St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 6.12.24
This week...
My personal highlight of the week has got to be our panto trip! We heavily subsidised the trip for families, to ensure it was accessible to all children, and I think all staff would agree that it was worth the money and effort that went into it. I barely watched the stage during the performance, as I spent most of the time just enjoying watching the children's mesmerised faces!
Thank you, as always, for supporting us to
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
Feel free to follow our social media accounts. Our Twitter has the most photos/videos, but we also have a more limited Facebook account too, designed for those who don't use Twitter!
Our virtue this week is: Generosity
A fantastic example of generosity in action came from our School Council. As you will know, over the past few weeks, they launched an initiative to collect toys for children who may not otherwise receive a gift at Christmas. We are very proud of you, School Council!
This Tuesday, we took our whole school to the Cast Theatre in Doncaster to see Jack and the Beanstalk! I'm sure you'll agree, after talking to the children, that it was a wonderful experience!
At the interval, our Friends of St Joseph's treated each child (and adults!) to an ice cream. Thank you so much, FoSJ - they were delicious!
Royal Navy
On Thursday, St Therese enjoyed a fantastic worskhop from the Royal Navy!
They shared with us what they do, and then taught us how to build and release our very own flares!
Last Friday, St Bernadette's Class (Year 1/2) joined our local primary schools to take part in a dodgeball tournament at Read School! Our children showed super skill and sportsmanship, and managed to win first and second place! Well done, St Bernadette's!
School Christmas Fayre
Last Sunday, we held our School Christmas Fayre! It was a super day and we were delighted to see so many of our families (and lots of local visitors too) in our school for such a happy occasion. Thank you for coming along, and thank you to those of you who gave up your own time to help man the stalls too.
We can't thank our Friends of St Joseph's enough! They worked tirelessly to put together this event (and all the other events they organise too!) and we are so very grateful for their continued support.
TTRS Tournament!
Just a reminder that we are taking part in the BWCAT Times Table Rock Stars Tournament for the first time! See the poster below.
PLEASE encourage your child to log in and practise at home - every game counts towards our score and we want to do St Joseph's proud!
Happy News!
We are delighted to share the happy news that Mrs Tucker is expecting another little addition to the Tucker family! Their baby is due after Easter, and we're sure you'll join us in offering our warmest congratulations!
Attendance Update
Whole School Attendance this week: 95.78%
This week, our attendance is in line with National Average. Well done!
This week, we have been learning...
St Francis Class (Nursery / Reception)
In Early Years this week, we have been learning all about the season of winter and reading the super Julia Donaldson book, Stick Man. We developed our gross motor skills by building an obstacle course in our outdoor area!
St Bernadette Class (Year 1/2)
As part of our History learning, St Bernadette's have been exploring what toys looked and felt like in past decades. Not at all offended that one child asked Mrs Ronicle what toys were like when she was growing up in the 1950s!
St Patrick Class (Year 3/4)
In Science this week, we thought about how rocks can give us clues about the past. We discussed the process of how fossils are formed and how they are imprints of living things from history, both animals and plants. We made our own fossils!
St Therese Class (Year 5/6)
We have been learning about positive relationships in PSHCE this week, and the attributes needed be a good friend. We worked in teams discussing all the skills we need to be a good friend and completed a sorting statement activity. We were very quick at recognising the qualities needed to be a supportive friend and classmate!
Stars of the Week!
St Francis (Nursery/Reception): Olivia
St Bernadette (Y1/2): George
St Patrick (Y3/4): Spencer
St Therese (Y5/6): Ella
Headteacher's Award Winner (for demonstrating our virtue of generosity): School Council
Reading Raffle Winners: Avery, Theo McMahon, Arabella, James, Dominique
Team Point Winners: St Luke
Upcoming Dates
KS2 Carols in Church: Thursday 12th December, 6pm
Christmas Jumper Day (for Martin House): Friday 13th December
Preschool and KS1 Nativity (in school): Tuesday 17th December, 4pm
Christmas Dinner Day: Wednesday 18th December
Carols Around the Christmas Tree: Friday 20th December, 1:30-2pm
School closes for Christmas: Friday 20th December, 2pm
School reopens to children: Monday 6th January
Friends of St Joseph's
A HUGE thank you to you all for supporting the Christmas fayre on Sunday!
It was great to see our lovely little school filled with festive cheer and the children having lots of fun! We raised a very impressive amount of money so thank you too for your generosity.
From the people who baked, wrapped gifts and those who helped run the stalls your time is very much appreciated.
There is just over a week left to sell raffle tickets. We will be drawing the winning tickets in assembly next Friday! Please return any unsold tickets or let us know if you want more to sell!
We hope the children enjoyed their ice creams at the Pantomime- it’s really good to be able to give little treats like this with the funds we raise.
After Xmas Friends of St Joseph’s will be having a little rest before we start to think about events for 2025!
As ever, any help and support is appreciated so please do get in touch with us!
Our email address is:
Please find and follow us on Facebook:
Shout Outs!
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance or via phone/email.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff.
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust: