TCSS Newsletter
December 2024 - January 2025
Event Spotlight & Recap
Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) Student Support Framework Training
SCG teams attended the Student Support Framework (SSF) overview training this fall, where they received an opportunity to level-set on the levers and essential actions included in the framework.
The training lays the foundation for upcoming grant initiatives, including the SCG Diagnostic. Teams can utilize the SSF Readiness Check to prepare for the SSF diagnostic. This optional tool is available for SCG districts. The tool facilitates a review of current processes, systems, and practices related to the SSF Levers: Mental and Behavioral Health, Student and Staff Safety, Physical Health and Wellness, Supportive Discipline, and Climate and Culture.
Winter Roadshow
SCG/ESC Spotlight:
Upcoming Events
Stronger Connections Grant LEAs
- January 1: FOI Quarter 3 begins
- January 6-15: FOI Quarter 2 submission window
- February 24 - April 17: SCG Diagnostic results submission window
- January/February - Winter Roadshow/SCG Diagnostic training.
- SCG LEAs can begin the diagnostic process after the winter roadshow meeting. Please contact your ESC lead if you need assistance with the diagnostic.
- Conduct a SCG Advisory Committee meeting in January or February.
Student Support Team (SST) Rollout
- January 1: FOI Quarter 3 begins
- January 7: ESC Lead PLC @ 9:00 a.m.
- January 21: ESC Lead Coffee Chat @ 9:00 a.m.
- January 27-February 7: FOI Quarter 2 check-in window
- February 25: ESC Lead Coffee Chat @ 9:00 a.m.
- March 11: ESC Lead PLC @ 9:00 a.m.
- March 25: ESC Lead Coffee Chat @ 9:00 a.m.
- March 31-April 2: ESC Lead TOT PFE Playbook Training in Dallas
Technical Assistance
- Post-climate survey results review and goal-setting.
- Assitance to SCG districts as requested for the SCG Diagnostic.
- Bi-monthly SCG Advisory Committee support as requested.
- Conduct FOI Quarter 2 check-in meetings with SCG LEAs
Advisory Group
- January 14: TCSS Advisory Group meeting in Austin
- February 24: Student Task Force meeting with Dell City
- March 18: TCSS Advisory Group meeting in Dallas
TEA Updates:
SCG awardees now have access to the optional nonacademic needs tracker to begin collecting information on student support referrals. As a reminder, all SCG awardees are required to submit the nonacademic needs Qualtrics survey beginning January 2025, but not all awardees may choose to utilize the corresponding optional tracker. This nonacademic needs tracking tool can be found in the SCG locker as well as a webinar recording with a demonstration of use.
Also new in the SCG locker is the LEA Required Activities page. This document outlines remaining SCG deliverables for the 24-25 SY and includes a helpful breakdown of the SCG data reporting requirements, including the required Qualtrics survey named above.
Budget Tip: TEA encourages SCG campus and district personnel to look at the budget guidance document posted in the SCG locker for more information on allowable costs within this grant program. Please also review the When to Amend the Application page to read through scenarios that describe when a budget amendment is and is not required.
Student Support Framework
Lever 1 Mental and Behavioral Health and Wellbeing
Mental health promotion is a public health concept of primary prevention. It seeks to foster individual competencies, resources, and psychological strengths and to strengthen community assets to prevent mental disorder and enhance well-being and quality of life for people and communities. Mental health promotion is designed to increase knowledge and skills of mental health risk factors and warning signs, as well as provide connections to support services. Mental health promotion activities also seek to reduce stigma regarding seeking help for mental health challenges.
Lever 4 - Supportive Discipline
Systematic Approach to Proactive SupportsEssential Action 4.2 Effective Instruction of Expectations
Choose a time during the day to observe adults and students interacting.
Pay close attention:
- Listen carefully to how adults talk to students.
- Tally how often the adult talks about the replacement (positive) behavior instead of the inappropriate one.
This helps you notice if the focus is on encouraging the right actions.
Check us out on Social Media!
Contact Us
Robin Terry, Coordinator
Mary Scobey, Learning Leader, School Culture & Climate
Jason Norman, Learning Leader, Mental Health
Andi Cochran, Learning Leader MTSS/Behavior
Amy Saysouriyosack, Digital Media Specialist
Barbara Dorman, Administrative Assistant