WBMSHS Principal Update to Families
Dear WB Community,
I hope this newsletter finds you well. Please take some time to read it and learn about all the great things happening at the MSHS and the community. I hope it can provide you with some important information and give you a glimpse into what we are doing throughout the school year.
As always please feel free to reach out to us at any time with any questions or concerns.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Page
Upcoming Events
- 11/04/24 - School Committee Meeting - 6:00pm
- 11/10/24 - Lion's Club Fall & Holiday Craft Fair - 7:00am - 4:00pm
- 11/12/24 - National Junior Honor Society Induction - 6:00pm
- 11/12/24 - WB Music/Art Booster's Meeting - 6:15pm
- 11/13/24 - Monthly Booster's Meeting - 6:45pm
- 11/14/24 - Special Town Meeting - 5:00pm
- 11/19/24 - WB SEPAC Meeting - 6:00pm
- 11/20/24 - Principal's Coffee Hour - 8:00am
- 11/22/24 - Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference - Grade 7 & 8 only - 12:00pm - 2:00pm
- There will be virtual options for those unable to attend in person.
- 11:00am dismissal for all students in grades 7 & 8
- 11/22/24 - Drama Production - Ride the Cyclone - 7:30pm
- 11/23/24 - Drama Production - Ride the Cyclone - 7:30pm
- 11/25/24 - Picture Re-Take
- 11/25/24 - Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference - 4:30pm-6:30pm
- There will be virtual options for those unable to attend in person.
- 11/26/24 - Parent/Guardian Teacher Conference - 4:00pm-6:00pm
- There will be virtual options for those unable to attend in person.
Guidance News
The Financial Aid Night will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 5:00pm-6:00pm in the high school auditorium. More information will be emailed as we get closer to the date.
On November 6, 2024, The U.S. Navy will come to visit our juniors and seniors and The University of Rhode Island will come for a visit on November 8, 2024. Both visits are open to all juniors and seniors who should sign up in the guidance office prior to the visit date.
Seniors - Important deadline dates to remember when applying to colleges:
Early Action for College Applications - November 1st or November 15th (depending on the school) Please check in with your guidance counselor early and often!
Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School visited our middle school students today, November 1, 2024 during powerblock.
Recognitions - Gratitude
Congratulations to Ava Harkins for being the first West Bridgewater Volleyball player to obtain 1,000th career assists. Great Job Ava!
Garden Club
Thank you to Olson's Greenhouse and Matthew Piscitelli for helping the garden club bring some beautiful color to the courtyard. The beds have been turned and the bulbs and plants have been planted. We can't wait to see the colors that pop this Spring.
Staff Appreciation
We appreciate the hardwork of our staff each day and try to find small ways to show it. The SEL, Social and Emotional, Committee is hosting a coffee and pastry appreciation hour for staff each month in the teacher's dining room. This would not be possible without the support of our local businesses. A special thank you to South Shore Weight Loss for sponsoring this morning's breakfast.
Class of 2025 - Important Information
All seniors, PLEASE check the spelling of your name for the yearbook in the email Mrs. DeLorenzo sent you last week. The deadline for your Senior bio/picture section of the yearbook has been extended until Wednesday, NOVEMBER 6, 2024. Please use the google form sent to you to submit your bio and the link provided to upload your photos. Please see Mrs. DeLorenzo or Mrs. DeSimone with any questions.
Senior Quote & Bio - All seniors should fill out and submit their Senior Quote and Bio on the Google Form that was sent to you. These MUST be submitted no later than Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Be advised that no late submissions will be accepted! This date had been extended from the original due date of 10/15/24.
Senior Photo/ Baby Picture - All pictures must be uploaded using this link Yearbook Snap - Picture Upload *Access code for Yearbook Snap: weebeewildcats02379 ******Do not email your pictures to us.
All photo submissions MUST be uploaded to Walsworth Yearbook Snap! ****LABEL YOUR BABY PICTURE FILE WITH YOUR NAME OR WE WILL HAVE NO IDEA WHO IT IS! *Please upload the largest photo possible (25MB max)
Clubs & School Activities
Fall Drama Performance
Tickets for WB Drama Club’s first production of the year, Ride the Cyclone, are now on sale! This popular musical delivers great laughs and a thought provoking message about what makes for a life well lived. Performances will take Friday 11/22 and Saturday 11/23 in the WB Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.
This show is recommended for ages 12+ and will use strobe lighting and theatrical haze. The cast and crew have been so hard at work and are so excited to share this piece with the community. Grab your tickets now as both performances will sell out. Enjoy the ride!
Tickets can be purchased below:
Senior Halloween Parade
The tradition of the Halloween parade continues! Seniors dressed up and visited all three elementary schools. The younger students enjoyed watching the seniors parade through in their costumes. Special thanks to Lucini Bus Lines for helping us make this happen for our students at the Rose L. MacDonald School.
