Discovery Update
January 11, 2021
Message From the Principal
Normally I send out a newsletter once a month, however, these are not "normal" times. The information in this newsletter comes from our nurses and our counselor. I thought it might be helpful as you may be navigating difficult conversations with your children during these tumultuous times so I decided to send it now instead of waiting. I hope you find it helpful.
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Resources for Talking With Your Kids About What's Happening in the News
The events that have been happening in the news are hard to make sense of, especially for kids.
Below are a few articles with tips to help start the conversation:
National Geographic: How to Talk to Your Kids About the Chaos at the Capitol
American Psychological Association: How to Talk to Children about Difficult News
Common Sense Media: Explaining the News to Our Kids
Counselor's Corner
The Love and Logic Institute is offering a FREE live webinar on Tuesday, January 12th at 5:00pm called "Parenting During Uncertain Times." They'll cover topics such as parenting in the age of Covid, helping kids stay motivated in virtual school, dealing with challenging behaviors, and more! Click here to register!
We're in this Together: Fife Family Webinar Series
Join us on Monday, 1/25 for our next Zoom webinar for families! Teachers and parents will answer questions and share strategies they use at home or in the classroom to support student success.
Topic: Encouraging Positive Behaviors with a Positive Approach using PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports - the system we use at school!)
When: Monday 1/25, 10:00am-11:00am
Click here to register!
Have a question you want answered in the Webinar? Let us know!
Is It Time to Replace My Face mask?
Wearing a face mask is the single most important step to preventing the spread of COVID-19, followed closely by hand hygiene and maintaining 6’ of physical distance from other persons. Wearing a mask that covers the bridge of your nose to your chin and fits snuggly on the sides of your face provides a proper fit. A surgical mask or fabric mask with 2 or more layers of tightly woven, breathable material, such as cotton, is sufficient for most instances. When working in higher risk areas, a KN95 or N95 mask may be required.
Surgical masks are intended for single use. Please dispose of them in the garbage can after each use and replace with a clean mask.
Fabric masks can be washed in warm water and dried in the dryer after use. Over time fabric wears down or elastic stretches out. Worn out fabric masks can be disposed of in the garbage. Signs of wear include:
Torn fabric; holes in fabric will allow droplet spread
Loose fit around the ears; stretched elastic no longer provides a snug fit.
Translucent fabric; if you’re able to see through the mask when holding it up to the light, the weave is worn or is insufficient thickness.
KN95 and N95 masks may be worn up to five times provided that they are not visibly soiled and the elastic remains patent. Masks are to be stored in a brown paper bag for at least 24-hours between uses. Dispose of used masks in the garbage can.
-- Your Fife Nursing Team
Discovery Primary School
Location: 1205 19th Avenue, Milton, WA, USA
Phone: 253-517-1200