Tiger Tracks
October 24, 2022
Reminders for week of October 24 - 28
There will be no school on Friday, October 28th. We will have our parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday, October 26th and Thursday, October 27th. We will also have early dismissal at 11:45am on both of those days.
Kindergarten - 6th grade conferences are by appointment. If you haven't already, you may schedule a conference time using the following link:
Conference Scheduler
Middle school conferences are on a first come first served basis. Parents may come anytime during the following times to meet with teachers in the classrooms.
October 26th: 12:00pm - 3:00pm
October 27th: 12:00pm - 3:00pm and 5:00pm - 7:00pm
On Tuesday, October 25th, we have JA in a Day here. Our students love our partnership with Junior Achievement. Homework should be light on this day.
A new traffic update will be going out on Monday. Please look for an email from Mrs. Duff.