Mora Elementary Newsletter
February 7, 2025
Shari Hartog is our non-certified Mustang Spirit Award winner for February. Shari is a dedicated ECSE staff member who goes above and beyond to ensure student needs are being met. She can be counted on to help students with challenging moments. Thank you for being positive and committed to the students and staff at MES, Shari!
Global Play Day fun!!!
Today is Global School Play Day. Above is Mrs. Rydberg's class having fun!
Mrs. Mantel's Class had a great time participating in Global School Play Day! They were busy playing with classmates, problem solving, and being creative!
On Wednesday, February 5th, we participated in Global School Play Day. It was such a fun day, and we had the best time playing with our classmates and teachers all day.
“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children play IS serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.” - Fred Rogers
Global Play Day and I Love to Read dress up in Mrs. Kluge's class!
Students in Miss Bakker's 2nd grade class dressed up for I Love to Read month. Thursday was "Wear a shirt with words" day.
Mrs. Hasselfeldt's class had a lot of fun learning about the effects of heating and cooling in science!
Paper Flyers have been sent home for yearbooks. Please click on the photo to order yours now! Orders are due by March 21st. If you did not get a yearbook from last year (23-24), there are still some remaining. You can pick one up from the Elementary Office for $15.
Tatum Reitter Jackelyn Bekius
Grades K-2 Grades 3-6
320-679-6200 X4307 320-679-6200 X4313
Coming up on February 12th, 2025. Make sure to fill out the consent form ahead of time.
- We are just a few days away from Mora Public Schools' Dental Sealant Day! If you signed your student up, please do us a favor and let them know in advance why they’re being called out of class. Thank you!
- The event will take place in the Welia Concessions area, located between the Elementary and High School. If you're planning to bring your preschool student yourself, please come between 8:30am-11:30am or 12:30pm-2:30pm. Please come to the High School door A8 and check into the office; you will need your ID.
- A special note from the MN Dental Sealant Program: "Our goal is to do the most good in the time that we have with your students as we can. Because the number of consent forms returned varies at each school, the services we provide depend on the number of kids we will see in one day. Not every student receives all the services they signed up for. The main thing we try to do is see every student that wants to participate. This helps us gauge the amount of students that need sealants. If there is a large number of students, we may plan additional days at your school the following year to fulfill that need."
- Please contact shaunacronk@moraschools.org or contact your school's health office with questions. Thank you!
Dear Mustang Parent/s or Guardians,
Listed below are guidelines to follow if you're unsure when to send your student to school or not, as well as the COVID guidelines. Please remember, our students need to be healthy in order to learn successfully. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers 4 free covid tests to households. Here's the link to order from: https://special.usps.com/testkits
Thank you for understanding and helping to keep our schools safe!
Contact Us
Email: kleach@moraschools.org
Website: Moraschools.org
Location: 200 9th Street, Mora, MN, USA
Phone: (320)679-6200
Facebook: facebook.com/MoraElem