Bobcat Tales
September 13, 2024
Mark Your Calendar
September 16th: Lockdown Drill
September 18th: SLVE Volunteer TB screening 8:20-9:00 am,. and 1:25 pm-3:00 pm SLVE front office
Oct 10: Picture Retake Day
Oct 11: District Holiday- No school
October 14th-18th: Parent teacher conferences~12:00 pm dismissal for all students
October 14-18th: SLVE Book Fair
Oct 21-25 :Fire Safety Week
Principal Ponza's Message
This week at SLVE
SLVE is very excited for having been recognized for successfully implementing core features of PBIS and earning Silver Status within the CA PBIS Recognition System. SLVE has earned this recognition for their hard work and commitment to implementing PBIS with fidelity and creating the conditions to maximize academic and social-emotional-behavioral outcomes for ALL students.
This week we celebrated our PBIS monthly theme which is "Kindness" at our PBIS assembly. We discussed our Bobcat Be's~being respectful, being responsible, being safe and how kindness is woven throughout all three of these Bobcat "Be's". We also celebrated the students who completed their Summer Brainquest Workbooks. Each student earned a gold medal, a personalized certificate AND a pack of 5 pawprints. It was such a fun way to celebrate all of these students' hard work this summer!
SLVE Lockdown Drill on Monday, September 16th
We will be having our first Lockdown drill on Monday, September 16th. Teachers have spoken to their students about the new emergency protocols and terms used for various situations that might occur. During a lockdown drill, all students, teachers, and staff will go into their classrooms, lock their doors and follow emergency protocols. Attendance is taken and teachers will work with their classes until an announcement is given that the drill has concluded. It is very important that all volunteers on campus during the drill have signed in at the front office, our usual protocol for volunteers. If you have signed in and are volunteering you will lockdown with the class you are working with. Any other adults on campus, who have not signed in at the office and are not volunteering, will need to leave campus as soon as the lockdown drill begins.
Updated Student Illness Protocols
For suggestions to help with knowing when to keep your child home when they are not feeling well please click on this Illness Protocol Link. Contact a health care provider if your child needs medical care. A doctor’s note is generally not required to return to school or child care. For more information, please visit the CDPH guidance page.
TB Test Screening for SLVE Volunteers at SLVE
We are excited to have new and returning volunteers on campus this year. Remember that you must be cleared by the District Office BEFORE volunteering in your child's classroom. The first step in the volunteer process is to stop by the SLVE office and fill out the initial paperwork. Then, completing a livescan (fingerprinting), paperwork, and a TB screening.
Our district nurse, Natalia Bytheway, will be on the SLVE campus at the following times to help you complete the TB screening:
When: Wednesday, September 18th, 8:20-9:00am,. and 1:25pm-3:00pm
Where: Health office, SLE main office
*No need to bring anything with you for the screening. District Nurse Natalia Bytheway will have all necessary paperwork with her.
Construction Updates
The air conditioning units have been installed and are up and running in many classrooms and the SLVE office. Crews are working hard to finish up installing units in the remainder of the classrooms around campus.
Construction is underway on the SLVE perimeter fence installation as well. Crews are working hard to get the fence installed as soon as possible. Please be aware that there are a few taped off areas and detours around campus as work is being completed. Once installed, we will communicate protocols regarding the fence.
Students have been flexible and patient with all of the increased construction activity around campus. We are all excited to see and feel the amazing changes at SLVE.
Bobcat Club News
Family Survey Winners!
Thank you to everyone who took the family survey!
Ms. Hastings's class and Ms. Friends' class tied with the most replies and will win a pizza party and Amazon gift cards—a special shout-out to Ms. Berk's and Ms. Sartain's class, who came in a close second.
Congrats to the parent gift card winner, David Emmons; we will be in touch!
The Book Fair is October 14-18! It will be open daily from 7:45 a.m.-4 p.m. in the MU room. We need lots of volunteers! Please click here to sign up to volunteer today!
Join us for Family Game Night on October 25, a night of free bingo for the whole family. Volunteer today!
Sept 23: Drive For Schools raffle tickets go on sale. The tickets will go home on the week of September 23, with instructions on purchasing and turning them in. Check out the fabulous prizes at https://beachboardwalk.com/drive-for-schools/
November 12: Save the date for the next Bobcat Club Meeting
Family Science Night is November 15. It will be a fantastic time in the cafeteria and the high school pool with many cool activites. Volunteer by clicking here!
Buy a Yearbook - 10% off Early Bird Sale! Buy a yearbook today!