Department Halloween Challenge
Congratulations to the Fine Arts/Technology who were victorious!
Middle School Pumkin Contest & PB Challenges
Middle school students were invited to participate in a pumpkin contest on Halloween. Pumpkins were brought to the auditorium in placed in a catagory of their choosing. Staff voted on the pumpikns throught the day.
Wildcat leaders visited the middle school homerooms to discuss an important topic: If I Knew Then What I Know Now. The presentation sparked a lively discussion, with middle school students asking questions and sharing key takeaways. This activity not only provided valuable advice but also helped bridge the gap between grade levels, fostering mentorship and strengthening the school’s culture. By engaging students in these meaningful conversations, we create a supportive environment that encourages learning, collaboration, and personal growth—building a stronger, more connected school climate.
Additionally, upperclassmen Grace, Serena, and Jag joined Mrs. Aiello-Jones’ 7th grade homeroom in a game of vocabulary review. It was quite amusing to test their past knowledge in this competitive game.
Video Club
Encourage your student to try something new. Join the Video Club! The club meets every Monday after school and is open to all students in Grades 7-12. Come by and find out what this unique club has to offer!
Ski Club
It’s getting cold outside and Ski Club sign-ups are already under way! Ski Club packets were handed out to students 3 weeks ago. Packets and money are due November 25th. We are also offering jackets and sweats this year! Ski Club is open to all high school students regardless of ability. Any questions should be directed to Mr. Cray at scray@wbridgewater.com
Team Captain's Visit To The SSS
A Peek Inside Classrooms
World Language
Students in Señora Oliveira’s classes have been learning about the legend of the Cucuy during this spooky season. Students have completed listening activities and read stories about various interpretations of the Cucuy and are now creating their own! Using their knowledge of descriptive adjectives and body part vocabulary, students are writing their own descriptions in the target language, drawing their very own Cucuy and presenting it to the class to demonstrate their speaking abilities. This activity has been a great way to infuse cultural competency into our own Halloween season!
Students in Ms. Martin’s Civics classes put on a simulation of the Articles of Confederation, this led students to use public speaking skills, debate, historical analysis, and understanding of governmental functions that are weak or strong! Students represented the various states and quickly realized the Articles were not working! This will lead us into out next unit on The Constitution! It is great to see students trying their best and applying what they have learned to class debates! Great job!
Social Studies
Students in the CGA classes are learning about their civic responsibilities and the election process. We will be holding a mock election using the Massachusetts Ballot for our area and then comparing our results to the state and national results. Students will need to research the issues and the candidates voting in all elections!
Students in Mr. Nenopoulos' United States History class engaged in the Constitutional Simulation Project. Students had founding father's roles which they researched and debated. They explored how compromises served them during the forging of our nation. Additionally, they are planning a field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts to see the America's Wing and more on December 4th.
Students in Mrs. Parenteau's seventh graders science class worked on balancing chemical equations using skittles as a visual! Students loved the activity and were engaged.
Students in Mrs. Warnock's Biology class worked on a unit that explained how different body systems work together to maintain life functions. The explanation needed to include how red blood cells carry oxygen to body cells and how villi transfer nutrients to the blood for body cells.
To accomplish this task, students built a moving model of the body. They were tasked with making one moveable organ and demonstrate how red blood cells act as "rafts" for nutrients, gases and wastes throughout the body. Students did a phenomenal job creating colorful, scientifically accurate models of the body and filmed videos to make a living model of how the circulatory system operates in the body. Special emphasis was placed on the alveoli of the lungs and the villi of the small intestine, and their role in nutrient and gas exchange. Some of these models will be available to view at parent teacher conferences with some student representatives who are excited to explain their projects!
Students in Ms. Blye's eighth grade science class completed a lab with glow sticks exploring temperature change.
TV Production
Students in Mr. Mael's TV Pro class were out and about working on camera angles and lighting along with editing their products for review. This basic knowledge is vital to create products for class.
Senior intern, Zach Lefferts, spent time with his supervisor, Mr. Cray. Zach uses his internship time to gain greater knowldege in film and production. Mr. Cray offers positive yet constructive feedback on projects Zach creates.
Guitar Class
Students in Mr. LeMarier's guitar class worked hard playing their guitars. Students are at various levels of ability and did a great job.
Students in Mrs. Mischley’s AP 12 have been presenting their summer novels as they teach them to the class. They review all aspects of the novel they chose and showcase a musical playlist that adheres to the themes and character traits in the novel. The best part is they have to field questions and comments from the audience (their peers), allowing them to show off their knowledge.
“Do ghosts exist?” Students in Mrs. Mischley’s AP 11 class are learning how to curate, evaluate and synthesize information with this spooky Halloween prompt. They will be focusing on supporting their position while entertaining contrary positions to help strengthen their arguments. A lively debate will decide which position is the strongest- science or things that go bump in the night.
