Updates from the QCSD BOE
January 2024 Newsletter

Superintendent's Report
Dear Quakertown Community,
As we embark on a new year, I want to extend my gratitude for your continued support and dedication to our schools. As superintendent, I am committed to positively impacting the lives of every student by expanding transparency, collaborating within the community and representing our district with QCSD pride. Our achievements from last year demonstrate the commitment and undeniable spirit of our students and staff. Your hard work as a community further strengthens our efforts to achieve our goals of providing academic excellence and preparing our students for the future.
I also want to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of our school board members who are an integral part of our success. January is designated as School Board Recognition Month, providing an opportunity for us to recognize these exceptional individuals who go above and beyond for all QCSD schools and our students. Our school board members, hailing from diverse backgrounds, unite with a shared goal on the board: facilitating the growth, learning, and enjoyment of educational experiences for our students. They collectively work towards this common objective, daily, showing a profound commitment to the well-being of our educational community.
In their roles as dedicated citizens serving students and representing our community, these individuals confront complex and demanding challenges with unwavering dedication. Their voluntary commitment to the substantial responsibility of governing school districts exemplifies what it means to be extraordinary advocates for our students.
On behalf of our schools, I extend my deepest appreciation to our school board members for their tireless efforts and the undeniable impact they have on shaping the present and future of QCSD students. Your dedication does not go unnoticed. I am grateful for the collective commitment to excellence in education that they exemplify.
Working together, we will continue to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our students while working to provide every advantage they need for academic success. As collaboration between parents, teachers, and the community is key in achieving these goals, I encourage you to actively participate in these efforts by staying connected through our social media and district websites.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership in shaping the future of our students. I wish our students a successful and fulfilling academic year ahead.
Dr. Matthew Friedman
Superintendent of Schools
Message from the Board of Education President
Dear Quakertown Community,
I am honored to be the newly elected Board of Education president and I will be sure to represent the Quakertown community pridefully and responsibly.
As the first semester comes to a close, I want to recognize and acknowledge all the hard work of our students. It’s truly inspiring to see these students’ dedication come to fruition. We have a lot of amazing opportunities in the works, including the newly expanded dual enrollment classes that truly reflects the excellence Quakertown produces. I am continuously impressed with our student representatives and all they share with us on a monthly basis, including updates on athletics, academics and extracurriculars.
I am looking forward to working with our new team of board of education members as we move into the second semester.
Todd Hippauf
Board of Education President
Watch the Full Board of Education Meeting Here
Student Recognitions
Each meeting the Superintendent and the Board of Education recognize stand out students at each school in the district. During this meeting 130 elementary students and 33 secondary students were recognized. These recognitions include Leaders of the Month, Tiger 200 Club Winners, students who are Consistently Pfaff Proud, students who represent Panther P.R.I.D.E., PBIS Student Representatives, and Students of the Month. Congratulations to each and everyone of these students who make Quakertown proud!
Report from the Student Representatives
Student representatives, Aislin Magalengo, Jaelyn Taylor, and Sophia Wang engaged in conversation with board members about the new daily Pride schedule beginning in the second semester. They noted that they will benefit from having Pride every day with the AM/PM rotation. Students discussed highlights from academics, extracurriculars and the success of the winter athletic teams.
- The RIASEC model will support students being more aware of themselves as learners along with career interests.
- Dual Enrollment course selection is beginning, and many students are talking about these classes with high interest.
- Pride of Quakertown has been organizing activities such as a Trivia Night
- Skills USA–UBCTS students competed, and many students were awarded recognitions. 25 students earned first place, 24 students earned second place and 9 students earned third place. First place winners will move onto states in early April.
Meet your board of education
Todd Hippauf, President, Tenure since 2021, Region 1
Glenn Iosue, Vice President, Tenure since 2021, Region 2
Ron Jackson, Member, Tenure since 2014, Region 1
Jon Kern, Member, Tenure since 2015, Region 2
Joe Lyons, Member, Tenure since 2023, Region 3
David O'Donnell, Member, Tenure since 2023, Region 1
Brian Reimers, Member, Tenure since 2019, Region 3
Charles Shermer, Member, Tenure since 2021, Region 3
Chris Spear, Member, Tenure since 2019, Region 2
The Board recognizes that communication to and from them is important. You may contact all members of the Board, and Superintendent Dr. Matthew Friedman, by emailing board@qcsd.org. Before bringing your matter to the attention of the Board of Directors, however, please be sure you have provided your local team with an opportunity to help: your child’s teacher(s), the building principal and staff. Thank you.
Committee Reports
Click the button below to watch each committee meeting.
- Update on the Comprehensive Plan
- Update from the Portrait of a Graduate committee
- Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
- Enrollments
- RIASEC model and implementation
- Yellow Days Discussion
Policy Committee: (1.04.24)
- Reviewed 11 policies - new or needed changes
- Reviewed 2 policies to be retired
Finance Committee: (1.11.24)
- District Office Furniture
- Upper Bucks County Technical School Capital Projects
- Act 172 - Active Service Volunteer Tax Rebate Program
Facilities Committee: (1.11.24)
- Trumbauersville Borough Water
- Multi-Purpose Field Update
- Milford County Emergency Shelter Agreement
- Multi-use Field Network
Communications Committee: (1.23.24)
- Update on New Website
- Update on Social Media
- Consistency in Communication
- Update from the Communications Firm