GCCC Newsletter Vol. 1 2024-2025
Thank you for choosing to support your singer and their participation in the Grand Cities Children's Choir program!
Our theme for this concert season is Pure Joy! For our young musicians, Pure Joy is felt when a burst of unbridled excitement bubbles up from within, making their eyes sparkle and their faces light up with radiant smiles as they sing. This joyful state is contagious, spreading quickly to those around them, reminding their audience of the magic and wonder that still exists in the world when a group of children sing together.
Each week you will receive an email from your singer's choir director to keep you informed on what's coming up. For big events you will be sent a link to this newsletter which will contain all of the information you need. Be sure to scroll down throughout this document until you see the GCCC logo. By doing so, you will see all of the information contained in the newsletter.
If you have further questions or need clarification on anything, do not hesitate to ask!
Our choirs meet on Thursday evenings at Red River High School (unless the calendar directs otherwise) starting Sept.5th, during these times:
Poco Voce 5:30-6:30pm
Canto Voce 5:30-6:30pm
Accordo Voce 6:45-8:00pm
Primo Voce 6:45-8:45pm
Singers may be carefully dropped off at Door #1 (the door directly across from the football field). The safest procedure would be to pull up on the right next to the curb instead of dropping off your singer from the left hand lane to cross in front of the right hand lane of traffic. Someone will be at the door to direct you to the rehearsal rooms.
Below you will find a link that will take you to our rehearsal and performance calendar for the year. Please feel free to print a copy to put on the refrigerator or utilize this PDF on your digital device of choice. Note that periodically Red River HS has events that require us to meet at an alternative location. That location is Sharon Lutheran Church (right next door to RRHS to the east). Those particular dates are indicated on the calendar.
Parent Registration Night will be Thursday evening, September 5, at Red River High School and will take place while the choirs are rehearsing. It is imperative that at least one parent attend this event in order for their singer to continue coming to rehearsals. The process is organized and usually flows smoothly. Each parent will receive a passport with 4 table stops they need to make. Someone will sign the passport when each area's task is complete and will be kept at the final table. The stops are Registration, Uniform, Volunteer, and Payment.
REGISTRATION - Pick up registration card and double-check all information.
UNIFORM - On the payment form, please indicate whether you already own a uniform or if you will be purchasing a new one. If you have a polo shirt you would like to resell you may attach a self-addressed envelope to the shirt and drop it off at Red River HS between 4:30-5:00pm on Sept. 3.
VOLUNTEER - We ask that you sign up for one of the many ways that you can help. There are a variety of tasks to fit every schedule!
PAYMENT - Payment of tuition for the year, as well as for uniforms, can be paid via cash, check, or credit card. Get into Mr. Nelson's line that night to discuss Tuition Assistance needs.
•Poco and Canto parents should attend anytime between 5-6:30pm
•Accordo and Primo parents should attend from 6:45-8:00pm
How to eliminate standing in line for a long time?
•To expedite your waiting time, you may go to the links below to print, complete, and sign the 2 forms to be used in the registration process. Bring them with you to Parent Registration Night. Forms will be available at the site.
•Another way to expedite your waiting time is to know what size of polo shirt your singer will need. Look at the photo below and measure a shirt that your singer has at home that fits well in the manner indicated. Compare those measurements with the measurements in the chart to determine the size to be ordered. Sample size shirts will be available, but will require time to determine fit.
Special thanks for the time, energy and effort contributed by Maggie Nistler (GCCC Artistic Director), Sara Twite (GCCC Operations Director), Greg Nelson (GCCC Finance Director), Kecia Peters, and our numerous parent volunteers who help to make this evening possible!
Take these 2 measurements of a shirt at home that fits your singer well.
Compare the measurements from the pre-owned shirt with those on this chart to determine which size of shirt to order for your singer.
Every year we engage all of our singers in a fundraiser for our organization. Tuition that is collected covers staffing, music and day-to-day operational costs.Our fundraiser assists us in offering more enrichment opportunities for our singers such as performing our concerts at the Chester Fritz Auditorium and transportation that allows us to take our music throughout Grand Forks and outside our city limits.
The fundraiser is Butter Braid Pastry Dough. Each pastry sells for $14. Our goal is for each singer to sell a minimum of 5 pastries, with GCCC receiving $5.50 on each product sold ($5 on 4 Cheese & Herb). Just mention the name Butter Braids in your neighborhood, workplace, or friend circle and you will find many who will want to stock their freezers for the holidays!
Singers will bring home instructions, order forms, and a money envelope on Thursday evening, Sept. 19. The sale will run for 2 weeks with order forms due on Thursday, October. 3. The Butter Braids will arrive on Thursday, October 24th for singers to pick up and deliver.
Email: grandcitiescc@gmail.com
Phone: 701-777-2818
Facebook: facebook.com/grandcitiescc
Instagram: @grandcitiescc