Forensic Science
Students in Mrs. Pope's Forensic Science class collected fingerprints and examined them to identify distinct patterns.
Art II
Art 2 students are developing observational skills through the study and drawing of a skeleton, focusing on shape, form, and the relationship between different elements. Students are challenged to draw from life, using correct proportions and textures. To get into this mindset students complete an upside drawing to practice drawing what they actually see versus what they think they see. After the warm up they finish an initial sketch in their chosen viewpoint. Students then transitioned to final paper and had to complete the project in india ink, focusing on filling the page with a strong composition, creating recognizable objects using value and texture. Once students shaded with at least 6 different values metallic paints could be added for accent color or highlighting.
Student Artwork
Engineering and Design
Students were tasked with answering the question "What is the mechanical advantage of pulleys and wheels?" To do this, they experimented with six different setups to explore how changing the design of a pulley or a wheel can make a task easier to do. Students will be using this information as part of an ongoing project where they must make a design to lift an elephant onto a platform using only simple machines.
Mental Health Matters
A Note From The School Adjustment Counselors
The Power of Kindness
In a culture that often emphasizes the importance of “me” rather than “we”, acts of kindness could not be more important. It is not uncommon for some of our teens to respond to someone sharing their problems with this phrase “Sounds like a you problem”. Often they don’t know the significance of their words. But as we know, what we say to others can be very impactful. In our adult world many of us can be so caught up in managing our own lives that we overlook opportunities to help others. “I’m so busy, I can’t see straight!” is often heard in the adult world.
The power of kindness has been studied and its benefits are multifaceted. From improving our mood by taking the focus off of ourselves to boosting our physical health, kindness is a no brainer.
Being intentional about being kind to others (small and/or big gestures) and making kindness a part of our daily experiences truly can improve the lives of many people. Kindness has a ripple effect.
Check out this article and start your own kindness practice.
A Message From The Athletic Director, Jenn Hammel
Our WB Athletes are wrapping up their regular season and heading into the State Tournament. Make sure to check out the following Fall Sports scores and highlights below. We have many Wildcats that have been nominated for player of the week. Make sure you get online and vote to recognize these athletes! As the State Tournament is approaching make sure to come out and support our Athletes in their tournament games! Don't forget to follow each coach's Twitter, as well as @WBMSHSAthletics, for schedule updates and the most recent game highlights.
It’s time to order your Thanksgiving Commemorative T-Shirt!
Orders accepted through Sunday 11/3 at 11:59 PM!
Follow the Google Form Link. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctu55EEff0XYdPdkT9IdnOjFIfCjJFc3LImoXXf6PdoQBT5g/viewform
If you can not order through the link send your order via email to vikingsportsparents@gmail.com
Fall Sports Schedules:
Arbiter Live Link - https://arbiterlive.com/Teams?entityId=25160
Check out our sports schedule using the link above!
Power-Rankings: MIAA Power Rankings are out! The first release of power rankings each season generally will be 3-4 weeks into the regular season, and subsequent updates will be released each Tuesday and Friday throughout the remainder of the regular season. Final power rankings are published along with the release of tournament brackets for each sport.
Follow the link to check out our Power Rankings and State Tournament Brackets as they are released!
Winter Sports Sign Ups:
This is a reminder that our winter sports season begins on Monday, December 2nd. If you have not signed up please do so as soon as possible.
In order to participate in winter sports starting on Monday, 12/2. Students will need to:
*Register on Arbiter Sports(Formerly FamilyID)
* Must have an updated physical on file, Reach out to Audra Roberts, arobbins@wbridgewater.com to confirm.
*Must pay a $300 fee. If you have played a fall sport and paid the fee you are all set. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hammel.
The link to sign up is below:
The registration for winter sports will close on Wednesday, 11/27 at 9:00AM. It will reopen after the first day of tryouts and close at the completion of the second day of tryouts.
Thank you and Go Wildcats!
Unified Bocce: Our season is well underway for Unified Bocce as we have recently traveled to Walpole and then Canton for competitions. Mark your calendars!! The Bocce Jamboree at WBMSHS on November 4th is fast approaching. Make sure to come out and support all of our athletes!
- In addition, the middle school unified bocce team is selling short-sleeve, bleached dyed t-shirts to raise money for the unified sports program! Our unified teams provide inclusive athletic programming for students of all ability levels.
- T-shirts are $25 and come in both youth and adult sizes! If you are interested in purchasing a shirt, please fill out the google form here or email Ms. Maloney at nmaloney@wbridgewater.com. We hope that you will wear your shirt and come support the team when they host their Unified Bocce Tournament at the Middle-Senior High School gym on Monday, November 4th from 3:30-5:00!
