The Wolf Weekly
NRHS Principal's Newsletter
Newsletter February 4, 2025
Dear NRHS Community.
I hope this message finds you doing well. We are about a week and a half away from February vacation. Our 9th-11th graders will begin the course request process next week meeting with counselors. Teachers are in the process of completing course recommendations for students as well this week.
The Program of Studies for 2025-26 can be found HERE.
Upcoming events:
- 2/4 - Boys Basketball home game
- 2/7 - Early Release professional development day
- 2/8 - Nashoba Symphonic Band
Have a wonderful week!
Warm Regards,
Dr. Kate Boynton, principal
Check out the latest Great Road Podcast featuring a conversation about Mental Health in Athletics
Scholarship Readers Wanted!
Scholarship season is open at Nashoba Regional High School, and the Nashoba Regional Dollars for Scholars organization is looking for Volunteer Readers for the incoming scholarship applications. Scholarship applications will be accepted through March 3. After students have submitted their applications and essays, we will need help reading applications and selecting recipients for the 30+ awards that will be offered this Spring.
Being a reader involves reviewing applications at your home and, later in April (on 4/10/25 or 4/17/25), meeting with a team of readers to discuss and make final selections. New scholarship readers must use a PC (not a Mac). Readers cannot participate if they are parents of Nashoba High School seniors.
The time commitment totals about 20 total hours between mid-March and the April selection night. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved in a local non-profit organization whose mission is to recognize student efforts and to encourage their future success through scholarships. Nashoba Regional Dollars for Scholars proudly offers awards to a diverse group of high school seniors who’ve contributed to building their community through talents, service, and academics.
If you’re interested in being considered as a Volunteer Reader, please email Sara Kilkenny, the Dollars for Scholars Awards Co-Chair, at
Nashoba Drama - Spring Musical
Nashoba Athletics Calendar
NRHS Principal
Location: 12 Green Rd, Bolton, MA 01740
Phone: (978) 779-2257