Hinesburg Community School - August 23, 2024
Dear HCS Students and Families,
Thank you to those who were able to attend the Ice Cream Social; it was a fun event and we loved seeing all of the happy families and being able to connect (and reconnect) with our students. It was exciting to watch parents and students have a "sneak peek" into their classrooms to meet their teachers and see their new spaces.
We look forward to seeing you at many of the "Back to School" events. These events are listed on our website as well as in our newsletter. If you are new to the Hinesburg Community School, welcome to a wonderful learning community!
Suzan and Tim
Monday, August 26: First Day Of School - SCHOOL STARTS DAILY AT 7:45 AM
Wednesday, August 28: Early Release Day (1:40)
Monday, September 2: Labor Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, September 4: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, September 11: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, September 18: Early Release Day (1:40)
Tuesday, September 24: School Picture Day #1
Wednesday, September 25: School Picture Day #2
Wednesday, September 25: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday, October 2: Early Release Day (1:40)
Wednesday. October 2: K/4 EA Open House (5:00 - 6:00)
7:30 - 7:45 Parent Drop Off - Side Door
7:45 AM Bus Drop Off - Front Door
Student drop offs are permitted no earlier than 7:30. Please drop your student off at the side entrance.
If you arrive after 7:45, please drop your student off at the front door and we will write a late pass for any tardy student before heading to their classroom.
Dismissal Times (Regular Days)
2:43- 3-4 and 5-8
2:45 Buses depart HCS
Dismissal Times (Wednesday Only)
1:40 K-2
1:43 3-4 and 5-8
1:45 Buses depart HCS
This year, the 2024/2025 school year, CVSD district school start times (for all schools with the exception of CVU) will be 7:45 and end time will be 2:45, except Wednesdays when we have early release and an adjusted end time. (See our full school year calendar.)
CVSD has made this small but impactful change as a creative way to find efficiencies to support budget cuts. Shifting our start times by just 10 minutes, we were able to fit in up to six additional bus runs for high school support, without adding additional bus drivers.
We understand that adjusting to new start times can be a big change for families. We appreciate your patience as we make this transition. This change is a great example of how even small adjustments can lead to efficiencies. As we move forward in the current budget climate, we look forward to you joining us in being creative and thinking outside the box. Together, we can make the most of our current resources and best support our students. Please feel free to reach out to us using our Connect with Us form to share ideas and thoughts.
The Champlain Valley School District will use a new parent/guardian app, Stopfinder, starting in the 2024-2025 school year. Stopfinder is the easy-to-use, secure, all-in-one app that allows you to have the most accurate information about your student’s bus schedule at any time from anywhere. You will be able to set up alerts to let you know when your bus is approaching for both morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off. Only parents and guardians will be able to see the information for their student(s) unless they authorize others to see their student’s transportation information in the app.
The email address that is currently on file in Powerschool with the district will be used for Stopfinder setup this summer. This is another important reason for families and caregivers to update Powerschool forms when requested over the summer.
Stopfinder can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. Stopfinder will require an invite and registration through the district prior to accessing your student’s transportation schedule. Please watch for a Stopfinder invitation, which will be sent to your primary email address, between August 15 th and August 20th, 2024.
To report attendance updates for your child, please do one of the following by 8:00am:
- email us at hcsattendance@cvsdvt.org
- call 802-482-2106 and select option 1
It is not necessary to let the teacher know that your child will be late or absent but It IS necessary to let the office know. Please let us know the first and last name of your child, their grade or homeroom teacher and the reason they will be late/absent.
If there is a change of plans for end of day transportation, please let us know (using one of the two options above) by 1:00 on early dismissal days and 2:00 on regular dismissal days, so that we have time to process bus notes, contact the classroom teacher and ensure the student has a change of transportation form to give to the bus driver.
If you would like to pick your child up during the school day, please call 802-482-2106, option 3, FIVE MINUTES BEFORE YOUR ARRIVAL AT HCS. This will allow us enough time to locate your child, have them pack up their items and meet you in the HCS office, where they can be signed out.
Would you like to attend a HCS fieldtrip with your child or volunteer to read in their classroom? If so, now is an excellent time to fill out your paperwork for clearance though the District. Once your paperwork is received, please allow 10 business days for approval. Once approved, the clearance is valid for 1 year.
Volunteering & Chaperoning Procedures
Consent Form To Fill Out for Registry - please include a photo ID as well
Welcome back from the Health Office!
We hope everyone had a restful, fun and safe summer! Please read the following updates to help keep everyone healthy at HCS this year.
Annual Emergency Information forms need to be completed for all students. Please be sure to fully complete and submit the ‘Annual Student Health Update’ form through Powerschool as soon as possible. Having complete information on your child’s health, and how to reach you in case of injury or illness is essential. If this information changes during the year, please be sure to update your PowerSchool account. If you need assistance with PowerSchool please reach out to Libby at lkoch@cvsdvt.org
If your child will need medications (including inhalers) during the school year, please have your child’s physician complete a Medication Permission Form, or an Asthma Action Plan. A new form is required EVERY school year. If your child will carry their own inhaler or Epi-pen, the prescription permission form MUST indicate this, so that they are in compliance with our medication policy. All medications must be delivered to school by an adult, in its original container.
