Maynard's Minutes
February 25, 2025
Marshall High School
Matt Kleinheinz, Dean of Students & Activities Director
Leaota Braithwaite, High School Administrative Assistant
Email: lbraithwaite@marshallschools.org
Website: marshallschools.org
Location: 623 Madison Street, Marshall, WI, USA
Phone: (608)655-1310
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MHSCardinals
Twitter: @MHSCardinals
Syvrud's Snippets
STANDOUT Community,
On Wednesday your child will be requesting courses for the 25-26 school year. Your child would appreciate it if you worked alongside them to help them pick classes that are relevant for their futures. Each child will be sent the Course Description Guide via email to help you learn more about the class selections available. Your child will have to choose 7.5 semester's worth of classes along with Alternatives. When scheduling we have already included the classes that students have to take to stay on track to graduate.
Below is a worksheet to help you see the big picture of classes available for your child at this time. On the top it has your child circle the 16 career clusters that they are interested in pursuing post high school. This information will help you figure out courses that your child may find relevant. A major part of high school is getting students Career/College ready and knowing what they are interested in can help us make High School relevant to their interests.
We are requesting that all current Freshman - Juniors return their forms to the office by March 6, 2025.
- Marshall Public Schools-AcademicCareer Plan -
A helpful tool for students to plan their MHS courses.
Students still need to register for courses in Infinite Campus
Name: __________________________ Phone # ___________________ Grade: _____________
Career Goal:___________________________________ Post H.S. Education Plan_________________________
Circle your interest(s):
Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
Architecture & Construction
Business, Management & Administration, Finance
Arts, Music, Audio/Visual Technology & Communication
Health Science
Human Services
Hospitality & Tourism
Information Technology
Marketing, Sales & Service
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Transportation, Distribution & Logistics
Government & Public Administration
Education & Training
Law, Public Safety & Security
I need to take the following classes in order to be prepared for the next step on my career pathway.
**Be sure to list elective courses in priority order to accommodate scheduling conflicts. 1 credit = 2 semesters.
MHS graduation credits: 26
9- Freshman Year Credits
English 9 ------------------------------------1.0
Biology -------------------------------------- 1.0
Algebra1, Geometry (circle l-------1.0
World History -----------------------------1.0
Physical Ed Course --------------------0.5
________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
Minimum credits 7.0
10- Sophomore Year Credits
English 10--------------------------------------- 1.0
Science Credit ---------------------------------1.0
Algebra II, Geometry (circle level)--- 1.0
U.S. History/AP------------------------------- 1.0
Physical Ed Course:------------------------ 0.5
Health ---------------------------------------------0.5
____________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
____________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
____________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
____________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
Minimum credits 7.0
11- Junior Year Credits
English course: -----------------------------------1.0
Science course----------------------------------- 1.0
Algebra II or Pre-Calc (circle level)------1.0
American Government------------------------ 0.5
Social Studies course------------------------ (0.5)
Physical Ed Course:---------------------------- 0.5
Personal Finance 0.5
______________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
______________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
______________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
Minimum credits 7.0
12- Senior Year Credits
English course ------------------------------ 1.0
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
___________________________ (0.5 or 1.0)
Youth Apprenticeship
Skills USA
On Friday, February 21st the SkillsUSA team went to their last Regional Competition of the year in Appleton. We knew this one would be really tough because of the 22 plus teams that were going to be there. I am so proud to say that two Cardinals came home with medals. Sheldon Stransky took 2nd place in the Job Interview competition and Blake Staplemann took 3rd in the Facilithon.
Although the regular season is coming to an end, I am so proud of the kids for what they have accomplished this year. We brought home multiple medals in most of the competitions we attended. Now we are looking to the State Competition in April.
Marshall is taking five Skills members to the State Competition. Lucas Sclimgen and Carson Connelly in Welding, Sheldon Stransky in the Job Interview, Dalana Russell in Weld Sculpture, and Blake Staplemann in Facilithon. I can't wait to see how we do at the State Level.
Go Cards!!
Cap & Gown Pick-up for Seniors
Pick up is on Friday February 28 during both lunches! Pick-up will be in the concession stand. After Friday see Lea in the office for pick-up!
Visual Arts Night
Noche de Artes Visuales
Science Olympiad Competes at Madison Regional
On Saturday, February 22nd, the Marshall High School Science Olympiad team competed in the Wisconsin Science Olympiad - 2025 Madison Regional Tournament at Hamilton Middle School in Madison. They finished in 7th place overall, with 24 teams from 18 schools participating.
