch, or after school.
- We prefer a handwritten note be provided to the attendance office at the beginning of the day if your child needs to be released from school early.
- Absence requests may be submitted via the Parent Portal in Skyward with a minimum of 2 hours advance notice.
- Handwritten notes with a copy of your driver’s license may be attached to an email and sent to CCHSATTENDANCE@CCISD.NET to request student release with a minimum of 2 hours advance notice.
- If students leave campus without checking out through the attendance office, or return and do not check in through the attendance office, absences will be unexcused.