Tiger Parents
Colony Meadows Elementary School News 5-17-24
Happy Friday!
Please see campus and district news below. New Information will have a "New Item" graphic next to it.
Last Day of School: May 23~ Early Release 12:10.
The campus will be closed to all lunch visitors.
Congratulations to our Tigers: Newbery Film Festival
Elbert, Rocco and Sophia were all finalists for awards at the 90 Second Newbery Film Festival. Sophia was able to take home the award for Best Animation while Rocco took home the award for Best Cinematography and the overall Best Picture Award, which awarded the school $1,500.
Congratulations to our Math League Texas State Champions!
I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! Our CME Mathletes team emerged victorious at the Math League Texas State Championship contest on May 11, clinching the State Championship title. Additionally, four of our outstanding students have secured spots in the upcoming National Championships contest in June. Please join me in extending heartfelt congratulations to all our CME Mathletes students for their remarkable achievements.
Big thank you to Jian Yuan- CME Mathletes Club Sponsor!
Yearbook Message from PTO
Good afternoon parents,
I know there have been many questions about when the yearbook is going to be delivered, and unfortunately, we do not have good news. We received notice from the processing plant that the plant is running on a delay and they cannot give us an estimated date of delivery at this time. The company will be sending autograph pages so that the students can have autographs done and put those in the yearbooks when they arrive. When we have an estimated date, we will let everyone know. We will have a distribution day at the school. We apologize for this inconvenience, however, our hands are tied with the processing plant delay.
May Volunteer Opportunities: Tiger Store
May volunteer opportunities! Click here to sign up to help PTO run the last Tiger Store of the year, and help students spend their hard-earned Tiger Bucks! You must have a background check to volunteer!
Tuesday, May 14th:
Thursday, May 16th:
2024-2025 School Supplies through CME PTO
Place your order for 2024-2025 school supplies through CME PTO. School supplies will be delivered right to your child's classroom for pick up at Meet the Teacher in August. Contact vips@cmepto.org with any questions!
Click here to order: https://www.educationalproducts.com/ShopPacks
(School Code: col018)
CME PTO Thanks You!
CME PTO wants to thank each and every volunteer who contributed their time and talents this year. We could not do it without you! Check out all the amazing things this partnership has brought to our school!
Gifted and Talented Parent Newsletter – May
2024 Summer Reading Club
Attendance Counts!
CME Weekly Attendance Rate
Attendance Rate: 5/6/24 - 5/10/24
District Goal is 95.3%
Top Campus for the week: Commonwealth: 97.35%
CME Weekly Attendance: 96.31%
CME Cumulative Avg: 96.18%
Highest Cumulative Avg: Commonwealth 96.96%
End of Year Award Ceremony
2nd- 5/20 @ 9:30
3rd- 5/21 @9:30
4th- 5/22 @ 10:00
5th- 5/23 @ 8:30
SAILS & ABC- 5/23 @ 10:30
Please make sure to bring your ID and allow yourself time to park and check in at the front desk. Visitors MUST have a valid ID or passport to pass vestibule doors.
FBISD Summer Meals
This summer, the Fort Bend ISD Child Nutrition Department will connect children 18 and younger and enrolled students with disabilities up to 21 years old with healthy, no cost summer meals. For the children who rely on school meals during the academic year, these meals offer a source of good nutrition when school is out for the long summer vacation.
The district will announce summer meals dates, locations, and times mid-May. Please contact Child Nutrition at (281) 634-1855 with any questions or visit us on the web for summer meals updates at www.fortbendisd.com/childnutrition.
Crossing Guard Needed
CME will need a Crossing Guard for the 24-25 school year.
Wellness Corner: Clinic News with Nurse Casmir
Clinic News: Wellness Corner
The clinic is in need of some Medium Large size shorts/pants for our 3-5th grade boys. If you have any donations, the clinic will appreciate it!
Furthermore, due to the rainy weather we have had, there are spots on the playground that are muddy and we have had some accidents where the kids play a little too close to the mud and get their clothes dirty. The clinic does not have enough clothes to supply everyone at school, so if you can please send your child with a change of clothes to keep in their backpack in case they need it that would be very helpful.
- All medication or medicated things (such as medicated ChapStick or cough drops) must be signed into the clinic by a parent or guardian. Medication must also be signed out by a parent or guardian. A student cannot bring medication into the clinic or out of the clinic.
- All over the counter medication must be in an unopened bottle and can only be kept in the clinic for 15 days unless we are given a doctor’s order by the student’s pediatrician.
- Students are not permitted to carry medication in their backpack. Not even cough drops, tums, or allergy medication.
- Each student needs their own medication. Siblings cannot share one medication.
- Please visit this link for the proper paperwork for different medications: Behavioral Health & Wellness / Student Health Forms (fortbendisd.com)
When your student has crutches, wheelchair, scooter, or anything limiting mobility including casts and splints, a doctor’s note needs to be sent to the nurse. We make sure that all teachers are properly informed and physical activity restrictions are followed. We also plan emergency evacuation plans in case of emergency. Please notify the nurse at angie.casimir@fortbendisd.com
If your student has a fever or vomiting/diarrhea, they need to be home 24 hours fever free (without the use of fever reducing medication), or vomiting/diarrhea free for 24 hours, before returning to school.