Students who earned medals are as follows:
Violet Ungaro and Chloe Cannon - 1st place in Forestry
Mackenzie Cohoon and Bryan Pertel - 2nd place in Electric Vehicle
Eric Lu and Sheldon Stransky - 3rd place in Chemistry Lab
Eli Garza and Lucian Garza - 3rd place in Robot Tour
Gabriel Armstrong and Chloe Cannon - 3rd place in Geocaching
Chloe Cannon and Mackenzie Cohoon - 3rd place in Horticulture
Sheldon Stransky and Gabriel Armstrong - 4th place in Dynamic Planet
Brief descriptions of each of the 28 events in which students competed can be found at https://www.soinc.org/learn/c-event-short-descriptions.
For the second consecutive year, the entire team was awarded the region's traveling Spirit Trophy, based on votes by event supervisors' perceptions of which group of students best exemplifies teamwork, exhibits sportsmanlike conduct and positive attitude, and shows utmost respect for the rules, supervisors, and fellow competitors. Way to go, Cardinals!
Full tournament results can be found at https://app.avogadro.ws/wi/madison-regional-c/.
General information about Science Olympiad can be found at https://soinc.org/ and https://www.wisconsinso.org/.
In the coming days and weeks, our students will use their experiences from Saturday to refine their expertise and skills in preparation for the Badger Invitational Tournament in Madison on March 15th.
Spring Trap Shoot Team Sign -up
If you are interested in joining the Marshall High School Trap Shoot Team for the spring season email Mrs. Bakken at pbakken@marshallschools.org
Driver's Ed Info
Register for driver education at Marshall High School in Marshall. CESA 2 offers the driver education class and behind-the-wheel driving lessons at Marshall High School.
You can begin the driver education course when you are 14 years and 9 months old. You must be 15 to receive your permit and start behind-the-wheel lessons
We have recently launched a new website which will make registering your teen a quick and simple process.
You can click the link below to bring you to the CESA 2 Driver Education website to create an account:
Set up a CESA2 account to register for courses.
We have the following upcoming course available in addition to the online course at Marshall School District:
Zoom Classroom
Mar 11 - May 13
5:00 pm
- Tuesday
- Thursday
Zoom sessions are held 5-7PM. No class on 3/25 & 3/27. Link for the zoom session will be emailed the day before the first day of class.
Jun 11 - Jul 3
10:30 am
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Zoom sessions are held 10:30AM-12:30PM. Link for the zoom session will be emailed the day before the first day of class.
Jun 11 - Jul 3
8:00 am
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Zoom sessions are held 8-10AM. Link for the zoom session will be emailed the day before the first day of class.
Aug 4 - 26
8:00 am
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
Zoom sessions are held 8-10AM. Link for the zoom session will be emailed the day before the first day of class.
Office Updates
Parents need to call or email the office if a student is going to be absent or is leaving early.
Messages can be left at 608-655-1310 or you can email Lea at Lbraithwaite@marshallschools.org
Class starts at 7:57 am and our day ends at 3:21. Mondays are 7:57 am to 2:15pm.
High School Fees
Fees can be paid in the High School Office by cash, check or card.
Parking Permits
All students driving and parking in the high school lot MUST have a parking permit. Permits are $50 for the year. Do not purchase a permit if your student does not have a valid driver's license.
Students must present their license. They need to provide the following info on the vehicle they will be driving to school - make, model, year, license plate # and color.
The parking fee is prorated by quarter. Parking permits can be obtained in the high school office at any time.
Athletic Fees
Athletic fees for winter sports have been entered.
Course Fees
Course fees have been assessed for semester 1.
Student Athletic Pass
High School Students do NOT need an athletic pass. All MHS students are encouraged to attend home athletic events and support their classmates. Students should have their school ID ready to present for entrance to all home games.
MHS Bell Schedule
Upcoming Events
Due to cancellations/rescheduling. Games will not be listed here. Instead here are the links to each sport so that you can see the most up to date info!
23-26 DECA - State
28 - Cap & Gown Pick up at lunch for Seniors - Concession stand
28 - MHS Drama - Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood - ELEM Stage 7 pm
1 - MHS Drama - Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood - ELEM Stage 1 pm & 7 pm
2 - MHS Drama - Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood - ELEM Stage 12 pm
2-3 Dorian Festival for Band
2 - Track Parent Athlete meeting 5:30pm HS Library
8 - Visual Arts Night 6-8:30 pm HS Commons
10 - Music Boosters Culver's Night - Sun Prairie. 5-8pm
13 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8 pm
15 - Science Olympiad at Waukesha Invitational
17 - Forensics District at DeForest 3-8 pm
18 - ACT Testing Day 9th grade -11th grade
20 - Parent Teacher Conferences 4-8pm
21 - No School
23-28 No School - Spring Break