News from WI Alpha Delta Kappa
July 2024
I chose the theme "Flying Together" for the 2024-2026 biennium. Geese are our guiding force behind this theme. They fly further together, support each other when things are tough, take turns leading, cheer progress and are loyal to their purpose. These characteristics follow the guiding principles of Alpha Delta Kappa.
WI Excellence in Education candidate, Angela Steinmetz
WI sisters attending North Central Regional Conference
WI Zeta sisters, Beth Smith and Shana Kupfer presenting Mindfulness
Wisconsin had eight sisters join other states from the North Central Region at the NCR Conference held on July 19-22, 2024 in Des Moines, IA. We attended many informational sessions, learned about the new membership onboarding process, and enjoyed spending time together. New NCR president, Jennie Johnson, shared her new logo for the 2024-2026 biennium.
In each of my quarterly newsletters, I want to show support for all WI Alpha Delta Kappa chapters. If your chapter provides support for local schools/teachers, please send photos and explain how your support helps. If there is a sister in your chapter that is going through a difficult time, having health issues, celebrating a special event in their life, share the information with me so that it can be included. Carolyn Faren, WI State Communications Committee Chair, will use this information to provide support to all WI sisters.
Ruth Tschanz - WI Omicron, death of sister
Sonya Stevens - WI Psi, health issues
Frances Thurston - WI Nu, health issues
Jan Kosower - WI Nu, knee surgery
Congratulations to all of our new state and chapter officers. The International website provides training videos for all offices at both levels. Login to the International website, click on the Members Only link, Resource Library, Chapter Officers or SPN Officers to locate the office information and videos. My plan is to contact each state and chapter officer and provide a ZOOM session sometime in August to assist in this learning process. Expect an email from me sometime soon to coordinate a date/time.
At the WI state convention in April it was decided that a scholarship committee should be established to assist with decisions regarding both the Kathryn Saunders and Barbara Beetow grants. This committee will review all grant applications, choose the top applicants and share their decision with the state executive board, who will make the final selections. We need 3 to 5 sisters to volunteer to be a part of this committee. Time commitment should be minimal and can be done virtually or via email. If you are interested in being on this committee, please contact me as soon as possible. Applications for the Kathryn Saunders grant will be sent out shortly.
On Friday, October 11, 2024, the state executive board will meet at noon to begin the process of updating the WI State Policies and Procedures Manual. All state officers and committee chairs should plan on attending this meeting. A ZOOM option will be provided if you can not attend in person.
On Saturday, October 12, 2024, the fall executive board meeting will be held. All WI sisters are welcome to attend this meeting. A ZOOM option will also be provided.
State Executive Board Meeting
Saturday, Oct 12, 2024, 09:00 AM
Nitty Gritty-Sun Prairie, East Linnerud Drive, Sun Prairie, WI, USA
Kim Gloede, WI Tau, visits Project C.H.E.A.R.
We are so proud to have one of our own WI sisters selected to visit the Alpha Delta Kappa World Understanding Project C.H.E.A.R. in Tanzania!! Kim has posted information and photos from her trip on the WI State website. Take a look at all the amazing things they did!
Educators are Heroes!
Congratulations to WI Omicron for being selected as one of the chapters to receive an Educators are Heroes award! This award is a new part of the International Membership Committee. Chapters selected to receive this award receive $75 to plan a membership event during the summer months to help with recruiting new members. Omicron sisters are planning to attend the Back-to School meeting for the Monroe School District and share goodies and information about Alpha Delta Kappa.
Distinguished Program Award
Chapters are encouraged to apply for the International Distinguished Program Award. The deadline is August 31, 2024. I know that there are many amazing programs the WI Alpha Delta Kappa chapters have had in the past year. Let International know about the wonderful things your chapter does!!
Alpha Delta Kappa Distinguished Program Award
Application Guidelines & Adjudication Criteria
The Distinguished Program Award recognizes chapters with outstanding programs that reflect the purposes of Alpha Delta Kappa (World Understanding, Excellence in Education, Altruism, Inclusion/Diversity/Equity) as well as programs that focus on personal enrichment. Distinguished programs are unique, creative, and/or innovative. The programs provide ideas for other chapters to use when planning programs, and they promote attendance and involvement of members and prospective members.
Applicant Eligibility:
● Chapters may submit one program from June 1 to May 31 of the most recent program year.
1. Access the online application platform via Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari browser; do not use Internet Explorer.
- > Foundation > Awards, Grants & Scholarship >
Distinguished Program Award> Application is due at 11:59 PM (CT). The Deadline for
2023 has been extended to August 31st at 11:59 PM CT.
Save or print a PDF copy of the application
Receive a confirmation email from Kaleidoscope stating application was submitted
Ask questions about the A∆K program - contact the Program Coordinator
Ask questions about online application platform - contact
Application Questions:
Program date
Number of Active members in the chapter.
Number of Limited members in the chapter.
Number of Honorary members in the chapter.