When your child is sick, please have them stay home from school to promote healing and to reduce the spread of illness. If students become sick at school we will notify the family. If your child is not well enough to fully engage with their school day expectations we will contact the family to have them picked up.
The health office is located at the end of the preschool/world language wing so your ill or injured child will be dismissed directly from the exterior door adjacent to the health office (by the flagpole). You will need to sign them out at the main office before picking them up from the health office entrance. When you are picking up your child due to illness or injury, please be sure your child calls from the health office rather than their classroom or their own phone. We ask this as a safety precaution so children do not call for a pick-up or leave without notifying adults. Anytime a student leaves the school, they must be signed out at the main office.
In addition, when your child is absent from school, please let the main office know the reason for their absence so that we can track illness trends. The office will let us know about illnesses or injuries and we will be able to appropriately care for your child when they return to school. Finally, if a child is to have any restrictions in activity during the school day due to recovery from injury or illness, please send a physician’s note with the child informing the teacher and nurse of the nature of the problem, requested restrictions, and duration of restrictions.
We want to remind parents that we have students (and adults) at school who are allergic to several different foods or food groups - peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, sesame, wheat, dairy, soy, and seafood. Reactions can range from mild to life-threatening. If students come into contact with or eat these products they could have a life-threatening allergic reaction that would require immediate emergency medical treatment. Strict avoidance is the best way to prevent an allergic reaction. We are asking you to remind your child to please not share food with their friends in the classroom or cafeteria, and to not eat or share food on the bus. Since students eat snacks in classrooms please be aware of what you are sending to school if your child is in a room with a student with food allergies.
If your child received any immunizations over the summer please send/email a copy of their vaccination record so that their health record can be updated. If you need more information and necessary forms regarding medical or religious exemptions, it can be found at http://healthvermont.gov/hc/imm/schoolentry.aspx. A new religious exemption form is needed each school year.
We will work on vision and hearing screenings in required grades throughout the year. If you have a concern about your child’s vision or hearing and would like them screened earlier in the year please let us know.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the health office at 482-6237. We are available during the school day (7:45 AM-3 PM). Immunization records or Medication Permission/Asthma Action Plans can be dropped off at school or faxed to 482-2003.
Thank You,
Shelley Torrey BSN, RN, NCSN
Kelly Marcus, BSN, RN
School Nurses
Dear HCS Families,
We hope you had a wonderful summer! Our fall sports season is quickly approaching. Here are the sports we are offering this fall:
Boys soccer - grades 5-8. If there are too many players, we will only roster 6-8.
Girls soccer - grades 5-8.
Cross Country - grades 5-8
Field Hockey - grades 5-8
All players must be registered prior to the first day of tryouts/practice. Also, players must have a medical evaluation form on file every two years. If you would like to check the status of your medical form, please email hcsathletics@cvsdvt.org. The first day of practice/tryouts is Tuesday, August 27th unless otherwise noted by coaches.
Denise Farmer & Kerri Wallis
In order to have the most up-to-date information when school starts on August 26th, please make sure you complete the annual forms update through the PowerSchool Parent Portal site. Click here to review where to find the forms once you have logged into your parent portal account. Each form should be reviewed and updated, then submitted ASAP. This will ensure that our staff has enough time to review and input your information into our system before the first day of school. Please note that the health form and permission form must be submitted before a student is allowed to go on any field trips.Contact Libby if you need assistance.
Please enroll to receive text messages from the district and/or our school. If you haven't done this yet or if you are new to CVSD, follow the easy steps on this flyer. We don't overuse this method of communication, but it is helpful for reminders and quick announcements. Don't miss out!
Free and reduced meal applications are no longer required. All families must complete the Household Information form found at https://datacollection.education.vermont.gov/HIF/
Vermont has a revised law related to Child Passenger safety in motor vehicles
Effective July 1, for children in the State of Vermont:
Please note: These child restraint system requirements do not apply to busing options that do not have seat belts.
- A child under eight years of age who is not properly secured in a harnessed car seat must be properly secured in a booster seat.
- A child under 13 years of age must, if practical, ride in the back seat.
- A child under 18 years of age who is not properly secured in a harnessed car seat or booster seat must be wearing a seat belt.
Please click HERE for more information.
About Us
Suzan Locke, HCS Co-Principal, Grades K-4
482-6299, slocke@cvsdvt.org
Tim Trevithick, HCS Co-Principal, Grades 5-8
482-6298, ttrevithick@cvsdvt.org
Alicia Kurth, HCS Special Education Administrator
482-6285, akurth@cvsdvt.org
Email: hcsinformation@cvsdvt.org
Website: https://www.cvsdvt.org/hinesburg
Location: Hinesburg Community School, 10888, Route 116, Hinesburg, Vermont, USA
Phone: 802-482-2106
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Hinesburg-Community-School-125786304154731/
The Viking Newsletter is published weekly, when school is in session. It is available on our web site and is also delivered via email. If needed, a hard copy can be provided for your child to bring home. The Viking includes upcoming events, after school opportunities, notes of interest for parents and the community and updates from our school administration.