4J Educator
May 2024, Volume 1

In this message
• Mental Health Awareness: Resources to help improve the well-being of you and your family
• Top Award: 4J occupational therapist honored for her work supporting students with disabilities
• Emergency Response: A refresher on the SHELTER status of our emergency protocol
• Employee Survey: Let us know about your building's culture and morale
• Grant Funding: Eugene Education Foundation accepting applications for projects, programs
• Two-Year Calendar: Review the adopted calendar for the 2024–25 and 2025-26 school years
• Let's Race: You can register for free for Miles on Memorial run on May 27
• Labor Negotiations: 4J, EEA will hold next bargaining session for new contract next week
• The Water Cooler: Check out the latest district-level staff newsletters
Bringing Awareness to Mental Health
May marks Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to recognizing the importance of mental well-being. Our district understands that promoting mental health goes beyond a single month—it's a daily commitment. Our schools strive to create environments of connection, belonging and learning, where students and staff feel supported and valued.
However, supporting mental health isn't limited to the school setting. We want to empower staff with ideas for promoting mental wellness at home and in the community. Throughout the month we will be highlighting resources and initiatives aimed at fostering positive mental health. Join us as we prioritize mental health awareness and work together to create a supportive and compassionate community.
4J Occupational Therapist Honored
A long-time 4J occupational therapist has been recognized for her work supporting students with disabilities so they can be successful in school.
Carol Welch, who has worked for 4J for 24 years, recently received the Judy Rowe Exemplary Therapist Award by two state organizations that support specialists working with students with disabilities. The award, named for a noted occupational therapist whom Welch trained under early in her career, honors Oregon therapists nominated by their peers in education-based practice.
“It’s very much an honor, and it makes me feel special,” Welch said. “It’s nice to see that maybe I’m helping someone somewhere.”
Welch’s colleagues left little doubt that the impact of her work has been life-altering for many 4J students. “Through her compassionate care, thoughtful interventions, and tireless advocacy for our students and our team, Carol has made a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals,” wrote Breeya Gottwald, another 4J occupational therapist and one of six co-workers who wrote letters in support of her nomination.
Standard Response Protocol Refresher: SHELTER
Our district employs the Standard Response Protocol as an important part of our emergency response procedures. The protocol comprises five key actions: Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate, and Shelter. Below are some important reminders regarding the Shelter action. (The first three key actions, Hold, Secure and Lockdown were featured in prior staff e-newsletters; the final key action will be featured in the next edition.)
Shelter! Hazard and safety strategy.
What to do?
Coordinate safety measures tailored to specific hazards, ensuring the welfare of both students and adults. Promptly identify and address any missing individuals; provide assistance for any extra people; and attend to any injuries sustained by students or adults.
When to initiate a Shelter?
Shelter protocols are activated in response to diverse hazards, including tornadoes, hazardous materials incidents (Hazmat), earthquakes or tsunamis. However, our focus in Oregon centers on hazmat incidents and earthquakes.
- During Hazmat incidents: Seal the room by closing all windows and doors tightly. Place damp towels or clothing along the bottom of doors to prevent the entry of hazardous materials. Turn off all ventilation systems to minimize the spread of contaminants.
- During earthquakes: Follow the Drop, Cover, and Hold procedure.
Share Your Experiences as a Member of Team 4J!
Please complete and submit the secure and anonymous online employee feedback survey — the second and final survey for this school year. The survey gathers and compares insights to assess the current culture and morale across 4J's school buildings, district office, and other locations. District leaders will use this data in their efforts to provide an optimal working environment, supporting student success and advancing your career and life goals.
Look for an email, directly from Upbeat, a third-party vendor, with a link to the survey. The survey is open Monday, April 29—Friday, May 10. Thank you. Your feedback is important.
Apply Now for 2024-25 School Year Grant Cycle
You can apply online now for Eugene Education Foundation grants for the coming school year. The application deadline is Friday, May 3, at 11:59 p.m.
Individual grants of up to $5,000 are available for teachers and school staff. Districtwide programs can receive grants of up to $10,000. All 4J staff are invited to apply.
EEF grants fund projects and programs across our district that provide access to an equitable and excellent education, foster a sense of belonging, and provide opportunities for every child to reach their fullest potential. EEF will give priority to grant applications that expose children to a world of possibilities and spark a love of learning; cultivate skills for a diverse range of talents and dreams; and build strong foundations for learning success.
Check Out the Two-Year District Calendar
The school board has adopted the academic calendar for the 2024–25 and 2025–26 school years. Traditionally, the school board has approved a one-year calendar in the spring for the following school year. However, our district believes moving to a two-year calendar will improve planning for families regarding days off and for staff regarding academic initiatives and professional learning. The adopted calendar reflects feedback received from families and staff during the comment period.
Let's Race: Run the Miles On Memorial for Free
Our district is covering the registration fee for the first 400 4J employees who register for the Miles on Memorial runs on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, at Alton Baker Park. The event begins at 9 a.m. and includes 15K, 10K and 5K runs. All events will be chip-timed with common start and finish lines.
Enter code 4JMiles24 at checkout. This code may only be used for 4J employees. If you are interested in registering friends or family members, the fee is $30 per entry. Questions? Reach out to the benefits coordinator for your employee group.
Labor Negotiations Continue with EEA
Negotiators with the district and Eugene Education Association are holding the next bargaining session on Thursday, May 9, at the Ed Center, 200 N. Monroe St. Sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom at the following link.
Recordings of prior sessions are posted on this 4J webpage. The current contract is set to expire on June 30, 2024.
The Water Cooler
District-level newsletters:
- NEW! The Library Lowdown
- NEW! Eco Experience with Eco Chick (eco tips and more)
- NEW! NATIVES Program
- NEW! Student Services Department Newsletter
- NEW! EdTech (technology tips, teaching strategies and more!
- Hadley Herald (tech tips for 4J educators)
- Equity Extra