5th-grade families can also buy dedications for their 5th graders. They are called recognition ads in the system. Want to be on the yearbook team? Email yearbook@slvebobcatclub.org
Cradle to Career
Cradle to Career Santa Cruz County (C2C) is a family advocacy organization and community connector that strives to uplift all families. C2C has expanded into SLVUSD and has developed free programming, including recreation activities, parent workshops, and advocacy opportunities for families. Register with C2C for more information about upcoming yoga classes, cooking workshops, and more! Contact Claudia Oblea, SLVUSD's Community Organizer, for more information about C2C, questions, or resource support.
To Register with C2C visit: https://share.hsforms.com/1PECJBXBRREmsdHAUyGb4Ggdl8zs
Claudia's Contact information:
Email - Coblea@c2cscc.org
Phone: 916-270-5237
Join us for a gentle yoga class designed to counteract the effects of prolonged sitting and everyday stress. Perfect for all levels, this session requires no prior yoga experience and is led by a certified yoga therapist. The class focuses on gentle stretching to release tension, improve flexibility, and undo the impacts of sitting at a desk, in a car, or at home.
Alongside the physical benefits, we’ll practice techniques to help manage stress and cultivate a sense of calm. This is a supportive environment where you can move at your own pace, prioritizing your well-being without any expectations. These free yoga classes will be hosted by Cradle to Career and led by Dr. Juko Holiday. Please click on these links Yoga Flyer (English) Yoga Flyer (Spanish) to view more information concerning the yoga classes.
Yoga Class @ SLVE
Yoga Class @ SLVE
Rainbow Conference Saturday, September 28th
The Safe Schools Project is proud to announce the Rainbow Conference — a day of celebration, community, and learning for young people and the adults who support them.
Saturday, September 28, 2024
9:30 am – 2:00 pm at Watsonville High School
Elementary school students and their families are invited to join the Rainbow Glitter Kids track, a full day of learning and fun especially for LGBTQIA+ kids and families.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
It is VERY important that all cars have the student placard in the front windshield when picking up your student. It allows staff on duty to see the name and call the student so they can be standing and ready to get in your car quickly. Thank you for following this very important pick up protocol
We are really needing to focus on safety during our pick up time each day. As a reminder, the far right lane is the ONLY lane that you may idle in to pick up your student. The middle lane is a drive thru lane only for parents who are driving up to park. If cars stop in the middle lane, buses CANNOT get up the hill to pass without going into the far left lane which is the exiting lane. There have been some close calls and unsafe situations where cars are stopped in the middle lane when buses are making the wide turn to go down the driveway to head out onto Highway 9. We would also like to remind you that the parking lot in front of the school office is reserved for teachers/staff only. Please do not stop there to drop off or pick up your student. We appreciate your role in helping to ensure the safety of our SLVE students and families.
Bus and School Lunch Information
We will continue to provide free lunch to all students this year. We do ask that you complete the application on the district webpage. It is very important that ALL families complete this form, as it helps us with funding in several different areas.
If your child will be riding the bus this year and will need a bus pass, please make sure you purchase your bus pass online here. Once you log in to LinqConnect you will see "School Store" on the bottom right hand corn. Click that to buy your pass. Any questions contact the Transportation department at 831-336-2223
Please complete the Transportation Registration Form for all students riding the bus. Should there be a school bus breakdown, closed route or a route delay, School Messenger will not contact you unless your student(s) are registered.If you do not have your student registered by Thursday, 08/29/24 your student will be left at the school and sent to the office. For more information please call the Transportation office at 831-336-2223 or email Heidie at hoconnor@slvusd.org.
Thank you for your understanding.
-Transportation Department
Attendance Matters
As we head into our second month of school, we continue to emphasize the importance of daily attendance for your student.
We know people get sick, people get injured, and there can be family or life responsibilities and other issues that are reasonable and excused. But if your student can attend, they need to be in school.
If your student is out for three or more consecutive days, we may request a doctor’s note to continue excusing the absences. Students who miss 3-5 days will receive a Chronic Absence letter. We will then meet with those families to attempt to support the student attending school. On the second Chronic Absence Letter, families may be required to meet at the District Office to put a plan in place for the student’s attendance. On the third Chronic Absence Letter, families may be required to meet with the County Office Student Attendance Review Board for truancy. Our goal is that nobody ever gets that far along with truancy. We are here to help and support, but it does start at home with the expectation that your student will attend school regularly.
Please remember that students who are absent 3 days or more should complete an independent study contract. Lisa Ghelardi, at lblairghelardi@slvusd.org our SLVE Registrar, will work with families to get the paperwork and the missed classwork assignments needed to complete the contract.