Distribution on Non-Instructional Items
Non-Instructional items:
- CME allows the distribution of non-school materials by community members and students in accordance with Fort Bend ISD Board Policies GKDA Local and FNAA Local. This procedure does not apply to distribution of food, which is addressed in the FBISD Student/Parent Handbook. On our campus, the following procedure applies:
- All non-school materials must be distributed digitally using the District’s PeachJar platform. More information can be found at: https://www.fortbendisd.com/Page/94565.
- All materials must involve age and/or developmentally appropriate materials for students
- Items distributed will need to be approved by an administrator prior to distribution at least 24 hours in advance. Items may not be edible.
Dismissal Map
Please see the attached map for car rider dismissal. During Meet The Teacher Night, all parents will complete a form on how their child will go home on the first day of school and for the remainder of the school year. You will also be asked to choose your child's Rainy Day Plan. (This typically only refers to any of our front/back walkers/bikers). Parents will be able to have the option of having their child be a walker/biker "Rain or Shine" as long as it is safe to so. This means staff will walk students to the front/back walker/biker drop off location.
If your child has siblings attending CME, the students' dismissal location will be with the oldest sibling with the EXCEPTION of PK. For safety, PK will not move. If a PK students has an older sibling, the sibling will join the PK student at the front car rider line.
Due to the fencing and new playground requirements, parents who meet their walker/biker will need to wait for their walker/biker in the designated areas.
FRONT Walkers/Bikers- Front walkers/bikers will be escorted to the grassy area next to Childtime Daycare and Sweetwater.
BACK Walker/Biker- Back walkers/bikers will be escorted to the grassy area by Colony Meadows Sub-Division.
Please see attachment below for a map of the designated locations.
Rainy Day Dismissal
RAINY DAY Dismissal
- During a rainy day dismissal, parents will not be able to walk up to the campus to pick up students as this will disrupt our dismissal process.
- The campus monitors the weather via radar and by what the weather looks like outside CME’s doors. We will make a rainy-day dismissal decision and communicate via Blackboard email at 3:00 p.m. It is important that students follow their rainy-day dismissal plan. Any changes must be in writing to the teacher.
- Parents may choose for their child to walk/bike “Rain or Shine”. This means they will walk/bike home in the rain as long as it is safe to do so. (No lightning or tornado/hurricane winds etc.)
o Front/Back Car Riders- Will be dismissed from the car rider location as usual. (No change)
o Extended Day- Will be picked up by extended day staff as usual. (No change)
o Biker/Walkers-*If the students are walkers/bikers "Rain or Shine", students will be dismissed from their front/back walker location as usual. (No change)
o *All other walkers will follow their alternate rainy-day plan (Most likely car)
o Day Care/Extended Day- Will be dismissed as usual (No change)
o Bus- Will be dismissed as usual (No change)
SEVERE Weather Rainy Day Dismissal
SEVERE Weather Rainy Day Dismissal
- In the event of severe weather, parents will not be able to walk up to the campus to pick up students as this will disrupt our dismissal process.
- “Rain or Shine” walkers/bikers will not be released to walk if the weather is severe (lightning, tornado, hurricane winds etc.)
- At 3:00, I will notify parents via blackboard email if it is Rainy Day Dismissal and if Rain or Shine bikers/walkers will be released. If it is SEVERE weather and we are not releasing rain or shine bikers/walkers, they will need to be picked up as a car rider in a car through the car rider pick up line. Parents will not be able to walk up to the front office to check out their child as the dismissal process will be in progress. Priority will be given to the parents that are in the car rider line.
- Once we dismiss most car riders, any left-over students will call parents to see whether they are on their way or if they would like us to release their child to walk IF it is safe to do so. Again, this is after most car riders have been dismissed. The process will be much faster if everyone adheres to the procedure and stays in the car rider pick-up line.
In order to volunteer at a CME event, every volunteer must complete a Background Check each school year online. We encourage all adults to complete one before school begins. The verification process takes a few business days.
Parent resources can be found on the FBISD main webpage. Including information about bus routes, extended learning, district calendar, and more!
The best way to contact the school is via phone between 8:00 am -4:00 pm on weekdays at 281-634-4120 or via email to specific staff members.
Alternate Contact in Blackboard:
BlackBoard is our mass messaging system. If you would like to add an alternate contact to ensure both parents/guardians receive emails from FBISD and CME, please follow the attached directions below.
Here are some additional websites that are great resources for school information:
FBISD Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/
CME Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/CME
CME PTO Facebook: Colony Meadows Elementary PTO
Twitter: @FortBendISD, @CME_Tigers
Instagram: @cmepto.org
5/20- 2nd Award 9:30, CHS Senior Walk 9:00
5/21- 3rd Awards 9:30
5/22- 4th Awards 10:00
5/23 Last Day of School Early Release Day 12:10 No lunch visitors, 5th Awards 8:30, SAILS/ABC Awards 10:30