Cheer: The West Bridgewater Wildcats Cheer Team brought their incredible energy and spirit to the Pep Rally as they crushed their competition routine! Great job supporting all of our sports teams with their enthusiasm and dedication throughout the season. They keep the Wildcats' pride strong. While they’re busy rallying behind our athletes, they’re also putting in countless hours perfecting their routines for competition season.
Cross Country: Congratulations to the Girls and Boys Cross Country teams on their performances last Saturday at the South Coast Conference Championship Meet. The girls were led by Conference All-Star Emma Pope who finished 3rd overall out of 55 runners. Senior Ashley Hardiman finished her high school cross country career with a personal record time for a 5K. Despite multiple athletes hurting from illness or injuries, the boys finished 6th overall out of 10 teams. All-Star Alex Kelley finished 7th overall out of 92 runners to lead the way for the Wildcats.
V Field Hockey: Thank you to all who came out and supported the Varsity Field Hockey Team and their kick it to Cancer fundraiser! The team wrapped up their regular season with a 2-0 win over Westport and an overall record of 11-4-3. Stay tuned for the date and time that they are scheduled to play in the state tournament. Good Luck Wildcats!!
JV Field Hockey: The JV Field Hockey team wrapped up their season with a convincing win over Westport! Great way to end the season with a shutout! Great Job Wildcats!!
V Football: The Varsity Football Team defeated Bourne with a Touchdown as time expired. The final score was West Bridgewater 45 Bourne 42. Ryan Nunes had 1 rushing touchdown and 1 passing touchdown. Colin O’Neil had a receiving touchdown. And Ty Holmes tacked on 4 rushing touchdowns and a receiving touchdown.
Congratulations to Tommy Polidori and Ryan Nunes for being named Boston Herald HS
Stars of the week
Golf: With the Golf season coming to an end we would like to recognize and congratulate SCC All Star Aiden Delehoy, Honorable Mentions Matt Walsh and Patrick Harrington and the Sportsmanship Award Winner Colin Maher.
V Boys Soccer: The Boys’ Varsity soccer team lost to Apponequet 6-1 on Monday. They wrapped up their regular season against Seekonk on Wednesday.
JV Boys Soccer: The JV Boys Soccer team lost to Apponequet in their last game of the season on Monday. Great season Wildcats!
V Girls Soccer: The Girls Varsity Soccer team wrapped up the regular season with a 6-0 loss to Somerset Berkley. Stay tuned to see who they will play in the State Tournament next week! Good Luck Wildcats!
JV Girls Soccer: The JV Girls Soccer team lost to a talented Somerset Berkley team 3-0 in their final game of the season. Great Season Wildcats!
Volleyball- Varsity volleyball gets the job done this week. The girls were told to keep up with D2 Somerset Berkeley Wednesday and to finish the regular season strong last night. They delivered!!! Beating Norfolk Aggie 3-1 now sets up post season tournament play at home! Jasmine Paulsen led in serving and attacks. Jasmine went 18/20 with 7 aces, 14 kills, and 18 digs. Ava Harkins went 15/16 with 5 aces, 8 kills and 17 assists. Caydence Jones contributed 8 kills and 3 blocks. The defense was on fire the entire week. Amy Dangoia and Keira Cogavin combined for a total of 95 digs in the week. There is no doubt that these two young ladies will become the best defensive duo in the league. Now onto the State Tournament! Good luck ladies!
JV Volleyball- Congratulations to the JV volleyball team for winning their first match of the season, defeating Norfolk Aggie 2-1! Holly Horton led the way with 4 kills, 6 digs, and 2 serving aces. Kiara Morales went 5/7 with 2 aces and added 3 digs. Abigail Kellogg contributed 3 kills, 4 digs and went 4/5. Colby Lee and Kayana McKinnon each had 4 kills. On defense, Emma Abbott and Saja Chreim made crucial plays that helped secure the victory.
Wildcats Athletic Store:
Check out the West Bridgewater Athletics online apparel store where you are able to personalize and order gear. Check out the link below to create and order your Wildcats Apparel. Let’s Go WB!!
A big thank you to the WB-CAM for live streaming our athletic events! They do an amazing job! Please follow them on Twitter to find out which athletic events are being live streamed. Let's Go Wildcats!
Twitter: @WBCAM0998
Community News
The West Bridgewater Police Department will be implementing the first ever West Bridgewater Middle/Senior High School Cadet Academy program. The program is tentatively set to begin at the end of February and run for 8 weeks (one night per week). The program will be a mix between classroom instruction and practical demonstrations by our local police force. Whether you are interested in a law enforcement career or just looking to educate yourself on the day-to-day functions of our local Police force, we encourage you to sign up! This program will be open to students in Grades 9-12. Please email Officer Packard or visit his office to express your interest. More information to come soon!