Primary Focus of the program (World Understanding, Excellence in Education, Altruism,
Inclusion/Diversity/Equity, or personal enrichment)
Title of the Program.
Describe the program. (100 words or less)
Why was the program unique, creative, and/or innovative for your chapter? (100 words or less)
Describe the format of the program (lecture/video/guest speaker). (100 words or less)
Describe the opportunities for member interaction and engagement during the program. (100
words or less)
What was the impact on members, the chapter, and/or the community? (100 words or less)
Explain how the program supports AΔK’s purposes and mission. (100 words or less)
Describe how other chapters could replicate/adapt the program. (100 words or less)
How many chapter members attended the program?
Were prospective member(s) invited to the program? (yes or no)
How many prospective members attended the program?
Upload photos of the program. (Maximum 3 photos—one can be a logo of the program
10 Points awarded for each of the criteria below.
Describe the Program.
Why was the program unique, creative, and/or innovative for your chapter?
Describe the format of the program.
Describe the opportunities for member interaction and engagement during the program.
What was the impact on members, the chapter, and/or the community?
Explain how the program supports AΔK’s purposes and mission.
Describe how other chapters could replicate/adapt the program.
How many chapter members attended the program?
Were prospective member(s) invited to the program?
How many prospective members attended the program? (Bonus)
Photos Submitted
Total Points Possible: 100
A minimum score of 85% is required for Recipients.
The decision of the committee is final. Under no circumstances should committee members be contacted requesting justification for their decisions.
Altruistic Support
When Alpha Delta Kappa sisters are asked what they like most about the organization, altruism is always included in the responses. One way altruism support is provided directly to Alpha Delta Kappa sisters is through the Alpha Delta Kappa Disaster Relief Fund. This fund provides sisters a way to receive funds for assistance when unforseen circumstances happen. When I was the FL State Treasurer, many AΔK sisters received assistance from the Florida Disaster Relief Fund through an application process. The words of appreciation that sisters expressed were truly moving. Please consider making a donation to this altruistic program that directly supports AΔK sisters!
AΔK Month
Information regarding Alpha Delta Kappa Month will be sent out to chapter presidents from our state AΔK Month Chair, Marilyn Thompson. Please share this information with your chapter AΔK month chair.
Featured Chapter
WI Psi
Each newsletter for this biennium will be featuring one of the WI chapters. Since I am still rather new to the state of Wisconsin, I chose to feature my chapter, WI Psi, as our first.
Kay Worden, the Wisconsin Alpha Delta Kappa Expansion co-chair, and Richard Carlton, North Fond du Lac principal, were friends. Ms. Worden approached Mr. Carlton about an interest in Alpha Delta Kappa. Jan Hulderson spent many hours and made/received many phone calls organizing the new chapter. WI Psi chapter was chartered on January 21, 1978. There were 15 charter members. They were all active teachers at North Fond du Lac or Pier Elementary. Many meetings were held in homes or at school. They also met socially and laughed together. Altruistic sales were held at the local mall to raise funds. Another way funds were raised was holding an annual Fashion Show where prospective members were invited. Many members attended conferences/conventions. Psi Chapter still has 5 charter members. Members have been an active part of the WI state board for many years; Jan Hulderson, Sonya Stevens, Mary Ann Salter, and currently Joanne Loy, Arlene Danielson, and Diane Grunloh.
Executive Board Members
Each newsletter will introduce you to State Executive Board Members. This month we feature:
I have been a member of Nu chapter in Eau Claire for 38 years. I have served in most positions at the chapter level and have been on the state board for many years serving as President of Council of Presidents, Memorial Chair and Chaplain. I taught first grade in St. Cloud, MN, and Eau Claire, WI, but am now enjoying retirement.
I look forward to continuing as WI state chaplain. I share a message and prayer at each of our board meetings as well as at the state conference and conventions. Because I enjoy crafting, I usually have a small treat to go along with my message. I also assist the state Memorial Chair with the memorial service each biennium.
My goal as Ernella Hunziker Committee Chair is to have a candidate for our grant (#ONE), and also to do more research on the past recipients of the grant to find out what they are doing at this time!! I have been a member of WI Zeta for 20 years. It was my pleasure to serve as the WI State President during the 2000-2002 biennium.
I was initiated into FL Gamma Pi chapter in February 1998. Through my years in Florida I was chapter president three different bienniums and chapter treasurer too many times for me to count. I became the FL State Treasurer during the 2016-2018 biennium. My husband and I moved to Wisconsin in 2018 when I became a transfer sister to WI Psi. I have served as the WI State Historian, WI State Technology Committee Chair and currently, WI State President. My personal goal for the biennium is to reconnect all WI sisters and their chapters...FLYING TOGETHER!!
Important Dates
- Chapter Cash Flow Report - Due August 30, 2024
- Distinguished Program Award - Due August 31, 2024
- Chapter Yearbook to State President - Due October 1, 2024
- Chapter 990-e postcard - Due October 15, 2024
- WI State Bylaws to International - Due October 15, 2024
- Chapter/State Needs Assessment - Due October 15, 2024